Chapter 18.

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It's 9am and the sun is streaming through the hotel window. I smile to myself and lean over carefully and grab my phone off the bedside table.

I scroll through social media for about half an hour before I decide to get up. I leave my phone in the mess of covers and head over to my suitcase.

I pull on my black skinny jeans, black lace crop top and my thin cardigan. Even though it looks sunny, it's November- it will be cold out.

I push my feet into my black and white superstars before sitting down in front to the mirror. I apply my usual makeup and straighten my wavy hair.

I take a selfie in the mirror- obvs! Before grabbing my bag, phone and hotel room key.

I head towards the elevator and wait for what seems like forever for the doors to finally open. I step inside and stand awkwardly next to a girl, who looks a similar age to me.

"Sorry, it's just I recognise you from somewhere!" She smiles, turning to face me.

"Oh! Really?!" I reply, surprised.

"Yeah!" She says thinking for a minute. "I've got it! I saw you on Perri's insta. That's it!" She chuckles.

"Ah, I see!" I chuckle, stepping out of the elevator. "I might see you around."

I decide not to call a taxi but to follow the same route and walk it. I've spent a lot of money on taxis recently, and I'd rather spend that money on other things.

After 20 minutes of walking I heave open the main doors and head into the warm and welcoming danceworks reception.

"Don't you look lovely!" Dani smiles, looking up from the computer.

"Aw thankyou!" I beam, looking down at my outfit.

"Go on through Soph, if I'm ever not here just make your way through."

"Okay, thanks." I reply, going on to studio 1.

I pull open the door and smile at the boys. Perri jumps up off the floor and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Hey." I say into the crook of his neck.

"I missed you." He says in a whisper.

I kiss him quickly before a slight blush appears on my cheeks. I scrape some hair behind my ear and take a seat in front of the mirrors.

"Are you sure your okay to stay here? You don't mind?" Perri asks unsure.

"Honestly, I love watching you guys dance! I'm cool to just sit and watch!" I smile.

"That's why your the best!" He winks, before running over to the boys.

I sit and watch them rehearse in awe, I still can't get over how amazing they are. I record some videos for them, and they upload them onto twitter.

"C'mon, up you get!" Perri says pulling me up to my feet.

"Where are we going?" I say adjusting me jeans.

"Somewhere special." He says, giving a cheeky smile.

We begin walking down the road, I don't know where we are going because I don't know my way around Essex.

Perri intertwines his fingers with mine, and we swing our arms slightly as we walk. I look down at our hands and smile. It feels normal, like it's been that way forever.

"Here we are." Perri smiles as we take a seat on a single bench.

It's a peaceful lake, with tall overhanging trees that are inches away from the water. One single bench faces the still water, looking at the breathtaking view.

"Wow." I breath, taking in everything around me.

"I thought you'd like it." Perri smiles, playing with my hand.

We sit in silence, but not an awkward silence, a calming silence. I rest my head on Perri's shoulder and gaze at the lake in front of us.

"This is where me and my grandparents always use to come, every single day after school." Perri says, breaking the silence.

I sit up and turn to face him, wanting him to continue.

"They always use to bring me a bar of chocolate, and my football to me at the classroom." He continues, a small smile appearing on his lips.

"We'd then walk here and sit on this bench- eating our chocolate bars, watching the lake." He says. "Abit like this!" He chuckles.

I also chuckle at this, I've never seen him like this- opening up about himself.

"Then, once we'd finished, me and my grandad, gramps, would take the football down there." He nods towards the grass area in our gaze. "And if it rolled into the water, we would have to roll up our trousers and walk in and get it!"

"You know, I could imagine you walking into the water!" I say, letting a small chuckle out.

"Trust me, it happened often!" He laughs, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"But when they both past away," he sighs.

"You don't have to tell me, if it's too hard.." I say wrapping my hand around his.

"No, I want to tell you." He says squeezing my hand slightly.

"When they both past away, I used to come here everyday after school, just like before- but it was never the same." He sighs. "So one day, I just stopped coming."

I don't really know what to say, how can I respond?

"That's why I wanted to bring you! To create more good memories here!"

I place my hands on his cheeks and bring our lips together. I feel his smile against my lips, before we pull apart.

"Looks like the memories are starting good!" He chuckles.

"Well I'm glad I could get them off to a good start!" I laugh, swinging my legs across his lap.

"I never wanted to bring anyone here, because you know, it was a family place, for me and my grandparents." He states. "But when you walked into the studio this morning, I knew I could bring you here- and the old memories would never be forgotten."

"Perri, I can really see why this place is so special, for you and your grandparents!" I smile. "I'm so grateful you decided to share it with me."

He smiles, and places a soft kiss on my forehead.


Hey! Hope everyone's well!☺️

So sorry about the lonnngggg time between updates, it's just finding the time to write 😩

But, I really hope you enjoy this part! Because I really enjoyed writing it for you all ❤️

Don't forget to vote and comment like always 💛 much appreciated! 😘

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