chapter 2: Hell

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Nadias POV.

i woke up surounded by a unfamiliar place. before i groaned and remembered that we moved in with mums fiance Noah.

i rolled over in the bed feeling something hard under me. i pushed myself up and moved the book from out under me. i moved to the edge of the bed and noticed the bookshelf, i stood up and placed the book in the top row. i looked at my boxes and sighed rubbing my face.

i opened my clothes box and started shoving my tops into my wardrobe and my jeans and other things in the draws. before i heard a knock on the door, i looked at it for a second before i called out.

"is it important?" i called out, not really in the mood to be annoyed by anyone. the door opened and it was my mum. i sat on the bed and groaned into my hands before looking up at her holding my new uniform.

"the fuck is that thing" i spoke as i took it off her. a blue blazer with a white top, tie and a butt ugly skirt.

"tights are optional honey" she smiled at me. i threw it onto my bed before looking at her.

"that is the ugliest thing ive seen, someones puke could look prettier than anyone in that uniform" i spoke gesturing to the uniform the whole time. she sighed before walking back to the door.

"we're having dinner with the neighbours tonight. be...presentable" she spoke before shutting the door. i looked at the uniform.

"your ugly you know that right" i mumble to it as i hung it up in my wardrobe and shoved it over into the corner. i continued putting my clothes away before i just sat on my bed i looked out the window and saw gloomy clouds coming near.

i went to my second window to look out, i looked into the boys room and saw he was there. i saw him talking to himself before he glanced my way, i shut my blinds straight away.

"great now he thinks im a pervert" i mumbled before i started to get my computer out of the fragile box. i plugged it in and turned it on before crawling back out from under the desk. i sat there and just starred at it for a second before sighing and laying on the floor.

i looked at the last box that was full. i sat up and crawled over to it, i ripped the tape off before looking down into it. it was just books and photos to hang on the wall. i stood up and started to fill the bookshelf with all these books that i hadnt read in ages.

i got to my school books and looked at them before i put them in the boxes that were empty. i grabbed the pictures and placed them on the desk before i ran downstairs to the front lawn where i laid all the boxes and my school books in a pile. i grabbed a match before i dropped it on the pile, i saluted the boxes that soon enough went up in flames.

i smiled stood back watching the flames grow higher. soon the front door burst open to show Noah looking panicked as he saw the fire.

"Welcome to hell bitch" i yelled at him before giving him the finger.

"susan,babe, come out here" he called my mum, i just stood there smiling at him. he ran inside to grab something to put the fire out.

"Nadia what have you done" my mum looked out at the lawn. i glanced at it.

"kept a promise" i mumbled just as it began to rain, it was pouring down now as Noah had a bucket and threw it at the fire which went out. i frowned before i stood in the rain as he walked back to my mum.

i looked up to the boys window noticing his figure there. i smiled and gave him the thumbs up. before my mum walked out and grabbed my wrist and dragged me inside the house.

"Nadia go upstairs and get ready for dinner in 2 hours, if you pull something like this again..." she looked down. i stood there looking at her as she looked towards Noah.

"Oh dont fucking ask him what to do with me, he'd send me off in a heart beat. you sign up for my mother you sign up for me as well. should've taken the deal" i yell as i push past them and up the stairs and into the bathroom. i locked the door before looking at myself in the mirror, i saw that yesterdays eyeliner was smudged all over my cheeks now.

i grabbed a make-up wipe and cleaned it up, making my face bare for the shower. i stepped in feeling the water go over my body. i placed my head under the water and clenched my fists before punching the wall.

"ah son of a.." i dragged off before turning the shower off and stood there watching the water drip out of my hair.

i stepped out and wrapped a towel around my torso drying my body off. i walked up a set of stairs to get into my room shutting my blinds before grabbing my clothes for tonights dinner. i slid into a pair of black skinny jeans before i slipped a blue sweater over my head. i sat down at my desk placing a little mirror on my laptop as i applied my eyeliner and foundation on my skin. i heard a knock at my door so i placed everything down.

"come down stairs honey and greet our new neighbours" my mum said looking at me.

"ok, ill come down soon" i spoke, i looked at my hair and descided to leave it naturally out.

i stood up and decided it was time to go down stairs.

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