Chapter 29.

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I wake up to my phone vibrating on the bedside table, making the most annoying noise going.

S= Sophia J= Jason

S: hello?

J: Sophia! We expected you home yesterday. Where the hell are you?!

Perri rolls over and leans up onto his elbow, frowning down at me. I pull my phone away from my ear and click on loudspeaker. I rest my phone on my chest and listen to Jason's rant.

J: I never thought that you, YOU, would do this. Do you know how much stress you are putting on this family right now.

S: I'm not going to apologise because I needed to get away, you and mum were stressing me out!

J: now your just being ridiculous! How dare you! You know what? I don't have time for your silly games.

S: I don-

He cut the call off. Jason cut the call off, and he said I was being ridiculous!

"He never seemed so rude when I came down to yours." Perri states.

"He's never been like that- ever." I sigh, rubbing my face.

We sit there for a few minutes just thinking about everything.

"C'mon!" Perri says whipping back the covers. "Let's get some food."

I chuckle and follow Perri downstairs. I perch on the stool next to Mitch whilst Perri tries to make pancakes for us all.

And I mean try.

One got stuck to the ceiling and another one he flipped landed on the floor.

But he tried.

"Here, I'll take your plate." Mitch smiles, once I've finished.

"Oh, thankyou." I smile, surprised.

"No problem!" He says, placing the plates into the dishwasher.

I head back upstairs and decide on my high waisted blue jeans and my long sleeved crop top. I push my feet into my navy timberlands and grab my makeup bag.

I complete my makeup and leave my hair in it's natural ringlets before plonking myself down onto Pel's bed, contemplating.

"Soph?" Perri says, waving a hand in front of my face. "What's up?" He asks, sitting down next to me.

"I think I need to go back home." I sigh, turning to face him.

"Are you sure?" He asks unsure.

"It's only going to get worse the longer I say down here, I don't want to go back- but I think it's best." I explain.

"Well, I will support you in whatever you choose, and if you need to come back down and you can't afford it, I will pay for the taxi's and train tickets." Perri smiles.

"I can't ask you to do that, but thankyou." I sigh, resting my head on hi shoulder.

"I will, because I want to, I'll always pay for anything that you need." He replies, kissing me softly ontop of my head."

I kiss him gently before we head downstairs and grab our things, heading out the door to his car. I slide into the passenger seat, Perri getting in next to me and starting the engine.

"You know, I can't wait until I can drive." I state, as we drive down the busy streets.

"Your old enough now aren't you?" Perri asks, glancing over before focusing back on the road ahead.

"Yeah, and I was saving money for lessons, but I spent most of it coming down here." I chuckle, checking twitter. "It's cool though, I've got a job, so I can make the money back."

"You will be able to drive down here more often!" Perri exclaims.

"Yeah, I will!" I smile.

We pull up outside the studio and get out the car, heading inside. We say hello to Danielle and Jenny before carrying on into Studio 1. I take a seat on a stool by the stereo and help out with the music changes.

During the break, I go with Mitch to get the Nandos that Ashley ordered earlier. Perri would've come aswell but Ashley wanted him to run over his flips- so it's just me and Mitch.

I open the passenger door and slump into the seat, buckling up my seatbelt. Mitch does the same and pulls away from Dancework. We drive in silence for a few minutes before I decide to break it.

"So, have you got a girl on the scene?" I smirk.

"Nope." He replies, shaking his head. "Well, there is a girl I think is really beautiful."

"Ooooo, have you told her?" I ask, looking over at him.

"No, I can't..." He sighs, signalling into Nandos.

"Why not, I bet the girl would love to hear it!" I exclaim.

"She's already in a relationship." He replies, looking disappointed.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sure there are other girls just as beautiful." I say, trying to make him feel a bit better.

We collect the Nandos order and head back across the carpark. I never thought that the boys would eat so much chicken! I have 3 bags in each hand, plus Mitch has the same, maybe even a few more. We place all the bags into the boot and get back into the car.

The roads are fairly quiet, so we get back to the studio pretty quickly. Mitch opens his car door and I do the same, I swing my legs out and begin to get out when Mitch calls me back.

"Sophia?" He asks.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" I reply, concerned.

"It's you." He says, before getting out and closing his car door.

"I don't understand?" I continue, furrowing my eyebrows and following him to the boot.

But then it clicks.

"Me? The girl is me?" I question, grabbing some Nandos bags.

He doesn't reply, just grabs the bags left and closes his boot, walking towards the studio. I jog after him and stop in front of him, blocking him. I glance behind into the studio, but no-ones there.

"Answer me Mitch! I'm the girl that you think is beautiful?"

"Can you blame me?! Look at you! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He sighs, looking down at his feet.


"It's fine Soph, I know your with Perri." He answers sadly, walking around me and heading into the studio.

I shake my head and make my way inside and into studio one, passing over the bags to Jordan. I sit down next to Perri and sigh. He pulls me into a hug, not saying anything.

"What happened with Mitch?" He asks.

"Nothing, why?" I reply, looking up at him.

"He just seems really down." He shrugs.

"Oh, he seemed fine in the car." I add. "I've booked my train ticket for tonight."

"Tonight?! Why tonight?" He says, pouting.

"I'm sorry, it's just I'd rather get it over with and get back tonight and sort things out when Archie and Leela are asleep."

"Here you go Soph!" Jord smiles, passing me my food.

"Thanks!" I reply, giving a small smile.

"What's with the sad faces guys?" He frowns.

Before I can even open my mouth Perri answers for me.

"Soph's going home tonight..." He sighs.



Hope everyone had a good Christmas, I'm so grateful for everything I received.🙏😍

Let me know if you enjoyed this part👌👀

Unedited 😁😅

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