Chapter 22: Meetings

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Nadias Pov.

as soon as Jordan lead me to the car i was so thankful. it was so much warmer inside compared to the outside.

"i need to put my bag into the boot" i spoke to jordan as he got in himself. 

"Oh its fine, im sure one of the boys will do that for you" Jordan said as he strapped himself into the drivers seat.

"so is the house big enough for all of us?" i questioned which caused jordan to chuckle.

"its like a fucking mansion" he used his hands to emphesis it. i laughed a long before i moved forward a bit to talk to Jordan easier from the back.

" you think the rest of them will like me?" i questioned. i was getting nervous which was a rare state for me, usually Gamer Guys had fanatsys about me while the girls wished to be me but never had i ever tried to befriend them.

"they'll love you, Ryan would worship you!" he turned to look at me, looking down and placing his hand on top of mine.

i looked down at our hands, as the door open i pulled my hand back fast. i averted my eyes to see Will. He looked confused, he slid into the car next to me pulling the door shut behind him. i looked down as 2 more people joined us in the car.

they all started speaking but my mind was racing with the thought that Will saw. What if he thinks i like jordan? all these What ifs but i dont know if any of them are right. i placed my hand over my mouth which instantly caught peoples attention.

"Hey Nadia, you okay? you look like your going to puke?" the boy asked. i looked at him, i think his name was Poke...or thats what they all called him.

"yeah your a bit pale" i looked forward to see joe there. looking concerned. i glanced over to Will who was starring at me.

i started to feel dizzy, which developed a headache.

"i- im fine! Leave it!" i spoke harshly and held my head before sighed. they continued speak and every time i looked up it sounded like they amplified by 200. thankfully we arrived at the Mansion soon after their questioning.

they all spilled out of the car and i followed behind slowly. the cold air soothed my headache but not for long, cause as soon as they opened the front door all the speaking and cheering of those who stayed back started.

Will came over to me after greeting everyone.

"You okay, you do look extremely pale" i let go of my bag handle and walked into his arms and hugged him.

"i think its jet lag." i lied, Life started weighing on me. Noah and Mum, being kicked out, all just became impossible to deal with. i leaned my head against his chest. he kissed the top of my head, after i let go and went a grabbed my bag.

i walked back over to Will and we headed over the hordes of people hand in hand. i saw Bee hugging and vlogging all of the boys until she spotted me, she smiled and ran at me. i was terrified, she stuck the camera in my face which made me smile awkwardly.

"this, this is my new girlfriend guys" Bee squished our faces together, i frowned a bit. this wasnt in my usual friendships.

bee then proceeded to hug me, i looked to Will for help But he'd just let go of my hand and walked off. i patted her back awkwardly. she moved back and shoved the camera in my face, i tried to block it off.

"Dont hide!!" she called out.

"No i look hideous from travelling!" i tried to run behind a car, leaving my bag. Bee followed so i ran over to the others and hid behind Will. Bee turned the camera back to her face, opening her eyes wide.

"can i tell them!?" bee asked, Will looked at me. i shook my head.

"no, sorry bee" i mumbled. she sighed and turned the camera off. 

"But you guys are so cute together!" she frowned and pouted. i felt bad but i didnt want the world to know about me and Will.

"to make it up to you, you can hog Nadia all day" Will offered, i glared at him which earned a couple of chuckles from the other boys.

"Awesome, we're going to have fun at the convention!" she clapped before running back inside, i quickly grabbed my bag, going inside myself.

i looked in awe of the house, upstairs and basements. this place was huge! the group scattered through the house, Mark on the other hand had to show us Brits to our room. he headed towards the basement which instantly turned my mood.

i guess no great view then.

we all headed down stairs to see a floor full of blow up matresses.

"and this is where your all sleeping!" mark announced proudly, i wheeled my bag over to the corner and dumped it there. Mark patted Isaacs Back before walking back up the stairs.

"well, it could've been worse" i call out making my way over to a couch i spotted.

"really" isaac called, unenthusaticly.

"could've been jail!" i smiled, raising my eyebrows. "trust me, that sucks worse" Isaac fake chuckled, before looking concerned.

"You've been to jail!?" he called out, wanting to hear the story. i smiled pretending to make a deal out of it.

"its not that big a deal, i burnt a cop car when they broke up a party" i wave my hand, they all looked shocked.

"My mum..." i looked down. "she bailed me out" my voice went quiter towards the end.

"well" Will called out moving the attention off me.

"lets go upstairs and get a full tour before tomorrow." isaac and darach went upstairs, Will trailed up slowly.

"Will" i called out, he turned around as i ran over and kissed him. the force of the run caused him to stumble back into the wall. i smiled into the kiss before moving back.

"thanks" i hugged him quickly before we walked upstairs.

IM SO SORRY! I APOLOGISE. i took a break but ill try get weekly updates now.

But Will didnt seem to react that bad to jordan get touchy with Nadia and everything is now becoming a reality to her. how her mum just could be so heartless to her and how she thought she might lose will because of Jordan.


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