chapter 4: New school

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Nadias Pov.

i woke up to my alarm blaring a siren. i sat up quickly panicking before placing my hand on my phone and switching it off. i dropped it to the floor and got up turning my light on and holding my arms rubbing them. i walked over to my window that neighbours onto wills, i opened the blinds to see if will was up. his lights werent on yet so i shut the blinds andshowered quickly before i returned back to the cupboard.

"well ugly its time to see day light" i mumbled to the uniform stripping off of my towel. i placed my skirt on and rolled it so it was halfway up my thigh. before throwing the top over and leaving it out. i did the tie up the best i could before i looked at the blazer.

"not putting you on yet" i spoke before i looked at myself in the mirror. outcast and misfit came into my mind when i saw what i was wearing, i smiled and nodded before i went and put on my eyeliner. i put it in a wing before tight lining my lower lid. i coated my eyelashes in mascara after i put my foundation on.

i let my hair rest out in its natural beachy curls before i went and brushed my teeth. i tiptoed down the stairs and into the bathroom brushing my teeth. i looked at myself in the mirror, i didnt know who i was much any more my dad and i did so much together, he made half of me but now im filling him with this...hatred.

i placed my tooth brush down before i rinsed my mouth and walked up stairs. i pulled on the school socks and some black vans. before i walked back over to the window and peered out. seeing Will shirtless infront of the window.

i lifted the window up sticking my head up before whistling at him. he looked over to me before he smiled and just shut blinds. i waited there for 5 minutes before he reopened them and stuck his head out.

"nice bod nerd" i laughed. he smiled sacastically pretending to laugh along. before he shot a short glare.

"nice joke you remind me of rusher" he laughed to himself before stopping and looking at me.
"thats sad you talk to cows" i laughed a little before i threw my bag over to him with my new books.

"catch" i called 5 seconds after he caught it. he looked confused as i laughed and slipped my body out the window. i held on to the edge as i shut the window and jumped over to wills, he panicked and helped me in.

"yo i got this, strict parents raise sneaky children, ive done this loads" i laughed as i climbed through. i looked at his room. his green wall and white bed, his desktop. i saw some sort of chat thing open on his computer.

"whoa you some sort of pornstar" i laughed, he blushed and walked between me and his desktop. then a voice appeared.

"in fact i get private shows every night" this foreign voice spoke.

"international porn star. nice going will." i laughed as i sat back on his bed.

"the names Baya-"
"Jordon...his names jordon" he quickly snapped. i nodded slowly before i started bouncing on the bed.

"hey does your bed squeak?" i laughed quickly bed laying back on it and loudly speaking. 

"will, yes touch me there" i laughed out as he freaked out and ended the call with Jordon, he covered my mouth as he hovered above me.

"my brothers in the room next door" he yelled in a hush voice. i licked his hand and he got off me. i sat up before laughing.

"well, thats noted. we ready?" i spoke, he nodded as he wiped his hand on his shorts. before throwing my bag over to me. i slung it over my shoulders before will lead me downstairs. he opened the door for me before locking it behind us.

"your brother doesnt start school today?" i asked as we started strolling down the street. will shrugged before he walked backwards looking at me.

"your not going to start any fires today are you?" he questioned, i laughed a bit then pretended to think.

"only if some bitch gets in my way" i smiled at him before a boy ran up next to me and laughed.

"Will is defiantly the bitch in this situation" i looked to him laughing he held out his hand to me.

"isaac, pleasure" he spoke quickly in a cute accent.

"your not from around here huh? ireland?" i questioned quickly. he nodded before we high fived, this kid seemed like he suited my personality better than will did.

"so your the famous girl who sets stuff on fire huh?" i smiled

"present" i said before looking at will who was just smiling.

"nice so i had homework to do over the holidays reckon you could burn that?" he questioned seriously, i looked at him then, will who shrugged.

"i dont do favours" i spoke out before smiling down at the ground.

we all walked and chatted before we reached the front gates of the school where all these people were walking in. i sighed before isaac just laughed and patted my back.

"welcome to hell." he spoke, i laughed...maybe i should force Noah here. we walked in as some stupid bitches watched us and pretended to gag. i glared at them before they turned around.

"hey, who is that chick over there" i nodded over to them. Will and isaac looked before they quickly turned their heads back around quickly.

"hannah, probably the queen of this school" isaac mumbled quickly. before we walked into the schools football team.

"you've got to be shitting me, let me guess this knob is her boyfriend" i pointed to the one wearing the 1 on his shirt. they nodded while they looked down.

"who the hell are you?" he spoke harshly to me before forcing me to turn and face him.

"your fucking worst nightmare, dont touch me ever again" i spoke as i pushed him, he got mad and pushed me back into isaac. he fell onto the wet floor, they all laughed. Will helped him up just as i kicked the guy in his balls.

"fuck with them you fuck with me." i spoke harshly before i leaned down next to his ear. "Got it?" i looked at him, he nodded before i walked past them and glared each of them down.

"this is a fucking stupid school" i mumbled, so sterotypical.

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