chapter 6: figures

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Nadias POV.

thankfully after that event i had a double study period with Will. he took me out into a little courtyard that was far from the main school building.

"nice area you got here" i held the towel around me like a cape. as i took a seat on the ground looking up at the trees.

"yeah its quiet i suppose" he smiled taking a seat infront of me and opening his book. before writing 'Ideas' on the top of the page. he looked up at me as if he was asking if i had any, i tightened my mouth before shaking my head.

"well we're off to a brilliant start here" he spoke making me laugh, he paused and watched me. i instantly stopped covering my smile from him.

"why'd you stop?" he questioned as he leaned over moving my hand away from my face. i looked at him carefully.

"someone once told me-" Will laughed before he sat back down.

"someone once told you. who cares what they told you, i think your beautiful and should show your real smile" he spoke leaning back on his hands raising his eyebrows at me. i looked down before looking at him.

"i suppose your right" i mumbled he moved his hands into his lap shifting his weight.

"someone once told me....prove them wrong" i mumbled to myself before looking at will with excitment before i got up spun around before i looked at the floor. i just stopped before i walked back to my spot and sat feeling a slight blush creep on my cheeks.

"im sorry" i peeked at him, he was smiling before he wrote down what i'd said.

"your brilliant, you shouldnt be sorry" he smiled wide causing me to smile.

"well we have the idea, now what?" i spoke moving the towel so i could drying in the sun.

"filming." he spoke and scratched the back of his neck. i remembered what isaac had said in the hallway causing me to grow curious.

"your good at this filming stuff huh?" i spoke crawling over to sit next to him, leaning on him to see if he wrote anything else.

"i guess" he spoke quietly, i poked the paper at a small little drawing in the top corner.

"you can supposedly draw too?" i pointed at this small little ball with strings coming out of it. i looked at will as he shut his book. i watched him as he got up not looking at me, he held a hand out i took it as he helped me up.

"why are you ashamed of that, its super cute" i asked laughing as i walked next to him, Was he embarrassed?? he turned his head sharply to me.

"its not cute!" he spoke in a intimidating tone causing me to laugh more.

"that was cute, adorable even" i wiped a tear out of my eye before i just took a breath to see Will frowning.

"you dont like cute?" i asked walking in front of him. he looked at me nodding a bit. i couldnt help but internally aw at him.

"Cute isnt manly" he mumbled, i went next to him as we started walking again. i couldnt help but smirk at Will getting upset over the word cute.

"well id describe you as..." i dragged off thinking before smiling.

"cute" i laughed as i ran in front of Will he chased me.
"Take it back im not cute!" he yelled at me before i stopped and held my hands up.

"fine, your hot okay" i smirked as he caught up, i saw a blush on his face from what i said causing me to laugh. i walked over to will and leaned up to his ear.

"try not to blush at every sexual compliment though." i moved back as will raised his hand to cover his face i laughed and patted his back. we walked over to the main school, we walked to the main office to the principal.

Will knocked on the door while i just opened it and saw she was on the phone, i smiled deviliously as i lifted a hand as a attempted wave before i just sat myself down in a seat, watching will awkwardly sit down.

he gave me a glare as if to say 'whats wrong with you' i smiled in return to him as she put the phone down.

"what do i owe this rude pleasure" she smiled at me.

"dont forget Will, the nice pleasure" i spoke to her motioning to will as he said hi quietly.

"yes, so what brings you two here?" she smiled at us, i bet she thinks we're quitting ha!

"um, well we thought we'd run our short film past you first" will spoke all polite

 "so we dont waste our time" i added on to his sentance. Will glared at me and i mumbled a quick "what its true" back to him.

"well what is it?" she asked placing her hands on the table.

"someone told you something, so prove them wrong" i spoke looking her dead in the eye smirking as she was shocked.

"who came up with this idea." i raised my hand half heartedly. 

"well who would've thought polar opposits work well together, noted" she laughed at herself before nodding.

"i think its a perfect idea, now please leave" she spoke nicely to us, i stood up and just walked out while will said thank you and goodbye.

"your so rude" Will mumbled to me as we were walking.

"to certain people" i mumbled and shrugged, i knew that the principal was only doing this cause my Mum and Noah had something to do with this. 

"like me?" Will asked while Nudging me.

"its impossible to be rude to you" i smiled before i Nudged him back.
"im tired so lets leave early, text isaac that we're going" i spoke, i didnt give Will an option in the situation.

"you have no choice either" i said as will opened his mouth soon to be shut as he texted isaac.

"why do i have to come?" he groaned as he followed behind me as i got my backpack. i turned to him and grabbed his tie gently, bringing his face closer to mine before i leaned to his ear and mumbled "sex" he stepped back looking shocked.

"your to easy to mess with" i spoke as i turned around and grabbed my bag out of my locker. he sarcastically laughed as he lead me to his locker.

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