Chapter 17: Midnight snack

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Nadias Pov.

i woke up and instantly felt my stomach rumble, i clutched my stomach before looking over my shoulder to see Will half hanging off the bed. i crawled to the end of the bed and slowly got off before grabbing my phone and slipping into the hallway.

i turned my phone on and practically got blinded for a second before i could actually check the time. 2.02am...great, i walk back into Wills Room and slowly walk over to will before i sank down infront of his face.

"Will" i whispered, he didnt move. i starred for a second before whispering again. 
"Will?" i spoke a bit louder and shoved his shoulders slightly. he groaned and turned over before peaking back over at me.

"what time is it?" he spoke grogily, i smiled at him before flashing my phone in his face.

"2?" i laughed a bit as he panicked at the blinding light, he pulled the blankets over his face.

"Will im hungry, lets go to the shops" i say as i lay over him, he turns over to lay flat so im now laying straight on his stomach.

"whats wrong with the food in the cupboard?" he rubbed his eyes, i smiled and turned on the rooms light. i opened his wardrob and found some of his sweaters. i pulled one on myself, chucking him one after, i went over to my bag and put some leggings on.

"im craving something good!" i speak as i find him some trackpants before chucking them to him as well before finding some closed in shoes for the both of us. i found a pair of Nikes in my bag and wills runners.

"ok up we get." i pulled Will up and placed the sweater over his head. i laughed at how asleep he was, i kissed his cheek causing him to wake up a bit and drag us both down onto the bed.

"cant we stay and cuddle" he asked softly, i laughed and leaned up before climbing off Will. He followed suit and put his trackies and shoes on, i smiled and grabbed my wallet before heading towards the window.

"what're you doing now, its way to early for this shit" i laughed opening the window letting the freezing breeze in.

"i dont want to be the one elxplaining to your parents why we're sneaking out" i smiled as i climbed out the window and manouvered my way down the side of his house. i saw will peak out before sighing and climbing now.

"thats the spirit" i laughed and looked around, i spotted his little brothers bike so i jogged over to it. i picked it up and sat in position as will finished the last part and saw me.

"get off, ill pedal" he spoke, i smiled and climbed off. holding the bike upright for will after he got on i climbed onto the bars. i stood as will rode letting the breeze flow through my hair and sting my face.

"i bet this is the first time you've sneaked out" i called to him as he rode, he glanced back at me quickly as i spoke, we turned a corner and i could see the shop lights in the distance.

"no its not, this girl invited me to this party...i thought i'd lose my virginity so i went...turns out she thought i was gay" i heard him speak and couldnt help but laugh at the fact she thought he was gay.

"oh yeah, there is no proof though" i laughed, he stopped the bike and turned to look at me.

"want me to show you" i smiled, biting my lip trying to contain my laugh.

"now that was sexy, you have to get location to...if we were in your room and you pinned me. lets just say your hopes would've been completed" i laughed now hugging him, he started riding again. he just shook his head at me as we rode closer and closer by the second.

"so close" i called, he laughed.

"do you think im blind" he called out making himself laugh more, when we reached the front door we left the bike out front praying it wouldnt get stolen cause that'd be hard to explain to his brother.

i went to the candy section and grabbed some milk candy, i grabbed some chocolate and chips. i walked over to will who was at the magazine section. i saw some porno mags as i walked towards him so i grabbed them and passed them to him.

"for you" i mumbled, he looked down and scoffed before placing it back.

"no" i laughed and patted his shoulder. i sighed, i grabbed his hand and walked us over to the counter where this teenage boy looked at us. he glanced me over before smiling at me.

"you taking your little brother on a walk?" he asked, i sarcastically laughed before placing my hands on the counter.

"have any condoms? we ran out earlier...oh and defiantly not small" i said looking down at his crotch, he frowned and went searching, returning with a box. he scanned it along with the rest of our purchesses.

"thanks" i smiled and glared at him as we payed and left.

"what a douche" i spoke as Will got on the bike, he glanced back in.

"you defiantly ruined his ego...are we really..."

"no" i interupted him.

"and before you ask, i know your not small....just trust me on that okay?" i laughed into the wind as Will nodded.

"not going to question that at all" he laughed back, i held onto his shoulders tightly as i leaned down and kissed his hair.

when we reached home we dumped the bike exactly where it was, it wasnt a shady neighbourhood or town actually.

"how do we do this?" Will asked, i shrugged as i turned to him. i climbed up half way before motioning for will to pass it up to me. he passed it up as he then began to climb himself, i reached the window and climbed in falling on my face making a loud noise.

Will quickly popped his head up, slowly making his way in gracefully after. he helped me up as we both proceeded to opening to candy and eating our way through the 3 products. i pulled out the condoms and threw them at will.

he turned red, opening his bedside draw and hiding them under some book in there. i shook my head before stripping off of wills sweater and the leggings i put on over the boxers.

"night will" i spoke as i crawled over him and onto my side.

"had enough snacking?" will laughed before he placed the blankets over the both of us. i glared before placed a kiss on his lips.


A/N oooh haha she owned the cashier.

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