chapter 21: airport antics (part 2)

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Nadias Pov.

we had finally reached the airport with 20 minutes to spare before we got on the plane. Will and i ran to the check in to check all of our bags in as isaac and darach took our back packs through security. i dragged isaacs and my bag behind me as will had got a trolly to put his two bags and darachs on.

"Hurry Will!" i called as i ran straight up to the desk and signed us in. i shoved the two bags on, standing up straight to smile at the younger guy.

"Hi...i'd like to check these 5 bags in" He smiled at me but when will came his smile dropped into a disgusted face. i frowned at him before helping Will put the bags on. we stood there for 3 minutes before he said we could go.

"Lets roll" i grabbed Wills hand as we both ran to security, when we got there we took some time to take a breath in the line. i started to get antsy as the clock ticked to 10 minutes until the plane boarded.

"calm down Nadia...we'll make it" he hugged me leaving a short kiss on my shoulder. i took a breath and nodded.

"im just nervous to meet your friends" i breathed out, im used to people but Wills friends arent the type of people i usually hang with.  finally we got through security and started sprinting to the gate, we heard the flight being called to board.

"shit!" i called out, Will laughed a bit, i could see the panic on his face. We saw the gate number and then Isaac popped out to wave us down. we reached the line with Isaac and darach, we handed them their tickets and in exchange they handed us our backpacks.

"we thought you guys wouldnt make it" darach joked which made me smile as i gasped for air. its safe to say id sleep most of the way there.

"yeah, the security line was long" Will spoke and smiled. i slung my backpack onto my back as i moved forward a centimeter. i looked around at the airport, zoning out from their conversation. we reached the front soon enough and got onto the plane. we all sat in a row together in the middle of the plane.

i sat in the middle next to isaac, Will was on the isle next to me and darach was on the other. Isaac and i had to sit in the middle cause we were smaller than the other two.

"ah im so tired" i yawned out, as i leaned back into my chair. the weight of this travel hit me like a anvil. i wrapped my jacket further into myself. i leaned onto Will and drifted off while i listened to the safety instructions.

when i woke up it was dark on the plane, i moved off of Will and looked around. Darach and Will were fast asleep. Isaac on the other hand was watching some action movie, i moved my head over onto his shoulder and just watched the screen. he pulled one of his earphones out and placed it in my ear.

"why're you up?" i whispered to him.

"i wanted to finish this movie" he mumbled, i noticed his eyes drooping. luckily he had 15 minutes left of the movie. i watched the rest of the movie with isaac before we both decided to sleep again. I rested on isaac as he rested his head on top of mine.

i woke up when they put the lights back on, isaac had been placed on darachs shoulder when i woke up, he had a pillow and everything. i glanced over to Will who was sitting watching intensily. i unbuckled my seat belt and climbed over Will, i stopped half way over him and kissed him.

"Morning" i smiled before i walked down to the bathroom. i looked at myself in the mirror i tried to make my hair look a bit better. i sighed doing my business, leaving and climbing over Will again.

"hey Nads" he pecked my cheek before returning to his tv show. i watched a movie for the remaining 3 hours of the plane trip.


when we finally landed i was so thankful i could move around more. we piled out of the plane and into the airport. we went to bagagge claim and waited for our bags.

"im hungry" isaac announced to us.

"same" i tagged along in that. Isaac High-fived me before jogging over to a vending machine for us.

we stood there for 15 minutes looking for the bags before we finally found them. Isaac and i had finished a packet of chips by then.

"so now we have to find our way out" Will spoke and lead the way. we all followed him, but since we were supposed to be meeting some of his friends outside he started to get stressed as we got lost.

"Where the fuck are we" Will yelled, i froze and looked to isaac. Isaac raised his eyebrows to show me his concern.

"Will, how about we just go up those stairs" i mentioned and he turned around glaring, i froze and marched my way past him and up the stairs. when i reached the top i saw a exit sign.

"found it" i called down to them, they all slowly made their way up, i went down to help Will with his bags.

"you okay now Will?" i questioned carrying his clothes bag.

"im just tired and a bit jet lagged" i nodded, internally forgiving him for his actions a little earlier.

when we reached the top Isaac had taken my bag outside to where his friends are, i looked out and saw windy weather. i didnt dress fore this.   

i walked out with Will and he was instantly engulfed into a hug with a boy with tattoos. after he hugged Will he looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey nadia." his voice sounded familiar.

"Jordan?" i laughed out, he pulled me into a hug. i smiled into his shoulder, We pulled apart shortly and smiled at each other.

"its great to finally meet you, hey lets get you to the car before you freeze" he smiled and took my hand.

A/n ooooh jordan is getting friendly with Nadia.
i wonder if will is going to get terrertorial...or something

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