Chapter 24.

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I stretch out under the covers and roll over grabbing my phone. I check the time before pushing back the covers and heaving myself out of bed.

I shuffle over to my wardrobe and pull open the door, tapping my nails on the wood whilst I search for an outfit.

I decide on my black leggings and my face apparel tee. I push my feet into my superstars and slump in front of my mirror.

I apply all my usual makeup and straighten my curly hair. Once I've straightened it, I brush it out so it's all nice and smooth.

I leave my bedroom and head into the bathroom, doing my business before heading downstairs.

"Morning sweet." My mum smiles. "What would you like to eat?"

"Um, nothing thankyou." I say sighing.

"You sure?" She asks, abit concerned.

"Yeah, yeah. I just don't feel hungry." I reply, giving a faint smile.

I actually don't feel right, you know when you can't be bothered to do anything and you just feel drained by everything? Well, I feel like that.

I wait around for abit before getting my bag and phone. I say bye to everyone and exit the house, meet Clara on the corner- like always.

"Hey, I saw your snapchats! So Perri came down!!" She squeals.

"Yeah!" I say, a smile growing on my face at the thought of Perri.

"You alright?" She asks furrowing her eyebrows. "Soph, what are they?" She questions, lifting up my sleeve.

"My dad." I sigh. "He came back, did this, then got taken by police." I explain, giving all the main details as I didn't really want to relive it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks slightly shocked.

"I haven't told anyone, apart from family and Perri." I reply, sighing.

"That's why he came down?" She says giving me a side hug.

"Yeah, he's honestly amazing." I say, a smile appearing on my face.


He's amazing.

We arrive at the school gates and make our way up the long pathway to the actually building. We enter the warm building and head off in our separate ways to our tutors.

I'm not in the mood for mr Graham today. I don't feel good and he's just going to make it worse.

I walk into our tutor room and roll my eyes at his annoying face staring back at me.

"Nice to see you to Sophia." He says sarcastically.

I slump into my seat and pull out my phone, texting Perri.

"Err, Sophia. I hope that's not a phone I can see." Sir's irritating voice chimes across the classroom.

"No sir." I smile, pushing my phone into my bag.

"Have you met loverboy this weekend?" He asks, perching on the edge of his desk.

"If you mean Perri, then yes." I reply bluntly. "But it's really none of your business."

Seriously, he's starting to really annoy me.

"Did you have a good time, because you've seemed to have gotten some marks on your arms." He nods towards my bruises.

That's it.

"You know what sir? I'm sick of you and your comments!" I say raising my voice and slamming my hands on the table.
"You always sticking your noise in and it p*sses me off."

The look on sir's face- well I can't tell if he's angry or shocked.

"If you really must know, these bruises on my arms are from my dad when he forced his way into my house. And Perri he came down because I was crying my eyes out to him on FaceTime."

Sir's face changes from sarcastic to sympathy.

"Exactly. Yet you and the f*cking school make little comments and remarks about things that are nothing to do with you- and I'm sick of it."

I grab my bag and begin to move my way out of the classroom, tears threatening to fall. I'm sick of being here, every single day he has something to say.

"Sophia!" He calls as I pull open the classroom door. "I didn't mean-"

"Save it sir- of course you meant it." I say sadly.

I slam the door behind me and storm off down the corridor. I wipe away the one tear that runs down my cheek quickly and begin to make my way out of school.

"Sophia!" My head of year calls after me. "Where are you going?"

"Anywhere but this place." I call behind me.

She keeps calling things at me until I'm too far away to understand what she is actually saying.

I text Perri and he calls me straight away.

P- Perri. S- Sophia.

P: Soph, what are you doing?

S: I walked out- and screamed at my tutor.

P: Why? What happened?

S: He was making stupid comments about you coming down. He then noticed my bruises and asked if we had had a good time and basically said you had put them there when we 'have fun'.

P: I don't blame you beautiful, he sounds like a d*ck.

I sniff down the phone as I see my house down the street.

P: hey, don't cry- honestly he's an idiot. Don't let his stupid comments get you down. I would give you a big hug if I was there.

S: I think I need it!

I give a little chuckle and push open the door to our house. I can always rely on Perri to cheer me up.

S: Right, thankyou- I'm home now, I'll call you in a bit.

P: Okay, love you.

S: Love you too.

I lock my phone and kick my shoes off, dropping my bag and heading into the living room.

I turn on the TV and half watch catfish, half relive what happened today. I don't know what's going on really...

Like one minute, my life is perfectly fine- I'm happy- life is perfect.

The next, I get hit by a car- my dad comes back- and my parents are thinking of moving.

I sigh and rub my head: I've given myself a headache.


Hey guys! 😋

Hope you enjoyed this part, I think it's slightly shorter... 😁

UCAP has finished 😭😭😭😭 but it's been amazing and I love watching it!

I'm already super excited for Butlins in March!🙈 second time dancing with the boys 🙌.

Don't forget to vote and comment like you always do!💙

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