Chapter 10: late nights

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Nadias Pov.

it'd been 5 hours since i'd kissed Will, the thought made my stomach burst into butterflies. i was on my computer scrolling through my news feed on facebook when something hit my window scaring the shit out of me.

i cautiously looked over to it as another sound was produced from it, i stood up from my bed and walked over to my side window slowly before another sound was produced, so i quickly opened my blinds to reveal Will sitting on his window ledge smiling at me holding a bag of jelly beans.

i opened my window before leaning out it. i smiled at Will as he grabbed a fist full of jelly beans shoving them in his mouth.

"im glad you finally opened your window, such a waste of jelly beans" he scoffed as he chewed the mouth full he had.

"sorry i dont usually answer to creepy sounds from the window" i said shrugging, i climbed out a bit and sat on the ledge of my Window. a meter away from where Will was sitting, i looked at him as he looked down to the bag of jelly beans.

he looked up and moved it closer to me as if to offer me some, i smiled and grabbed a handful eating them one by one.

"Just shove them all in your mouth" Will laughed as he watched me pick them up one by one.

"no the flavours clash and it'll taste gross" i laughed before will shook his head and shoved another handful into his mouth, he choked before coughing the down into the garden bed below us.

"thats what you get when you shove a shit tonn in also" i laughed placing another one on my tongue as i stuck it out at him. he placed the bag back into his room before we just sat out in the moons glow.

"why're we even out here, its so cold" i laughed as i held my arms a bit, rubbing them up and down. an idea popped into my mind just as i was doing so.

"can you climb?" i asked Will as i started to manouver my way onto my Roof. i stood up and let the breeze blow through my hair and my top. my top rippled with the wind as my hair just went every where.

i watched as Will tried to get up, i held my hand out for him. he took it before i helped him get up. we both stood on the roof and let the Wind control the movements.

"Everything the light touches is our kingdom" i yelled into the wind, and smiled as Will just watched me.

"as this is our kingdom, would you take the pleasure of being a ruler of this wonderful place" i smiled as i bowed down to him.

"Only if you rule beside me" he spoke as we both sat down on the roof and looked at the stars. i felt this tension between me and will, it was like a question urging in both of us and i had a feeling i knew the question.

what did that kiss make us?

i turned to Will seeing him admiring the stars, i turned back and looked. in that moment i realised you could see the stars in this town...all of them. i starred in awe, this was different then it was in London. the breeze washed over us again, so i moved closer to Will and rested my head on him.

"this is beautiful" i mumbled, starring at the sky.

"it is" i looked at will to see him looking at me. i smirked.

"cheesy" i said laughing before sitting up and looking down at him.

"so about before in my room..." he brought up as we looked over the roofs of other housed.

"sorry, i dont know what happened. instincts" i laughed as i looked over to him.

"yeah, no its fine" he mumbled, he rubbed the back of his Neck before looking over and Hugging me.

"well im glad thats sorted, i should probably introduce you to my sister tomorrow" he laughed in my ear, it filled my body with warmth.

"we should probably sleep then" i smiled knowing he wouldnt see, i gripped the back of his shirt as i burried my face into his shoulder. we stayed there for a minute or two before i pulled back. i moved my hand to his cheek and our forheads together.

"Night Will, eat jelly beans carefully" i mumbled as i started to walk towards the edge of the roof. i lowered myself down seeing Will just not moving. the moon behind his body leaving him shilouetted.

"hey you look majestic right now" i called over to him as i slipped off the edge and onto my window ledge. Will peaked over the edge before i smiled and climbed through my window. i looked out it for a while waiting to make sure Will got down safely.

a second later he dropped down and climbed into his window. he turned around before throwing a jelly bean at me. i tried to deflect it but i hit me right in the arm, i pouted at will before picking it up and eating it.

i looked at will before i shut my window. we stood there for a while just smiling before i shut my blinds. i sat back onto my bed and just curled up under the blankets trying to get some sort of warmth i had lost from being up there.

"what am i doing, i should've just told him" i mumbled regretting saying it was a accident.

"to late now" i sighed and shut my eyes.

a/n shorter part sorry, i dont want them to get into a relationship yet. maybe like hella close friends like...wait spoilers ;)

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