chapter 5: trouble

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Nadias POV.

Will and Isaac walked me to the front office talking about how they'd never seen anyone stand up to that douche-bag before. i blocked them out and looked around before they turned right into the front office. i saw the campus security in there, Will and Isaac saw and patted my shoulders mumbling that they'd wait outside.

"Miss Galland, please come into my office" this old chick called me over, i looked at the security before walking through and into her office. she sat down into her spinny chair, i looked around before she gestured to a seat.

"nah im good" i spoke looking around touching the books on her shelf.

"i saw on the security cameras that you kicked our star player within 5 minutes of your arrival." i turned to her.

"wow, new record" i spoke to her, she placed her head in her hands causing me to smile and go back to her shelf.

"yes, we've seen your previous records from your other school" i nodded accepting the fact they've seen them.

"we noticed the change in your behaviour changed after your fathers...passing" she spoke, i froze and gripped my hands before i turned to her.

"what about it" i asked softly. i looked down at my knuckles one slightly bruised from punching the wall.

"well, something changed you so we have reason to believe that you'll go back to the student you used to be" she spoke holding out the papers. i looked up and took them from her, showing all my achievements.

"thats not me anymore, i was stupid back then" i spoke dropping it back onto her desk, taking a seat now, looking at her.

"Well Nadia, there has to be a piece of the past you in there some where" she smiled leaning in on the desk. i crossed my legs keeping eye contact with her.

"we'd like to offer you something, something only some of our top students are required to do." i groaned before getting up and walking to the door.

"if you do it, you wont have to do half the year next year" she spoke, i stopped at the door. i wasnt the brightest but im not that stupid that id reject that.

"what're we talking about." i said looking back at her.

"we've seen you and our student mr William kingsley have grown fond of each other. we'd like you to partner in this task" i sighed before slouching and walking back to the seat.

"keep talking" i motioned for her to continue.

"each year 2 of our grade 11 students are assigned to make a short story of a sort, inspirational you could say. then giving a speak to farewell the graduates of this year. you have 7 months to complete this" she spoke out i looked at her.

"what the sh-"

"no swearing" i sighed before i crouched to the floor holding my face. i stood up and looked at her.

"this counts for what grades?" i questioned her.

"all of next years english" she spoke i bit my lip and nodded before going to leave.

"ah wait, here your details. your classes line up with wills so that you'll both have study periods together to work on this. also try not to hurt any more students" she smiled and gave me a sheet of paper before a locker number.

i smiled halfly before walking out, security had gone now, Isaac and Will were now sitting in the front office waiting for me.

"you've heard i assume" i spoke as i walked out the door looking for my locker number, they followed behind me walking fast.

"yeah, you'd be crazy not to take the oppertunity" Will spoke as he caught up. the halls bursting with life, teenagers and hormones. i sighed looking at this couple making out against some lockers. we walked through the crowd until it stopped.

"look if i can finish school earlier than needed im going to take it but i have no clue if we can do this will. make a freaking inspirational short story!" groaned and shuffled forward when the line moved.

"Will is better at videoing stuff than you know" Isaac spoke in a mumble, i looked at him as Will punched his shoulder. 

i sighed before moving to my locker and punching in the code before checking my list. i groaned before grabbing my books for the first 2 periods.

after all the learning it was recess meaning a short break, i walked to my locker and grabbed a apple out of my bag before i shut my door to see Hannah on the other side. my first reaction was to punch the person in the face from fear and the second after i realized was confusion.

"hi im hannah and you are?" i peered at her before looking around.
"Nadia" i said skeptically.

"great Nadia come with me" she lead me to the bathroom where i had no choice to get out of her death grip. once we were through the doors her friends surrounded me as one of them dumped water over the top of me, my top went see through as they started taking pictures.

i was pissed to high hell but a deals a deal and i dont dont go back on my word. i walked out of the bathroom soaked to see a crowd of people surrounding the door laughing and taking photos. i looked around for someone to just seperate this madness.

Will burst through and saw that my shirt was see through. he unbuttoned his shirt and placed it around me before we were both laughed at as he pulled me away to the computer lab and locked the door.

i looked up at him drenched wiping my make up to clean it. 

"you didnt have to do that" i mumbled to him as i sat on the floor. he was on his phone texting someone.

"they were bitches, any way 'you mess with them you mess with me' right?" he smiled, i laughed a bit before there was a knock on the door and isaac appeared with a towel and a shirt.

"you ordered delivery right?" he smiled before throwing them at me. 

A/n that hoe did that to nadia.
Will stripped for her, friendship or more??

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