chapter 3: dinner

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Nadias POV.

i walked downstairs to see these adults talking to my mum and Noah. i saw a younger boy who looked 15 near his parents before i peaked down a bit more and saw the boy from the window. i sat on the stairs and held on to the railing waiting for them to move away and see if i could hear anything about me. 

"so i saw you had a accident on the front lawn this evening" the lady spoke.

"mum dont" the boy from the window groaned out before placing his palm on his forehead. 

"oh yeah, that was just my daughter...she usually doesnt set things on fire that big" she spoke out awkwardly. i sat there and smirked scoffing a bit, seeing that the boy from the window heard. he looked up and smirked at me.

"well its a pleasure to finally meet your fiancee Noah. we've been friends since highschool" the male of the two adults spoke out. they all smiled and moved off into the lounge room, i saw window boy start to climb the stairs and stop on the set next to mine where i was gripping the railing.

"so the girl who sets stuff on fire appears" he spoke laughing a bit at the end before he fixed his hair a bit.

"the boy who watches from the window" i spoke with sass.

"you going to join us for dinner?" he asked politly. i sat there and thought a second before i got up and walked down the stairs he trailed behind. we walked into the dinning room and sat down opposite each other. i sat next to Noah which i instantly regreted i moved my chair away from him.

dinner was served out and they all sat there eating and talking. window boy started talking to his brother, i sat there and just ate before Noah turned to me. i placed my cutlury on the plate.

"Didi can you go get the water jug" my eyes widened at what he called me. i looked at my mum who placed her hands on her face.

i stood up suddenly causing the chair to fall back.

"Dont ever call me that, Your not my dad so dont you ever try to replace him." i yelled before grabbing my glass of orange juice and tipping it over him.

"you'll never be as good" i spoke as i walked towards the stairs hearing all the commotion coming from the dinning room. i felt tears pooling up in my eyes i ran up the stairs fast before opening and slamming the door behind me.

i slid down the door before i just sat there breathing. after 15 minutes i heard laughter come from downstairs. i got up and crawled over to my bed before climbing up onto it. i laid there with my head in the pillow for what seemed like hours. until there was a knock at the door.

"go away" i mumbled not moving from my position. i heard the door open and the bed dip down next to me.

"Honey, Noah didnt mean it." she spoke softly to me, times like this i needed a mother who wanted to protect me more than her boyfriend.

"it doesnt matter, leave" i spoke, not moving my head from the pillow.

"will wanted to say good bye and he wanted to discuss tomorrow with you" she spoke quietly before moving from the bed to the door, i sat up a bit and wiped my eyes no doubt panda like. i heard her mumble some words to Wind....will.

"hey, is it ok if i come in?" he asked at my door, i looked at him and nodded. he came and sat next to me, we sat there awkwardly for a solid minute before i turned to him.

"just get it out" i mumbled wiping my eyes.

"So school starts tomorrow i was wondering if you'd want me to walk you?" i looked at him as he fiddled with his fingers. i stared at him some more before laughing a bit.

"sure why not, i dont know anybody else to walk me. plus i dont know the way" i laughed a bit wiping my eyes. he looked up at me before opening his mouth.

"are you okay? want to tal-"

"no" i interupted him

"you sure" he questioned again.

"look your a nice guy but i dont go telling secrets to strangers" i spoke and smiled a bit.

"well we can become friends? look ill start, i'm will" he held out his hand, i placed my hand in his and just held it before i spoke.

"Nadia" i watched his cheeks flush a bit. before i let go of his hand.

"well if its alright with you Nadia, my friend Isaac might walk with us tomorrow morning" i nodded before laying on the bed.

"is he as cute as you?" i watched as his face flushed again. he looked away and placed a hand over his mouth

"joking" i held my hands up.

"i only go for the bad guy" i spoke before i sat up again and nudged him. he smiled and laughed before he stood up causing the beds balance to go back to normal.

"well see ya tomorrow Window perv" i saluted him before he laughed a bit.

"see you tomorrow Nadia" he shut the door behind him and i just smiled. will was a nice boy but i doubt his friendship with me would last long.

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