Chapter 19.

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I shiver and remove my head off Perri's shoulder. I look around and suddenly realise that we stayed at the lake all night.

"Perri!" I say shaking him slightly.

"Hum, what?" He murmurs, rubbing his eyes under his glasses.

"We stayed out all night!" I exclaim, chuckling slightly.

"Sh*t!" He curses, standing up.

"It's cool, let's just get back!" I say, heaving my stiff body off the cold bench.

We head back to my hotel room so I can get changed. I grab my leggings and navy hoody before heading into the bathroom to get changed.

"You all ready now?" Perri jokes.

"God I wasn't that long!" I chuckle, dragging a brush through my knotty hair.

We head out of the hotel and along the road towards the studio.

"Wait! Don't you want to get changed?" I ask.

"I've got some clothes at the studio." Perri says.

We arrive at the studio and I head into the cafe to get myself some food as I was starving.

Once I'd brought myself something, I head into studio 1 and smile at the boys.

"Where's Pel?" Jord asks.

"He's getting changed." I reply, putting my food wrapper in the bin.

"Why?!" Ashley chuckles.

"Oh, we accidentally stayed at the lake all night." I explain.

"No way! Didn't you get cold?" Jord asks.

"Only when I woke up!" I laugh.

Perri comes back in all changed in a new outfit. We all muck about, joking around and everything.

I love being down here, I hate that I have to go home tomorrow. I wish that I lived closer.

The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly. We all just stay at the studio until 9pm. We order pizza and sit around listening to music.

Jordan tries to explain a story by acting it out, yet ends up tripping over his feet and falling to the floor in a heap.

I nearly choke on my pizza. Not good!


I wake up to the sound of my alarm drilling into my brain. I pat my hand around the covers until the noise finally stops.

I sit upright and rub my tired eyes. I push back the covers and swing my legs over the side of the bed.

I shuffle over to my suitcase and pull out a pair of adidas joggers and my black hoody. I slide in front of the mirror and apply a small amount of makeup and fix my bed hair.

I go into the bathroom, do everything I need, and head back over to my suitcase. I sigh and fill it back up with all of my items.

To Perri 🙈: hey, I'm all ready if you want to pick me up. 😘x

From Perri 🙈: okay beautiful, I'm on my way 😘x

10 minutes later and I'm sat in Perri's car. I kiss him quickly and buckle myself in.

"Starbucks?" He asks, pulling out of the carpark.

"Would love to!" I smile.

We head over to the Starbucks drive through and order our drinks. I get a vanilla hot chocolate and Perri gets a regular hot chocolate.

Once we've got our drinks we head over to the studio so I can say bye to everyone.

Not that I want to.

Because I don't want to leave.

"Sophia!" Ashley beams.

"Ashley!" I say copying him.

He pulls me into a side hug. I gladly receive it, trying not to spill my drink anywhere.

"It will be weird when your not here!" He sighs.

"I know, it's going to be weird not being here!" I say sadly.

I stay at the studio for an hour before I have to leave, otherwise I'm going to miss my train.

I say goodbye to the boys and give them all a quick hug, before following Perri to his car to collect my bag.

"I don't want to go." I say falling into his chest.

He squeezes me tightly, rubbing my back gently.

"I don't want you to go." He sighs.

We pull out of the hug, one lonely tear trickling down my cheek.

"Hey, don't cry. I'll come down to yours soon." Perri says wiping the tear away with his thumb.

"I know, but I'm always so happy when I'm here, and then when I get home I miss you so much." I sob.

He pulls me back into a tight hug, and I wrap my arms around his neck.

I really need to leave now, other wise I really am going to miss my train.

"I suppose I better go." I say wiping my eyes.

"I'm going to miss you." He says kissing me with force.

"I'll see you soon." I say forcing a smile.

"Call me as soon as you get home." He says, opening the taxi door for me.

"I will." I say sliding in.

I give him one last quick kiss before he closes the door and the taxi driver pulls away from danceworks.

Perri's POV:

"How was she?" Ashley asks patting my back.

"Upset." I sigh. "I don't like seeing her like that!"

"I know it's hard mate." He continues. "You've got yourself a keeper."

"Yeah, she's great Pel!" Jord adds. "She makes you so much happier."

"I know." I say, a smile appearing across my face. "She's amazing."

Sophia's POV:

I drag my suitcase into the front door, followed by Jason.

"Thankyou for picking me up!" I say once we are all settled back inside.

"No problem! Just glad you had a good time!" He smiles.

"How was it?!?" My mums cheery face says, appearing from the living room.

"It was so good! Thankyou for letting me go." I say hugging her.

"I'm so glad! No funny business with Pel I hope!" She says raising her eyebrows.

"Oh god no!" I say pulling a face.

"That's what I like to hear!" Jason chuckles.

I jump into the sofa, lying out. I grab my phone and call Perri, letting him know I got home safely.

After having some food and unpacking my suitcase, I collapse onto my bed and relive all the amazing memories from the past week.


Hey people!😋

Another update!🙈

I'm really enjoying writing at the moment- so fingers crossed I get more updates up soon!🙏

Don't forget to vote and comment, all of the heartfelt comments on the last part was amazing! Thankyou💛

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