Chapter 14: push

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Nadias Pov.

When the train had stopped at our town we got out, it was silent still as we walked through the cold.

"Look I'm sorry will" I mumbled to him, he glanced over at me before looking down at his feet.

"I get it, your not into pathetic boys like me" he shrugged and kicked a rock.

"It's not the first time I've been refused by a girl" I looked at him placing my hands in the cardigan pockets.

"That's not it will, I like you...I really do...but I'm bad news" I spoke,he looked at me shocked before he pulled me into a hug.

"Bad news or not...I choose you" he whispered to me and let go stepping back a bit.

"Sorry you just smell of vomit" I smirked and nodded.

"Understood...this doesn't mean we're dating though will" I spoke to him as we walked up our street now.

"What why?" He questioned as we stopped out front of his house.

"Cause neither of us have asked the other out" I smirked as I walked up my houses front porch. I waved to will and left him standing there confused.

I opened the front door and saw my mum and Noah sitting at the dinner table in silence.

I tried to sneak past them to the stairs. Of course the floor creaked causing them both to stand up from the table.

When my mum saw it was me she rushed over and examined me. She saw the bruise she left on me and went pale before she spoke.

"Where were you! I was worried sick" she spoke softly.

"Out" I shrugged and she scrunched up her nose.

"We're you drinking...don't tell me you went and hung out with those kids again" she spoke harsh causing Noah to stand up and walk over to us.

" it doesn't matter okay" I tried to move away but she grabbed my shoulder.

"YOU DIDNT SEARCH FOR ME ANY WAY!" I yelled at her and tugged away from her, she looked hurt which caused Noah to get mad.

He hit me fair in the eye before picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder so I screamed and kicked around, yelling at him to put me down.

We smashed a mirror and a vase in the process before he threw me out the front door.

"fucking stay out you little slut." He yelled at me before slamming the door behind him.

I sat on the ground glaring at the door. Wills big sister ran out of the front door before crouching next to me.

"Come on stay with us for a while..." She spoke quietly. I stood up and took a rock off the ground next to me pelting it at the front window.

"Thanks." I stood there before she lead me their front door, she took me up to the bathroom before handing me a towel.

"Shower, you look like shit...ill get will to crawl through your window and get you some stuff in his duffle bag.

I nodded and locked the door, I touched my eye which was bruising. I felt tears fall from my other eye.

I sat on the floor curled up crying... I soon heard a knock at the door and it showed wills mum standing there. I looked down before speaking to her.

"Thanks for letting me stay here, I'm probably not your favourite person in the world." I spoke before she pulled me in for a hug.

"My mum remarried too...she left my father heart broken and I never forgave her. Your welcome here for as long as you need" she spoke motherly to me, I felt myself starting to cry again so I bit my lip.

"Thank you so much...I won't cause trouble, I promise just please let me stay for a while" I whispered to her through my gasps for air. She patted my hair before she gave me a oversized shirt and some boxers.

"I was going to give these to Will for Christmas but I thought he wouldn't mind sharing first." She smiled before walking away. I shut the door before looking at the pile of clothes. She had put underwear in there for me...

"I don't deserve to be treated like a princess.." I mumbled before I stripped and hopped in the shower scrubbing myself down.

I finished showering and stood there for a minute before getting out and drying myself off.

I looked at my eye again which was vibrant blues and greens. I sighed and slipped into the clothes I was given before I walked out, I saw a basket with a note in it.

'Clothes in here for washing'

I smiled and placed them in before stepping around it and walking to Wills room.

I saw his window open so I peered out, I saw him in my room shoving my clothes and underwear into a bag before he turned and grabbed my school uniform and makeup bag.

I smiled before sitting on his bed, will came back through and smiled at the sight of me before he frowned.

" did he hit you?" He questioned, I looked at him before I opened my mouth..

" I knew he was a dick but...not this much" will stopped me from talking and placed the duffle bag on the ground.

He sat next to me before moving my face gently towards him. He leaned down and kissed me slowly.

He pulled back and moved my hair behind my ear.

"I'm sorry I didn't stop him" he spoke quietly as we sat there.

" you weren't there will, it's fine" I mumbled before I brushed my lips against his.

" sleep here tonight,I'll sleep with my brother" he spoke while standing up.

" no this is your bed...why don't we just share I mean it's a double and it's not like we'll do anything" I mumbled, will smiled while crawled into bed. He slipped in next to me and smile while bringing me into his chest.

A/n ooh Noah hit her... Now she is staying at wills and turns out wills mum gets it and wants to help!!

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