chapter 16: i love you :(

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Nadias Pov.

i sat in my last class for the day, i sat close to the window just starring...watching the storm clouds roll in. it brought my mood down significantly, i felt my heart clench and my breaths waver. i grabbed my bag and left class early.

"Miss Galland, sit back down" i heard the teacher speak before i covered my mouth, my feelings were making me feel sick, its like losing my father all over again.

i ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a cubicle, i leaned against the wall and slid down it. i took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, i sat on the floor trying to breath but all i achieved from that was heart breaking thoughts.

'maybe you werent good enough...who are you kidding you were never a good daughter'

i sat there tears flowing down my face, i heard the bell go and knew Will was going to wait. i curled up in a ball and listened to all the murmurs outside the bathroom door. i rested my head on my arms and let the tears fall silently.

'Noah was right your a little slut....Will probably only wants your body'

i scrunched my fists up and listened, there was silence. i walked out of the bathroom and saw empty halls, i made my way to my locker and put my things away. i wiped my eyes before turning and seeing Will running down the hall.

"Nadia?!" he called and rushed into a hug dropping his things by us, i gripped his shirt and cried into it. he held me tightly while i just cried.

"its okay, your okay" he whispered into my hair before kissing the exact same spot. i felt my body trembling...i stepped back and looked at Will.

"i dont deserve this Will...none of this" i whispered as i wiped my eyes with my palm. i grabbed my bag and placed it on my back, it was silent for a moment before the rain could be heard.

"Nadia...i dont know whats happening...i dont know if this is even appropriate...but i love you and i swear to god if you say you dont deserve this...your crazy." Will spoke with his voice trembling before he hugged me again.

"you dont deserve the shit things like noah....but please accept me. i just want to be in your life" he spoke out, moving me away from him he wiped my cheeks before kissing them.

"i love you, dont you dare think otherwise" he spoke, just the lighting struck causing the lights to flicker.

"i think we should go home" he spoke, taking my hand...i felt my heart release a bit, Will lead us out the front door before i stopped, he looked back at me as we both were getting soaked. i smiled at him.

"i think i love you....William kingsley...will you do me the pleasure of being my boyfriend?" i yelled to him through the rain, Will was shocked before he looked around.

"Knew i'd win you over with that speech" Will called out before he came over picking me up and spinning me around.

he placed me down as i leaned up and kissed him in the rain, it wasnt much different from the other times but it was special...

he took my hand and we ran home, we stood on the porch and watched our clothes drip. i couldnt help but smile. i looked at will who was looking at me, i felt my face heat up before i moved my hands to my face.

"dont look at me" i spoke quietly as he moved closer to me, he moved my hands and leant our foreheads together.

"im sorry, is looking at beautiful things is a crime now?" he smirked placing his hands on my hips.

"no but that line is" i spoke laughing pushing him away, i walked towards the door before he  pulled me back and hugged me from behind.

"i love you" he whispered in my ear, i wrapped my hands onto his arms. i felt my nose sting before i sneezed. will let go and looked at me.

"i think its time to go in before we both catch a cold" He opened the door and lead us upstairs to the bathroom, he walked me in before he walked out again.

" so i dont freeze to death" i laughed and shut the door showering quickly and getting out, i stood their for a minute realizing i didnt bring clothes to change into. i wrapped the towel around me tightly before i walked to Wills room seeing that he'd changed into his pjs.

"You can go in now" i spoke to him, sitting on the bed. he looked at me quickly starring before he realised, blushing and looking away.

"sorry, i didnt mean to stare" he spoke covering his eyes, i laughed a bit before standing up and pushing him out towards the bathroom.

"well you can stare some other time when im not just wearing a towel" i spoke back to him laughing before shutting the door on him again, i quickly got changed back into the clothes i was given last night. i sat down in wills computer chair before i turned it on, i saw that will had left his game open.

it was rather cube like, i walked the person around breaking random stuff. will walked back in the room and freaked out. i moved back from the computer as he examined the damage id done.

"how much stuff did you break?" he questioned, i shrugged before mumbling.

"2" i pouted, he looked at the screen before fixing everything i broke.

"this isnt my thing you broke, its a friends" he laughed turning the computer off.

"sorry, i just wanted to see what games you liked" i spoke while curling up into the covers. he spun around on the chair looking at me.

"its fine, i doubt they'll notice" he spoke grinning before he climbed into the bed next to me. i turned to look at him wall as he pulled me into him.

"spooning tonight huh?" i joked looking over my shoulder, Will glared before kissing my shoulder blades. we laid like this for 5 minutes before i thought about food.

"what about dinner?" i questioned quietly.

"You hungry?" he questioned, i shook my head not feeling hungry.

"no, but ill let you know if i do" i smiled and shut my eyes.

A/N did you guys know Tofuu/joe had a girlfriend and so does WILL!

I had a minor panic attack when i discovered last night.

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