Chapter 11.

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I sit bolt upright, frowning from the loud ringing noise that is my alarm. I slam my hand down, turning it off and sliding back the covers.

I'm so tired, we didn't get in till late last night.

I slide off my pyjamas and change into my super high waisted jeans and my stardust cropped sweatshirt.

After cleansing my face, I apply my makeup and straighten my knotty hair.

My phone starts to ring, so I lean back and grab it- smiling at the name appearing on my screen.

'Hello Afro!' I chuckle.

'Morning curly!" He chuckles back.

'How come your calling so early?'

'I just wanted to know if you were tired?' He says.

I know he's smirking down the line- you know when you just have that feeling?

'Yes! I'm so tired!' I exclaim.

'I thought you would be!' He chuckles.

'I bet your laughing about it!" I say shaking my head.

I stand up and sit down on my bed, leaning over to put my shoes on.

'Hello? You there?' I hear Perri ask.

'Yeah, sorry I dropped my phone.'

'Numpty! Anyways, have a good day at 6th form.'

'I will try!'

'Speak to you later.'


I pull my phone away from my ear and smile down at the screen. That's made my morning alittle brighter.

I head across the corridor and into the bathroom, brushing my teeth before grabbing my bag and phone. I jog downstairs and into the kitchen. I place my bag on the kitchen counter and head over to the fridge.

"Sophia! How many times do I have to tell you about putting your bag on the kitchen counters!" She says dumping my bag into the floor. "I'm going to start charging you soon!"

"Sorry!" I sigh, before tucking into an apple.

I make sure I have everything I need in my bag before heading outside the door and meeting Clara.

"Are you as tired as me?" She says whilst yawning.

"You bet!" I agree.

We walk to school, chatting about random things and the boys.

"So, is there anything you want to tell me about Sam?" I smirk.

"Um, nope." She says shaking her head. "Why?"

"Clara please! I already know your talking!" I say pushing her playfully. "Like c'mon, Perri told me."

"Fine! Yes okay we are talking." She says giggling.

"You guys are so cute!" I smile.

"So are you and Pel!" She says nudging me.

I shake my head and look at the floor. Nothing will ever happen- he's Perri Kiely from diversity!

I walk to tutor humming the tune to 'sorry' by Justin Bieber. I push open the heavy door and smile at mr Graham.

"So, the girls in this tutor have told me about yours and Clara's rondevu with diversity..." He announces.

"It wasn't a rondevu." I sigh. "We got invited down, so we went." I say slumping into my seat.

"Well, I've heard that you were very friendly with the one who has an Afro." He pesters.

"Afro has a name, and it is Perri." I correct. "And for your information, we were simply smiling at each other, nothing more."

"I expect you haven't done your weekly tutor homework then, that's due today?" He continues.

"Nope." I say shaking my head. "As you can see, I was preoccupied." I smirk.

The bell finally rings and I exit the tutor room heading to first lesson. That happened to be English.

"Did you get questioned about the boys?" I ask Clara when I see her.

"A few of the girls asked, why?" She says furrowing her eyebrows.

"Oh because I had Mr Graham wanting to know everything." I exclaim.

"He's just jealous!" She chuckles.

We look at each other and burst out laughing. I do love Clara.

1st and 2nd lesson past by relatively fast. I spot Clara by the benches, and head over to her.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I take a seat opposite Clara and pull it out, grinning at the screen.

From Pel 🙈: me and Sam were talking and we think that us four should do something for Halloween?👻😅x

I look up at Clara who was waiting for me to tell her who had text me.

"Do you want to do something for Halloween with Perri and Sam?" I ask, watching her face light up.

"Omg! Yeah, of course!" She beams.

To Pel 🙈: yeah sounds fun! How about Tulley's farm: shocktober fest?😋😏x

I lock my phone and pull out a bag of crisps, tucking into them. As soon as I pop the first crisp into my mouth, the bell goes signalling 3rd lesson.

"Why do I never get to finish my food?!" I groan, standing up.

I head to maths and slump into my seat. I try to pay attention, but I just can't help getting distracted.

"Sophia?" My teacher calls, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Hum? Sorry what?"

"Nevermind, you weren't paying attention." She huffs.

Finally the day ends and I trudge home. I unlock the door and head inside, dumping my bag and slipping my shoes off.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and notice a text off Perri from an hour ago. I unlock my phone and open it.

From Pel 🙈: just looked at it, seems amazing- let's go!🙌👀x

To Pel 🙈: sorted!😝 shall we meet there?😏x

I grab myself some food and a bottle of fanta. I make myself comfy on the sofa and change the channel to music.

From Pel 🙈: yeah okay, shall we meet for 7? So that it's dark and scary!😁😅 because I know you love scary things...😂x

I chuckle to myself. Pel knows.

To Pel 🙈: yeah sure👌 you know me so well 😐😅x

I lock my phone and wonder where my family have gotten to. I heave myself up and jog upstairs into my bedroom.

I drag my jeans off and pull on a pair of joggers. I tie my hair up and out of my face before taking all my makeup off.

Once I've got a bare face, I head back downstairs and collapse onto the sofa. I close my eyes slowly and fall into a light sleep.


Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a few days. 😁


Don't forget to comment and vote, because your good at that!😅🙌

Hope you enjoyed this part.🙏x

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