chapter 23: morning Bee-fore

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Nadias Pov.

I woke up to someone else's alarm, i rolled over to look up at the ceiling. i blinked quickly only to have my eyes flooded by light, which immediatly caused me to groan. i pulled at my blanket only to find it wasnt on my body.

i sat up and looked around for it only to see Isaac sprawled on the couch one leg on and the other off, Will and darach were cuddling together near me....With my blanket. i groaned knowing it was near impossible to get that back while they were asleep. so i stood up and crawled off the beds and towards the stairs that lead upstairs.

i quickly scampered up the stairs looking like that strange little creature off lord of the rings. when i reached the door i opened it slowly and enough that my body could fit through. i slid through and glanced around.

fuck what am i meant to do.

i had no idea what to do with myself now, i should'v just gone back to sleep. i walked into the lounge room suprised to see Stacy up. i walked over and sat in a single chair, smiling a little. as i sat down and looked around the room i remembered i probably looked like shit, Jetlaged and just woke probably not looking the best.

"Hey. Stacy right?" i decided to speak since i wasnt used to this silence. she glanced up and showed the most beautiful smile i'd ever seen...well besides from braydens, but hers just looked right on her.

"yeah, your Wills girlfriend right?" i pulled my lips into a tight line while i nodded.

"Nadia." i held my hand out to her, she looked taken back by this but leaned over to shake my hand. once the shake was down we both settled back into our seats.

"did you arrive this morning?" i asked, not to be rude but i didnt see her at all last night and we even went into the rooms of those who were still asleep.

"oh yeah, i had to run my dogs up to my parents house." i couldnt help imagine what her dogs looked like. Maybe a tiny little pug or something much bigger like a labrador.

"i bet your going to miss them while you stay here" i spoke softly, not sure how she'd react.

"yeah, but hey at least now i have boys to take care of." she shrugged as if she'd done this many times before which caused me to laugh. we lounged around talking about how we think this is going to turn out.

"today is going to be a pretty chill day though" Stacy mentioned. i took interest in this topic since Bee was in charge of me today.

"oh yeah. whats happened for the other 4 days?" Stacy instantly perked up like she was a calander waiting to tell you todays plans.

"well tomorrow we have a meet up. wednesday we have a panel. thursday we have another meet up, bigger than the first. and friday we have a meet up on the beach." i looked at her confused, what was a panel and who were they planning on meeting up with.

"sounds...busy?" she smiled before we heard a door open. i looked a saw it was the basement door, i watched as the 3 boys piled out. they looked like shit but who was i to judge i probably looked exactly like that.

"good morning" Stacy spoke as they all dropped like corpses into chairs. Will dropping on top of me, i laughed a bit and moved so we could share the chair. i looked around at all of them, Isaac looked mad and tired.

"why's isaac mad?" i whispered into Wills ear, he smiled a bit before turning and whispering back to me.

"darach had a alarm on" he pecked my cheek and returned to his previous position of scroll through his phone. i leaned on his shoulder as i watched isaac start arguing with darach.

i smiled a bit.

this is what a family is...isnt it.

the thought of that was heart warming, even though my little family fell apart. this rather large family picked me up and took me in as their own. i couldnt help the smirk that grew on my face as i fiddled with Wills fingers.

i snapped out of my thoughts when there was screams and cheers from upstairs and a rackus coming down the stairs in a heard of sound. i saw Brayden, Ryan and Mitch chasing Graser down the stairs. i saw bee and straub appear followed by the rest. i guess this is what stacy was talking about. soon enough the lounge room was beaming with life.

everyone was sat while Liam, corrine, stacy and Dfield were cooking breakfast. i was starting to get uncomfortable in my possition so i moved my legs across will, he looked at me for a second before continuing his conversation with graser. He moved his hand onto my thigh and kept it there. which instantly caught the others attention.

"Get it Nadia!" Straub called out which instantly caused bee to punch him, the room burst into laughter which made me redden.instantly i felt like a idiot, so i moved my legs off will and stood up, i was heading towards the bathroom as Jordon grabbed my hand.

"you ok, they were joking." i tugged my arm away without listening to him. i felt like a cactus in a beautiful rose garden. i was out of place and my only friends here are will and isaac. i opened the door and locked myself in.

i walked to the mirror and looked at myself. Tired eyes, red cheeks and messy hair. why was i here, this was wills thing not mine. i sighed before flicking the light off and walking out, i went downstairs to the basement and just sat on the floor for a second before laying back.

"im a idiot for coming" i didnt know what flicked my mood like that. i was perfectly happy talking to stacy and sitting listening to everyones conversations... im used to having the attention so why was that time different.

i groaned loudly before sitting up and seeing Bee sitting on the stairs starring at me.

"i think it was brave that you came, im sorry about straub too." she smiled at me, i was relieved that Bee was such a sweetheart now.

"no its fine, i dont actually know why im acting like this. im going to blame jet lag...but i promise today where ever you take me i wont act like that." she smiled and clapped her hands as if she were a happy seal.

"well you better come up and get food. or the boys will eat it all." she smiled and offered me her hand. i shook my head and stood up and walked upstairs, straub came over and hugged me saying sorry. i explained how jetlag was effecting me and running on 5 hour sleep. everyone wasnt fussed that i had left, since i did go to the bathroom. they probably thought i just needed to go.

i smiled and felt a squeeze in my chest release.



well I guess that weekly thing didnt happen. i suck i know.
nadia doesnt feel like she belongs among them...maybe its because shes finally surrounded by people who actually care.
but will she accept that from them or try push them away feeling scared of them leaving her like her mum.


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