Chapter 30.

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I place a trembling hand around the door handle and slowly push it open, holding my breath. I step into the familiar hallway and let go of my breath as my heart was beginning to beat faster from lack of oxygen.

I place my bag down quietly and follow the sound of voices towards the living room. I shake my hands, letting out some nerves.

Not really, the amount of nerves tripled.

I push open living room door and stand in front of a shocked looking mum, a cross looking Jason and a beaming smile off Archie. I look at the floor as the staring is making me uneasy.

"Archie, please can you go upstairs?" My mum says firmly, not taking her eyes off me.

I give Arch a faint smile as he walks past me, running up the stairs to his room. I look back over to my mum who pushes her hair out of her face and stands up. Jason continues to stare at me from the sofa, clenching and unclenching his hands.

"I didn't think you were going to come home." My mum says sadly. "Why? Why did you just leave like that?"

"I told you in the note I left." I sigh. "Everything and everyone was stressing me out. I needed to get away to clear my head, get rid of all the stress. But in fact Jason just made it worse- forcing me physically out of the studio; just like dad."

My mum's bottom lip begins to quiver, I feel mine starting to shake. What has my family come to? She wipes her eyes and brushes past me, storming outside into the garden.

Now it's just me and Jason.

"Can you see what you've done to this family? Ruined your mother you have, totally and utterly broke her." He shouts, standing up.

"You can't blame me for everything that has happened in this family." I cry. "My dad is to blame for most of it! I didn't ask for any of this."

"Oh really?" He scoffs. "It sure doesn't seem like it, it's like you want to break us all apart. Maybe you deserved what your dad did to you..."

"Are you f*cking kidding me?!" I scream. "Your no better than my dad!"

A red mist descends over his face. He races towards me and rams me backwards into the closest wall, pinning me against it. I take a sharp intake of breath as the back of my head smacks of the wall, causing a sudden rush of pain.

I struggle and force myself free and push him backwards, watching him stumble. I smirk to myself watching him trying to keep himself upright.

"You've just proven my point! You're 100% just like my dad. All lovely and innocent until someone tells you something you don't like." I state.

He straightens himself up and takes one large step towards me, swinging his heavy arm at my face. A sharp stinging pain rushes through my cheek. I hold my breath and take a step backwards, shocked by what has just actually happened.

I grab my throbbing cheek and feel my heart beating in my chest, like it's about to burst out. Jason follows the path my mum did and heads outside to the garden, just leaving me stood alone in the living room.

Floods of tears cascade from my eyes and down my face, dampening my clothes and the patch of carpet below me. This wasn't how I expected it to go down. Yes I expected an argument, but never this...

I run upstairs and stop outside Archie's bedroom. I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand, being mindful of my stinging cheek. I take a deep breath and push open his door, faking a happy smile.

"Sissy? Why have you been crying?" He asks, shocked, holding onto his army figurines.

"Look, Arch. You have to promise me that you will stay strong for mummy. I'm going away for a little while. Come ere..." I sigh, opening my arms for a hug. "No, no tears, you've got to be strong remember. I will see you soon, okay? I love you."

"Okay, I love you Sissy." He replies sadly.

I kiss him on the cheek and exit his room, giving him one last wave. I sigh as one tear trickles down my cheek. I quickly head into Leela's room and kiss her gently as she softly sleeps; unaware of what's happening.

I wish that was me...

I push open my bedroom door and step inside, looking around. I bend down and look at my reflection in the mirror; red and purple swollen cheek, mascara stains down my face and matted hair.

I've got to go- now.

I change out of my jeans and jumper and into some joggers and a hoodie, quickly before getting my phone out of my jean pocket. I jog downstairs and grab my keys and push my feet back into my superstars. I glace into the garden: my mum and Jason sat with there backs to me.

I open the front door and step outside, slamming it behind myself. I rush down the road to Clara's house. I knock the door frantically, waiting for her response.

"Sophia?!" She says, utterly shocked. "What the hell has happened?!"

"Jason happened." I cry, falling into her arms. "Please will you come with me to Essex? I can't stay here. You can see Sam if you want; it's okay if you can't I will just-"

"Sophia! Of course I will come with you. Look I will drive, you can tell me everything."

She heads inside and retrieves her car keys. I follow her to her car and slump into the passenger seat. She starts the engine and we pull off her drive, and I begin to explain everything.


"It's only 3pm, they will be at the studio won't they?" Clara asks, stopping at a red light.

"Yeah, they train until 5 on weekdays." I sigh, resting my head on the headrest.

We pull up outside the studio and get out the car, walking towards the studio. I grab onto Clara's arm as I suddenly get a rush of dizziness and a stabbing pain in the back of my head.

"You okay?" Clara asks, worried.

"Yeah- must of gotten up too fast." I sigh.

No-one is on the main desk so we carry on towards studio one. Clara pushes open the door slowly.

"Clara?" Sam exclaims confused.

"Sophia?!" Jordan breaths in pure shock. "Where's Perri? Someone get Perri!"

I burst into tears, right there- in front of all the boys. I just can't help it. I don't know what to do with myself.

"What? What's the emergency?" Perri calls from the changing rooms.

The boys move aside so Perri can see me. He sprints over and cups my chin, moving my head to look at my cheek.

"Who did this? What happened?" He stutters, his hands shaking slightly.

"Jason..." I cry. "I couldn't stop him, he was so angry at me."

"That dude that came in here?!" Jordan shouts. "He did this!"

I just nod my head slightly. I have no energy. And my head is pounding like crazy, along with my purple cheek.

Perri wraps me into a warm hug, before kissing me forcefully on the forehead. I don't know what I would do without him right now.

"Let's sit you down." He sighs, gesturing towards the mats.

We begin walking across the studio when I suddenly become so dizzy and the pain in my head becomes so strong that I can't focus on anything.

"I don't feel too good." I manage to say before my legs buckle under myself.


Hey everyone! New years eve tomorrow- how fast has this year gone?!😱🙈

It's unreal.👀

Roll on 2016...🙌💫

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this part🙏

Please let me know if you did💙

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