chapter 25: FINALLY

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Nadias Pov.

we walked down the street in silence, trying to keep the peace surrounding us. i stepped up onto a edge and balanced along there until there was no more ledge. eventually a car drove past and beeped at us, i looked disgusted at the car and hopped down from the ledge.

"some people i swear" i huffed out and kicked a rock, bee walked up beside me and patted my shoulder.

"they cant help it, look at us" she laughed, i looked away before turning to her and smiling. she covered her mouth before dropping them.

"you genuinely smiled" she laughed as i pushed her onto the road. i laughed before placing my hand over my face.

"shut up" i mumbled looking down. stacy and Dul started laughing i looked up and smiled a bit, stacy pulled out her vlogging camera and held it up so we were all in the shot.

"Guys, you wouldn't believe what just happened. Nadia just smiled....i know" i stuck my finger up at her camera and she gasped which sounded like a horse. i laughed, grinning as she stopped walking and pointed the camera in my face.

"say hi to my fans! introduce yourself" i sighed and thought about it.

"hi, im Wills neighbor. isaac and his best Oh and my names Nadia" i smiled and waved, stacy laughed before walking ahead vlogging more.

"why dont you want people to know about you and Will" dul asked me quietly, i shrugged. looking down where i walked i answered

"i guess i dont want to be another corrine? plus Will seems pretty popular, if ive learnt anything its that people lose interest when they find out someone popular gets into a relationship." i stated before i looked at a flower bed we were passing. 

another car drove past and beeped at us, they pulled over. i was groaning internally.

"hey lets just cross the road" i called up to stacy, she nodded. we all started crossing when the window came down to reveal all the boys laughing their butts off. i rubbed my eyes before i ran back to the other side of the road.

"you guys are jerks" i laughed as i reached in and smacked isaac on the back of the head. he stopped laughing and rubbed the back of his head. i looked in to see who was driving, grape. i pulled my head back and looked back in.

"where are the other boys?" most shrugged until i heard a familiar laugh appear from the front seat. Graser. i smiled and looked at him, before raising my eyebrows.

"dont worry your charming prince will, will soon be here" he smiled doing something weird earning him a punch from grape. i smiled and saw jordon, he was starring at me so i waved.

"do you want knight jordon to accompany you ladies" poke asked wriggling his eyebrows. i sighed before looking around, stacy put her hand up.

"i have a panel soon, so ill swap with jordon and he can walk." and just like that, they swapped spots and stacy was now gone. i sat on the curb sighing a bit, looking up at the sun.

"how much longer are we walking for?" i asked as bee pulled me up.

"15 minutes" i slumped down onto her shoulder.

"to far, leave without me" i exaggerated as we walked, until jordon threw me over shoulder. i let a scream out before i struggled, i remembered the night. i kicked and thrashed around until jordon dropped me.

"nadia, you ok??" bee asked, i looked up at everyone, they were obviously shocked, i dipped my head as i ran ahead. i was still in sight i just needed some space. i took a breath, running my hands through my hair.

"god damn it" i mumbled, i knew jordon didn't know so i couldn't put it against him. i had a mood drop from the thought of Noah.

no, noah and mum arent family anymore....i deserve better. forget them nadia.. i was stuck in thought when a car pulled up next to me. i saw will get out of the car and pull me into a hug, i gripped his top tightly as i just listened to his heart beat.

"its ok, forget about what they did. your ok now, ill never let anything happen again" he whispered into my ear, i smiled and nodded. Jordon, bee, dul were sitting in the very back of the car. so me and will sat in the back with Joe and parker sitting in the front.

i leaned onto will as we started driving again, i intertwined our fingers before the atmosphere calmed. everyone started talking and singing along to the music playing in the car, i just shut my eyes and tried to forget the world around me.

im stronger than my past.

when the car stopped i opened my eyes and saw a huge hall with so many people. i looked out at the crowd in awe. i opened the door and slid out so bee and the rest could get out. I saw the others surrounded by fans. i looked over and isaac spotted us, waving us over to the spot. Will came up behind me and whispered into my ear.

"i love you, go have fun with bee. ill see you later" he pecked my cheek quickly so the fans didnt see, he went and jogged over to isaac along with dul and jordon. Bee stood next to me looking proud.

"um about before..."i spoke but she held up her hand.

"dont worry, ill wait until your ready to share" i looked down and smiled, my heart felt light. i bit my lip and looked up.

"so what to do first" she smiled as she dragged me to the hall.

sorry for being lazy with this book, im swamped with homework. im considering just quitting school. haha jokes but sorry.

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