Chapter 26.

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I roll over and grab my phone. I push some strands of hair out of my face and click the home button.


I sigh and place my phone down, back onto the bedside table.

"Can't sleep?" Perri asks, rolling over and flicking on the lamp.

"Nope, sorry if I woke you." I reply, squinting from the light.

"It's cool, I can't sleep either." He says, turning to face me. "If it means anything, I think you did the right thing."

"Oh, because you get to see me!" I chuckle.

"There is that, but seriously, it's better for you to get away and go back happier then staying there and be miserable." He explains.

"Yeah, your right." I smile, kissing his softly on the cheek.

He wraps his arms around me, kissing me on top of my head. We fall asleep listening to each other's heartbeats.


"Do you want some cake?" Mitch asks as I step into the kitchen.

"Cake? For breakfast?" I chuckle. "Go on then."

"Yeah, we always have it!" Mitch explains, cutting me a piece of chocolate cake.

"Thanks." I smile, taking the plate and sitting down at the table.

Perri trudges down the stairs, pushing his hair out of his eyes. He cuts himself a slice of cake and slumps into the seat next to me, knocking into me jokingly.

"So, what's the plan for you then?" He smiles.

"Well I was thinking of staying here for a few days? If that's okay? I've got enough money to stay at a hotel if it's a prob-" I begin.

"Sophia!" Perri chuckles. "Of course it's okay!"

"You sure?" I ask uncertain.

"Positive!" Perri smiles.

"Of course!" Mitch adds.

"Thankyou, both." I beam, kissing Perri quickly.

I finish my 'breakfast' and grab my bag from by the door, heading into the bathroom.

"We are going to the studio in 30 minutes." Perri calls from the other side of the door.

"Okay!" I call back.

I pull on my hype two piece sports gear and wiggle myself into some black joggers along with a zip up jacket.

I brush my teeth before heading back into Perri's room so Mitch can use the bathroom.

"Oh sorry!" I say covering my eyes as I spot Perri stood just in his underwear.

"God Sophia! It's cool." He chuckles, pulling on a pair of black jeans.

I sit down at the bottom of his long mirror and complete my makeup, brushing out my knotty hair in the process, letting it fall over my shoulders in natural curls.

"Your hairs hella curly today!" He exclaims, standing behind me.

"Really? You can talk." I chuckle, looking up at him.

I stand up and drop my makeup bag into my overnight bag. Two arms snake around my waist and Perri's head rests on my shoulder.

"Is there anything you would like to learn at the studio, because you might as well learn something whilst your here!" Perri asks.

"Yeah there is actually." I smile turning to face him.

"Oh really? And what is that?" He smirks.

"You know when you go into a backbend, then handstand, then you land on your feet? Yeah well that." I explain.

"What?!" Perri chuckles.

"You know, when you like do this, then you end up like this, then you finish like this." I continue, trying to act out what I mean.

"You mean a back walkover?" He asks confused.

"Yes!!!" I exclaim.

"I've got you now! C'mon let's go." He chuckles.

We drive over to Dancework and park up next to Jordan. I step out of Pel's car and follow him into the studio.

"Sophia! What a lovely surprise!" Dani beams from behind the front desk.

"Hey!" I smile, giving her a little wave.

Perri drapes his arm over my shoulder as we enter studio 1. The boys looks surprised then jog over and give me a hug.

"Right let's get started then!" Perri claps his hands together, putting down his phone and keys.

"Oooo!" Jordan says raising his eyebrows. "Watcha doing?!"

"Pel's going to try and teach me a back walkover." I say, giving a little chuckle.

"Well, I would like to see this!" He replies, sitting down in front of the mirrors.

All of the boys follow Jordan and take a seat. I get all embarrassed before taking off my jacket.

"Right, can you do a backbend?" Perri asks.

"Well I could before." I answer, stretching out.

I fling myself backwards and finish in a perfect arch in the middle of the studio. The bosh cheers making me collapse in laughter.

"Now, do that again and kick your legs up into a handstand." Perri teaches, getting ready to spot incase I fall.

I go into a backbend, and kick my legs up just like Perri said. But my legs fall back down before I can get into a handstand.

"Don't start laughing at me!" I call out, laughing at myself anyways.

"Sophia! What are you doing?!" Jason's voice booms from the doorway.

I collapse into a heap and sit up in pure shock. I never thought they would come after me.

"I will ask you again. What are you doing?! Are you trying to give your mum a heart attack?!" He shouts.

"What's going on?" Ashley asks, standing up.

"I will explain everything later." I reply, giving him a faint smile.

"No you won't, your coming home with me!" He says firmly, marching over to me.

"I'm not coming home, I don't want to." I answer, backing away.

"Well you are." He say sternly.

He grabs hold of my arm, pulling me in front of him. I look around at the boys as they stand up and move slightly closer.

He wraps one strong arm around my hips, lifting me off the ground. He begins walking through studio one.

"Get your hands off me!" I shout, kicking my legs.

"Woah, woah. Mate just put her down." Ashley says calmly, quickly following us.

"She's coming home." He says turning around sharply, me still tightly in his grip.

"Let. Me. Go." I struggle.

I look over at Perri with a look of plea. He runs over and starts trying to prise me out of Jason's grip.

"Just put her down." Perri says firmly.

Whilst Jason is distracted by all the boys talking at him, I manage to wiggle myself out of his grip.

I fall into Perri, my heart beating like crazy. I sigh into him, feeling safer.

"Your just like my dad!" I cry, the room falling silent.


Hey everyone! 😋

I'm not ready for Perri to turn 20 on Tuesday 😭 can he just stay this age forever?😅

Christmas is getting closerrrrrr 🎅

Anyways, hope you enjoy this part, don't forget to vote and comment!🙌🔥

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