Chapter 18: Sick

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Nadias Pov.

i woke up with a stuffy nose, i looked around the room to see will wasnt in here. i got up even though i was burning up. i walked out the door to see Will in the bathroom, he looked pale with a red nose too.

"will" i whined out, he looked at me before throwing me box of tissues. i missed the box and it landed near the bedroom door, i started to walk over to will before he put his hand out.

"no, dont come close. im sick" he wiped his nose before looking at me.

"if you cant tell, i think i am to" i smiled at him, i reached the door to the bathroom. will passed a wet cloth over to me, i placed it on my forehead.

he smiled at me as we both walked back to the bedroom, i laid down and instantly felt my body  become heavy. Will pulled the covers over us as we both breathed heavily.

"i might die." i laughed as i said that to him and turned to Will. He moved his arm around me, moving me closer to him.

"i think our little trip probably caused this" he smiled before kissing my nose.

"and the fact we walked home in the rain" i smiled and pulled back to look him in the eyes. i moved back over just as his mum walked in the room.

"you two look horrible" she walked over to us feeling our foreheads. she looked shocked before walking out again and getting a thermometer for both of us.

"leave those in until the beep okay, call me when it goes off" she spoke as she walked out the room to wake up his brother. i turned to look at him and couldnt help but laugh at how he looked.

"you look terrible" i smirked, he turned and glared at me.

"you dont look much better" he smiled as he poked my sides, i tried to stop him by slapping his hands away.

"Nooo" i whined out before i held his hands above his head while i straddled him. he stared at me before trying to sit up but failed causing him to flop back down.

"Nadia. No your going to raise my temprature" he spoke out, i laughed as i grinded against him while i got off. Our thermometers went off so we sat up and i noticed Will was excited, i raised my eyebrows at him which caused him to place his pillow in his lap.

"Mum, they've gone off" Will called out and his mum was back in the room amazingly fast. she took the sticks out of our mouths, she examined them proceeding to gasp seconds later.

"What have you two been doing, your both burning up" i shrugged before i glanced to will. He snaked his hand underneither the covers to hold mine, i smiled before leaning on his shoulder.

"you two stay here, i need to take a photo for Wills Baby book!" his mum called to us, she looked really happy....even though she had no clue we were dating.

"Mum you dont need to!" Will yelled to her, only causing him to cough.

"you'll thank me when you get married" i couldnt help but laugh at that. Will turned to me as he burried his face into my collar bone making me smile. His mum poked her head in the room with the camera taking a photo before leaving and shutting the door.

Will peaked out before pushing me down and climbing on top of me. i brought my hand up to my face causing me to bite my nail.

"you know what you did" He spoke in a low voice causing shivers up my spine.

"im sorry, i only got off of you" i smirked from behind my hand, Will was visibly hot now. His cheeks were flushed and his bodies heat was spreading to mine.

He leaned down and kissed my neck, i arched my back as i held his shoulders. i gasped as he trailed down to my collar bone, i tried to push will off.

"Will" i spoke as i tried harder to push him away. The sickness causing me to be weak and light headed.

"stop!" i called, he sat up shocked by my sudden raise in voice. He moved off of me before getting off the bed and facing the wall leaning against it.

" sorry" he managed to stutter out, i nodded and curled up in the blanket. i looked over to Will, before sighing.

"Will...its just i cant, i dont want to be your first...." i spoke out, it wasnt true. id love to be his first but i dont want him to know that he is probably my 15th guy to do this with. he looked over his shoulder, before moving back to the bed.

"why...i want you to be" i sighed before rubbing my face.

"cause i want it to be something special to you" i spoke not wanting to tell him, but he pressed on.

"it will be..." i could feel myself grow mad. growing more tired by the minute.

"Will...your not my first, second or third...your My 15th." i spoke to him harshly, i felt mad at myself for being like this.

"i-it doesnt matter!" he grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"your my girlfriend....i want it to be with you. Whether im your 100th guy, this is what i want" he spoke before leaning in and connecting our lips.

"this relationship isnt...old enough for this will." i wanted to sex will up right here, right now but i wanted it to be something more than just sex, like a first time all over again, the anxiety of it all, the thrill...everything.

"its ok i understand." he kissed my cheek before laying down in bed again, our colds had progressed more and we were both wheezing through our breaths. our bodies growing weak to the illness

"oh 2 weeks im going to america...for 5 weeks." he managed to make out. i nodded feeling a squeeze in my chest.

"i hope you have a fun time." i smiled through the squeeze even though it hurt.

"i want you to friends are going...its a whole gaming convention, i want you to come" he repeated causing me to laugh.

"we'll talk about this after we get better, i can barely think will." i turned to him and stroked his cheek. i shut my eyes and listened to wills breathing, drifting off slowly.

aww nadia wants to protect will in a way.
she doesnt want him rushing.
but pax is coming up and will wants to go with her.

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