Chapter 15: bruised

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Nadias Pov.

I woke up against wills bare chest, I looked up and saw that he was still sleeping so i tried to not wake him up from his slumber. I moved my hand onto wills arm that was wrapped around me and drew small patterns on it.

I heard will inhale heavily before he moved to see my face, he moved and kissed my forehead before he sat up.

" morning..." He spoke sounding out of it. I smiled and sat up next to him moving my hand into his.

"Morning" I spoke quietly to him, he lifted our hands and kissed mine.

"I don't want to leave this bed to go to school" he whined before resting his head on my shoulder.

"Isaac would be lonely without us" I whispered to him, he sighed and slipped out of bed. I watched as he collected his uniform.

Will left the room in silence, so I took the time to get dressed into my uniform. I was grateful will had got my clothes last night other wise I might've just gone to school in the clothes I was given.

I finished getting changed and decided to leave my hair out in its natural state as an attempt to cover some of the bruising.

I sat at wills mirror starring at my eye before I finally applied my make up and a attempt to hide my black eye.

Will walked in moments later and crouched next to me.

"We don't have to go you know" he spoke softly, I fiddled with his hair and moved it to one side.

"It's fine...we should hand in our speech today to get approved" I spoke changing the topic.

He nodded and got out the piece of paper I wrote it on...I smiled at him before he stood me up.

"You kept it?" I asked as the gap between our faces shrank. He smiled at me and nodded slightly. I bit my lip as I looked into his eyes.

He blushed and ran out of the room and into the bathroom. I stood there confused.

I walked to the bathroom and knocked on the door slightly.

"Will?" I questioned through the door, I placed my hand on the door before I heard laboured breathing.

"You ok?" I called out trying to hear a response.

"I'm fine...I doesn't matter ok" he called back, I stood there confused before leaning against the wall.

Wills little brother came out of his room and looked at me.

"Is there a line?" He questioned, I shook my head.

"I'm just worried about will, he left suddenly" I told him, he nodded and banged on the door loudly.

"Stop jerking off will!" He yelled
"Shut up!" He yelled back quickly.

"No need to worry, he is taking care of some business" his little brother said before walking downstairs.

I blushed before walking back to wills room, I didn't even do anything to will.

I sat there spinning in wills office chair thinking I'd have to ask someone if will was a virgin or not.

Will walked back into the room moments later not making eye contact with me and avoiding my touch.

"Will did I do something wrong?" I questioned upset knowing he was just going to be another boy to add to the list of romances.

"No, now let's go" he was a shade of pink which made me smile a bit, as we walked down the stairs I decided to tease will a bit.

"Do I turn you on will" I asked quietly walking next to him, he blushed again. I smiled and took his hand.

"So you did get off to the thought of me?" I questioned will pulled away and walked faster.

Once we got out the front door we were silent.

"It's ok you know will...all guys do it" I called up to him, he stopped and glared at me.

"Ok if you want the truth then...yes I did, I'm sorry ok!!" He yelled at me I couldn't help but laugh at his apology.
His face was bright red during his confession.

I walked up to will and smiled at him. I leaned up and kissed him. I laced my fingers in one of his hands as I dragged him towards school.

When we got to school I heard murmurs about my eye and rumours fly about what happened.

"I heard she was in a fight with a college girl"
"I heard she was drugged and beaten by some men in the street"

All these things said about me, I gripped wills hand tighter and looked down.

"Maybe I shouldn't of come today" I whispered to will looking at all the stares coming from everyone.

"It's ok.." He whispered back before removing our hands and placing his on my waist. We entered the building and people thinned out.

I had gotten to my locker when it all hit me...the fact Noah hit me...the fact I've basically been outcastes by my mum. I broke down, I stuck my head in my locker when I started to cry.

"Nadia?" He questioned, I shook my head as he just hugged me before Isaac walked up.

"You okay love?" He spoke as he rubbed my back, I stood up and wiped my tears.

"I'm fine" I turned to Isaac who was frowning himself...

"I know something that'd make you laugh...hearing outrageous rumours about yourself and us!" He spoke loudly which caused me to crack a smile.

" so will right supposedly he is part of a gang who gets laid all the time" Isaac spoke making these weird faces.

"Which is crazy right cause he barely leaves his house and he is the biggest virgin I know!" Will sarcastically laughed before shoving Isaac away.

"I'll walk you to class." Will spoke grabbing my books from my hand and leading me to maths. I laughed a bit...

"Bye Isaac" I called before he pulled a face causing me to laugh more..

So my laptops broken and the last 3 chapters have been on my phone so I'm not sure if they're the best or not but?? Who knows.

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