chapter 9: too friendly

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Nadias POV.

it had been a month since i had entered the school with Will and Isaac, it was safe to say that we were unseperable. it was currently a long weekend, so i crawled into Wills room and scared him half to death.

"Boo" i mumbled as he jumped, i laughed and realized he was topless. i had become more aware of Will every since i realized that i liked Will, but i didnt want to ruin anything so we stuck to being really close friends.

"you scared me, knock next time" he shut his minecraft tab as he pulled his ear phones off. he stood up as he walked over to me and pushed me onto his bed before laying down next to me.

"so romantic" i laughed turning to face him, he smiled. i watched as his eyes crinkled in the corners when he did. he turned to face me as our noses touched.

"so why're you here?" he questioned, our breaths slow as if any fast movement would hurt us.

"cant a friend just visit some times?" i laughed a bit examining his eyes.

"your in trouble again, arent you?" i sighed before sitting up, i rested my head in my hands as i sat there.

"she tried to throw out the frame my dad gave her on their wedding" i spoke slowly starring at his wall.

"so naturally we got into a fight and Noah had to get involved...but this time she hit me, she told me to grow up" i felt my voice waver, Will sat up and hugged me from the side as he kissed my shoulder before he rubbed my arm.

"Nadia, its okay to get upset about your mum trying to forget your dad...its perfectly fine" he moved my head to his shoulder while he rested his chin on there.

"what would i do without you" i mumbled into his shoulder. before moving back out of his grip, we smiled at each other before Will breathed out.

"come here quickly, i have a secret i want to show you" he walked over to his desk and sat in the chair, i stood next to him before he pulled me down into his lap. i moved side ways so he could still see.

i looked at him and saw he was a bit red, causing me to turn vibrant red.

"no moving ok" he said to me laughing, i nodded my head as he opened up some tabs before opening up Youtube. i looked at the screen before he clicked on a channel called 'Kiingtong'. he opened a video and i heard a familiar voice.

"Is that you?" i questioned looking back at him, he was looking away at this moment.

"you dont think im lame do you?" he mumbled out, i smiled at him and turned back to the screen.

"your kidding me, its amazing you do this" i spoke a little bit prouder than i should have. i think about how isaac knows this.

"does isaac do this too? are your internet friends doing this too?" a million pieces of a puzzle fit together at once. i move from his lap and walk around the room smiling before sitting back on his bed. i cover my mouth.

" speechless" i say falling back onto the bed, Will could change my mood in a instant, i sighed feeling all these emotions flow through me, i sat up and stared at Will crossing my legs. 

i sat there smiling at him before i held my hands out to him. he got up and walked into my hug, i hugged his lower torso. will rubbed my head before he pushed me away from him.

"ok get out now i need to record" i pouted, before he rubbed the back of his neck.

"fine you can stay but only if you stay in the corner" i smiled before i went and sat in the corner, i got my phone out as i started searching about Will, he was pretty popular on youtube. i looked at his screen quickly and saw he was loading a horror game.

"Hey whats up you guys we're back with some Outlast...." i listen to Will scream and ramble about stuff, i decided to scare will by turning off the lights in his room. Will literally yelled and stood up and strode over to the lights causing me to fall and laugh my ass off.

"that was classic" i spoke while wiping a tear out of my eye, he frowned before he walked back to his seat.

"sorry guys Friend decided to scare me" i sat up wiping my eyes. i crawled to sit next to Will on the floor out of the cameras view. i lean on his leg as i watch the screen, he glances down at me for a second before smiling and pausing the game.

"i feel like a bad friend, so im going to end this video here. and ill see you all in the next one" he spoke as he turned off his camera. i crawled away from him a bit before will slid down off his chair and onto the floor.

we sat cross legged across from each other, we starred into each others eyes. it was in a completly silent. will moved his hands onto mine squeezing them before he started to lean in, i felt my heart skip for a second before my body just moved closer to will.

i felt his breath on my skin i shut my eyes as my breath caught, everything didnt seem real until the door suddenly opened, i fell backwards fast as Will moved away. the sexual tension in the room left as soon as the door opened revealing Wills older sister.

"well i was just going to say hi but ill be back later" she spoke smirking at will, shutting the door. i blushed wildly as Will held a hand over his face.

"i should go, your sister probably wants to talk to you" i got up and walked over to the window before stopping quickly. i walked over to Will leaning down and kissed him.

"see ya" i smirked as i climbed out of the window.

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