Chapter 32.

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I stretch out under the covers and rub my tired eyes, opening them slowly.

"Morning beautiful." Perri says in a tired voice.

"Oh god no, I look terrible!" I scoff, flattening my ugly bed hair.

"Shut up, no you don't!" He chuckles, putting his arm around me, squeezing me slightly.

"So, what have you and the boys got planned for today?" I ask, shuffling myself up the bed.

"Well, Ashley wants everyone; including you- down at the studio by 11." He replies, locking his phone.

"And me!" I chuckle. "Okay, I'm just going to pop into the shower." I say, pushing back the covers.

"Cool, I'll meet you downstairs. Pancakes?" He smirks.

"How could I resist!" I smile, kissing him quickly before heading into the bathroom.

I close the door behind me and head over to the mirror, looking at my shocking reflection before turning around and switching the shower on.

I peel off my pyjamas and step under the warm water, letting it hit my aching body. After everything that's happened recently, this is needed.

I wash my body with Perri's manly smelling body wash and wash my hair with his shampoo- I don't have any of my products with me.

I switch off the shower and grab a towel, wrapping it around myself- dabbing myself dry.

I open my towel fixing it when the door creaks open.

"OMG!" Mitch says spinning around.

I quickly pull the towel around myself tighter and feel my cheeks burning up.

"I-I'm so sorry." Mitch stutters, facing away from me.

"It's fine." I sigh, feeling really embarrassed.

"No, I'm so sorry, I-I didn't realise you were in here." He explains.

"Honestly it's fine." I reassure.

"What's going on?" Perri's voice asks, getting louder as he approaches the door.

"It was just a accident." I smile, Mitch turning to face me, staring me straight in the eye.

Perri furrows his eyebrows as I tighten my towel even more. My wet hair drips down my back and I shiver from only being in a towel.

"Can I finished getting dressed please?" I ask, adding a little chuckle on the end.

"Oh, yeah, yeah- sorry." Mitch says quickly, taking his gaze off me, closing the door.

I sigh and continue drying myself and pull on my high waisted jeans; with great difficulty, and a cropped hoodie.

I rub my hair with a dry towel and drape it over my shoulders, the ends abit damp.

I drop the towels into the laundry basket and head into Perri's room and retrieve my makeup bag- after about 10 minutes my makeup is complete. I stand up and place my makeup bag back in my handbag.

"Soph?" Perri says making me jump.

"Omg Pel, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" I reply, slapping a hand to my chest. "What's up?"

"What happened earlier?" He asks quietly.

"Oh, nothing major- Mitch didn't realise that I was in there and walked in as I was fixing my towel." I explain, again feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Did he see anything?" He questions, gesturing down my body.

"I don't think so, well I hope not!" I answer.

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