chapter 7: Playful

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Nadias Pov.

we were walking down the street in silence as we headed towards our houses.

"so whats there to do around here" i questioned, they both turned their heads. isaac laughed before he spoke.

"subway." i frowned confused at what he said.

"really?" he nodded before i looked to will who nodded and smiled.

"thats boring, city kids are so much more fun" i spoke crossing my arms as the wind blew harshly at us, my hair flowing in the wind.

"city kids have drugs and shit to be fun" Will spoke raising his eyebrows, i lifted my head nodding pretending not to understand before i punched his shoulder.

"certain kids yes. not all" i smirked as he gripped his shoulder rubbing it softly.

"so we've agreed we're going to chill at your house will" i spoke straight after Isaac nodded before Will looked at me and shook his head.

"we'll you didnt quite make the best first impression on my parents yesterday" i laughed remembering dinner.

"hey i promise i wont do it again" i lifted my hands up laughing a bit.

"sure you wont" he spoke, i raised my eyebrows at him, i mouthed 'cute' towards him.

"im missing out on all this neighbourly action so what happened at dinner" isaac asked and we explained to him on the way home, he couldnt stop laughing when we reached Wills house.

we walked up to the door and will opened it up revealing his parents making out on the couch, Will stood there awkwardly before me and isaac burst into laughter causing his parents to notice us. they stood up straight fixing their clothes and attempted at their hair.

"whats happening Mr and Mrs kingsley" i spoke waving at them, they smiled a bit as i walked up the stairs pulling Will up behind me as Isaac said hello.

"snap out of it Will, dont get a boner out of your parents kissing" i mumbled as we walked into his room he looked at me before gaging.

"thats totally gross, never say that again" i laughed and nodded.

"i just wanted will back, not shocked will" i smiled and ruffled his hair as i went and sat on his bed. he sat in his computer chair as he fixed his hair, isaac walked in with some snacks and placed them infront of him on the floor as he himself then proceeded to lay there and tease will about the earlier scene.

isaac left at 6 while i laid on wills bed thinking of the speach for the graduates of this year.

"how does, 'thanks fuck your gone' sound?" i turned to will who was on his computer talking to a bunch of people online. he turned in his chair and glared at me.

"joking, it was a joke" i mumbled as he turned back around to face his computer. i bit into the pencil that will lent me, Will took out his earphones and looked to me before panicking and taking the pencil out of my mouth.

"i chewed on that" he said quickly, i scrunched my face up before shrugging and held my hand out to get it back. he shook his head before pulling out a new pencil.

will grabbed his laptop and motioned for me to move over on the bed so he could lie next to me.

"oh so your going to help me now" i turned my head to look at him as i raised my eyebrows. Will turned and our noses touched, i smiled and moved my head back letting my hair fall down and hide the faint blush on my face.

"i suppose i am, plus the guys on here wanted to speak to you." i turned back before seeing all these boys and 1 girl on the screen all smiling. i covered the camera for a second before frowning at will, he moved my hand away before unmuting them.

"hey guys she's willing to talk now" i groaned and placed my face into the bed.

"doesnt look like she's willing at all" a boy spoke before laughing his laugh was defiantly contagious as i burst into a wide smile before looking up at them.

"oh she's cute, like hot. leave will for me" i had heard the voice before i looked at the screen confused.

"Jordon?" i questioned he smiled and nodded. i felt more comfortable in the situation now, i studied jordons face, his eyes defiantly stuck out the most.

"well i suppose we all better introduce ourselves to you." the boy with cute laugh spoke.

"i am Graser" he smiled before waving.(graser10)

"sean" a cute smile appeared out of him (grapeapplesauce)

"Bee, its a pleasure to finally speak to another female on here" she laughed and i smiled at her.(heyimbee)

"Brayden" a boy spoke his smile was wide and hard to not look at.(rusher)

"Mitch" a boy with a lot of hair spoke.(MrMitch)


"PARKER!" This boy interupted causing me to smile and laugh at him, he sat down and smiled."you owe me $10 now H cause i made her laugh first" i paused for a second thinking back to who i was introduced to...everyone no ones name started with a H.

"H?" i questioned before they all seemed to panic quietly. i muted me and Wills mic.

"there is something going on here" i whispered to will even though i muted the Mic.
"its not important" i frowned and got off the bed and out of the cameras view.

"isaac must know" i spoke out harshly as i packed stuff into my backpack.

"of course i know isaac for longer than 24 hours" i felt a pain in my chest, i trusted Will...i thought he would trust me too.

"sorry im not them" i spoke before opening his window and climbing out it. i jumped over to my window climbing in it seeing Will go to his, i shut my window and closed my blinds.

"why'd i think he would trust someone like me" i mumbled as i stripped out of my clothes and into some pjs and laid face first on my bed.

Wills Pov.

i sat back onto my bed and sighed, i felt like i screwed up with my words. i felt something for her i unmuted my mic. before laying back on my bed, there was silence in the chat before i glanced at the screen.

"i messed up" i mumbled to them before i quit the call.

i stood up and got out of my uniform and into some sweatpants. i placed my laptop away before seeing the sheet on my bed.

it was the speech Nadia wrote for the graduation.

'Just Be Yourself. It sounds simple, sweet, grounding and reassuring. Right? But what does it mean to be yourself? How can you be anyone but yourself when you possess one mind, one body, and if you choose to believe (as I do), one unique beautiful soul?...'

she had the whole thing written out, i placed it on the floor before seeing on the back there was another thing on the back. it was small companied by a small doodle.

"Thanks will, i knew i could trust you. You passed..." i spoke before scrunching my fist up and throwing it onto the floor breathing heavily. i quickly dropped down and tried to smooth it out since she had written the whole speech on there and cause i hadnt seen the drawing.

it was a little me....smiling...waving. it made me want to scream at how stupid i could be.

A/N so we got a rare will pov.!!
the just be yourself speech i copied is from ellen degenres
and the drawing is from
from theyoung420bobross

hope you enjoyed!

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