chapter 1: the move

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Nadias POV.

i placed the last box of mine in the car before getting in, watching my mum struggle with her last 4 boxes. 

"Nadia get out and help me" she called from the front door. i stared at her before placing my earphones in. i blared my music drowning her voice out, i sighed before placing my chin on my hands. 15 minutes later she'd finished putting the boxes in the back of the truck and got in the drivers seat.

"You know, your going to have to like Noah" she spoke while starting the car. "one day hopefully" she started pulling the truck out as i silently said good bye to the house i grew up in. the house i said good bye to my father in. 

i sighed and rested my head on the window as i watched the scenery go past the window. i lived in london but now we were moving out more towards the country side where bloody noah lived. meaning i had to change schools.

i placed my sunglasses over my eyes as i wind the window down. i watch my hair fly everywhere before i placed my hand outside the window letting the wind blow through it. shut my eyes and just took a breath before i changed the song to 'tides' by Jack & jack.

30 minutes later we had finally arrived. it was a small little town, it had a cinema and a shopping center but it didnt look like much at all. 5 minutes later we arrived at Noahs house. i starred out the window at the house. it had a small porch and 3 stories to it, i took my ear phones out and got out of the car slamming the door. i move my sun glasses to the top of my head looking around, trees, house, kids playing on bike on the street. 

this place was pathetic. it was a try hard attempt to give people a pleasant life. i looked at the house next door and saw a boy looking out the window. i glared at him before he vanished out of the view of the window.

i leaned on the car, watching as my mum walked up on the porch as this man opened the door and hugged her. i pretended to gag as i jumped up into the trailer attached to the truck. i looked through for my boxes before i got all 4 out. 

once i set the last one down Noah started walking up to me. i sighed before standing up straigh and watching him walk over to me.

"Nadia great to have you stay with me. we'll be a family" he said all cheery. this was just a attempt to win points with my mum.

"look here soon to be step-douche, you stay away from me and ill stay away from you. deal" i spoke harshly, i held out my hand for him to shake on the deal. my mother and him were soon to be married and my mum would've achieved her goal of forgetting my dad.

he looked at my mum then back to me. 

"this act you've got going. you're making your mother so upset about what she's doing. she's happy here so stop acting spoilt." he whispered harshly to me. i retracted my hand.

"should've taken the deal, prepare for hell" i spoke before picking up one of my boxes and walking past him and into the house.  dont get me wrong i loved my mother but he just...he is just a replacement for what she had. he'll never be my dad.

"mum, which one is my room?" i asked quietly. 

"third floor." i walked in without saying anything else to her. i heard her sigh but continued on, this 'act' i have was developed when my father was in hospital in his last month of living. my mum had given up on him and started dating this guy. she abandoned him. im cold cause i know how people work now. 

people use people until they are finished using them. i hated her for that, hense my now rebelious state. i had gotten a rose vine tattoo on my foot and started skipping school when i was 15 and my emotions caught up with me.

i climbed up the last set of stairs and opened the door to see a room, it was small but the perfect size. it had a wardrobe and a set of draws. i shut the door and saw a desk in the corner, there was a bed placed already. it was placed under this white sheet that was attached to the roof. there was a string that was at the head of the bed. 

the bed was placed right next to the front window. i placed my box down and opened the blinds, i knelt on the bed looking out the window seeing Noah and mum hugging. 

"He isnt the same person hoe" i mumbled before getting off the bed and looking out the window on the side. it showed the other house, the window where i saw the boy before now showed an empty room. i shut the blinds after that, i walked back downstairs to finish getting my boxes upstairs.

i sat on my bed before i opened up my box with fragile on it first. i pulled the book that was on top out first before sitting back in my bed. i pulled out 13 photos of me and my dad before grabbing some of the tiny pegs and stuck them on the string.

"i miss you" i mumbled quietly before i fell asleep on the bed with the book right beside me.

so this is the first chapter. i know its not the maze runner like my normal book but i feel really into this
so i hope you do too!!

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