chapter 20: airport antic's (part 1)

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Nadias Pov.

*2 weeks later.*

i woke up to will moving around loudly, i leaned over to grab my phone and saw it was only 4am.

"will what the fuck man, its 4 in the morning" i spoke out softly causing  Will to turn around. walking over and kissing me on the forehead.

"sorry Nadia, its just i have to get my electronics in a case so i can record videos while im there" he explained as he sat on the bed next to me. i smiled as i raised his fingers so i found play with them.

"ill forgive you this time, only because i wanted a shower before we leave" i kissed his fingers indiviually, getting up after to go shower. i tip toed across the hall careful to not wake his family. i turned on the lights in the bathroom. stripping down i then got into the shower, i stood there for at least 5 minutes before i became more life like

i washed my hair, humming a little song as i rubbed the shampoo in. i quickly got out after that realizing i had taken 10 minutes to shower. i quickly wrapped the towel around my torso as i rushed towards Wills Room.

i burst through and saw a shocked Will. i couldnt help but smile at his little heart attack. i walked over to the draw Will had given me as i proceeded to look for some lingerie, i settled on a sports bra and some of my Most comfortable underwear. 

i walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out some of my sweats, black crop top and a jumper. i smiled at will as i dissapeared back out the door and into the bathroom to change into all my clothes. once i had finished i walked back to Wills room and sat on the bed as he struggled to shut his bag.

"Nadia come and sit on this...since your light" i laughed a bit as i sat on the suit case. i brought my legs up so will could zip the thing all the way around.

"Maddie is taking us in 2 minutes to Pick up Isaac and Darach" i looked up at him confused.

"whos darach?" i hadnt ever heard of him before let alone heard his name.

"a good friend, he just doesnt go to our school" will explained rushed as he ushered me to move off of the suitcase now.

"ohh" i moved and walked over to my suit case that was packed with jeans, shorts, 2 skater dresses, pair of black heels, badn tee's, a bikini and crop tops...not to mention bras and underwear and the runners i was wearing on my feet.

"Will your such a girl, you've packed soo much" i laughed as i placed my bathroom supplies in there as well as any chargers i would need and female products.

"shut up" he laughed as he threw a beanie at me. i caught it before slipping in on over my head.

"do i look sexy" i posed as i watched tears forum in Wills eyes.

"i could do you on the spot right now" i laughed, i got my bag and walked out while laughing at Wills joke.

"wait why do i need this?" i asked half way down the stairs, Will appeared with his two bags 5 seconds after i spoke.

"jordon texted and said its a bit cold right now, he said its going to get better in the week though" i smiled, i always loved the called but lived for the sun.

"wooh swimming" i called out dragging my bag off the last couple of stairs. i placed it at the door before i ran up and got Wills clothes bag, he had to carefully carry the technology stuff down.

"im the man in this relationship" i called out manly, as i bumped down the stairs a bit. Maddie peered over the railing.

"you guys are to excited for 4:30am" she spoke as she yawned out, barely making any sense but we managed to understand.

"yeah we will crash when we get on the plane" i speak and shrug knowing that we're going to be dead to the world on the plane.

"sure...whose house first?" she asked still seeming out of it, she was in her pjs. i looked to will who looked to me.

"um...Isaac?" i spoke out unsure, i said him cause he was the only one i knew. she nodded and casscaded the stairs elegantly. i dragged me and Wills clothes outside and opened Maddies Boot.

i looked over to the house my mum was in, i saw her looking out the Window. i felt a pain in my chest from how she just let Noah kick me out. i sighed and moved to let Will place his technology bag in the back. i swung my backpack into the front seat and sat down next to maddie.

"what, i thought i called front" Will pouted through the window.

"yo, you know those two boys better than i do" i raised my eyebrows, he nods a bit as he climbs into the seat behind me. he snakes his hand through the small gap between the door and my seat as he holds my hand.

i smile as we back out and head towards isaacs house.

once the car stops i see the boy running his way down the car after kissing his parents good bye. i admit isaac was a sweetie. he smiled at me as he ran past and opened the boot to shove his bag in. hopefully darach didnt pack as much as will did.

he climbed into the middle, maddie started reversing before Isaac even had his seat belt on.

"so we getting darach?" was the first thing isaac said, i turned to look back at him.

"what the hell, you knew about this mystery guy too!" i called out laughing, he shrugged.

after 15 minutes we arrived at the mystery guys house, i saw him walk out of it and shove his once bag in, i looked back at will giving him the look of 'you packed the most'  soon after he was in i was introduced. and off we went to the airport...for one hella long trip.


sorry i havent updated in a week...ive been busy with school and everything

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