chapter 19: America??

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Nadias Pov.

i woke up to Will coughing, i took a deep breath in, sitting up still a bit groggy and out of it. i yawned 5 seconds before i had a sneezing fit. Will glanced over at me, smiling like a idiot.

"Having fun?" he questioned as he coughed up a lung.

"more than you" i laughed and pushed him slightly, he smiled as he pushed me back.

"oh hey, what was that trip about earlier?" i asked as i checked my phone, it was 8pm now...we'd slept the whole day away. 

i looked over to him before i opened up my messages and saw that my mum had tried to contact me. i sighed before reading through them.

"uh well in 2 weeks im going to america for a convention...i dont want to leave you here so i was wondering if you'd like to come with me? Bee will be there and so will Dul and Stacy....maybe Liams you wont be the only girl." he rambled which caused me to laugh.

i smiled at how he tried to make me comfortable with the whole thing. he took my hand and kissed it as he raised his gaze to my eyes.

"fine, ill go." i laughed as he tackled me into the bed, he kissed my cheek over and over.

"you'll have fun i promise! Isaac is coming along and i promise you'll have fun" he sounded like a excited little boy, as he finished his excitment, he burst out into a coughing fit. i frowned at him a bit as i coughed myself.

"i think we're going to be dead before 2 weeks" i mumbled as i clutched my stomach. he only nodded as he began to wrap himself up in the blankets, i winded myself by dropping back onto the bed and trying to get some blankets for myself.

"nooo its all mine" he whined, i sighed and coughed before i got up to go to the bathroom.

i walked into the bathroom and leaned on the sink to splash some water up on my face. i looked at myself in the mirror and saw a hideous monster out of a horror movie. the bags under my eyes were darker than usual and my nose shone bright red from all the rubbing.

"whoa" i mumbled to myself as i proceeded to use the toilet. once i finished up i walked back to the bedroom seeing that Will had fallen asleep in his burrito of blankets. i sat on his computer chair not wanting to wake him up. 

i sat there on my phone for a solid 15 minutes before i had a heart attack when Wills computer started ringing. i spun to look at it and answered for Will, i looked over my shoulder deciding if i should wake will up or if i should tell the person he is asleep.

the call opened up and showed a lot of his friends. Mitchell (straub), Zack (poke), Liam (Hbomb), Joe (tofuu), Nathan (Noboom), Mark (Dfield), sean (grape), Michael (tybzi) and Bianca...well Bee.  i saw that their faces were shocked that i answered. *basically the media picture...if you can see it*

i waved at them before i looked around to see Will still asleep. they were all chatting as i turned back around, then the questions were asked.

"so...where is Will?"Liam asked, i smiled and scooted over a bit so they could see Will sleeping.

"dead" i responded, they all laughed a bit, i kept a serious look on my face which made them stop laughing.

"your joking right?" straub asked which caused me to crack a smile.

"yeah, want me to wake him" i said sounding as sick as a dog. they all thought about it for a bit before they came to agreement of me waking him up.

i spun around and crouched next to him, i moved his hair out of his eyes before i kissed him softly.

"Will...your friends wanna speak to you" i spoke to him, he squinted his eyes open before he slowly moved to the chair. sitting there wrapped up still like a burrito, i went to walk out but he dragged me back into his lap.

"Whats up guys" he spoke as they all cheered and made weird sounds.

"Will Got the girl!!!" Liam yelled, i laughed at this before leaning my head on his shoulder.

"shut up man, so any way you guys coming to Pax?" he asked a wave of 'Yeahs' cheered through the speaker.

"Are you coming Nadia?" Bee asked me, i looked at the screen.

"yeah, Will said it'd be fun" i shrugged casually. Bee cheered and did a little dance in her computer chair.

"Im so glad! Dul and stacy will love you. Omg and we can share secrets...i cant wait" Bee was really excited, i looked at her like she was crazy. Bee was a different type of girl than i was...

i went drinking and she went to a hair salon.
i slept in the streets occassionally, she slept in her bed every night.
i slept with a lot of guys while shes had a steady relationship since she was 15.

Bee was a perfect girl, did her nails and made sure she looked good. i was that badass girl who was easy, and didnt care much of the reputation i got.

i leaned into Will.

"are you sure we are going to get along....were opposites" i whispered in his ear, he smiled at me before nodding.

"shes just excited, you guys have more in common than you think" he Whispered back before he sneezed in my hair. i frowned at him before gave me a apologetic look.

"THEY'RE WHISPERING SEXY THINGS TO EACH OTHER!!" joe yelled, i whinced at the sound before i got up off of will.

"we arent!" Will Blushed before he hung up the call.

i guess im going to america in 2 weeks now...

A/N guys, the world lost 155,220 people in under 24 hours on the 14/11/15.
How sad is that.
i hope you guys like this update...they're going to Pax soon, so all the cube members will be more involved soon.

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