chapter 12: Sisters law

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Nadias Pov.

i was dragged into her room and spun around before being placed in a chair, it came as a shock at how she moved me, like a real close friend.

"Ok" she locked her door before sitting in another chair and pulled it opposite me. i looked at her scared of what she was going to do, or if she was going to lecture me about using will or something.

"Will, isnt how he seems ok" she looked at me, i held eye contact trying not to lose any sort of dominance i had shared between us.

"he is fragile and weak. he spent 6 months in hospital... thats why he is so thin, he has crohn's diesease." i sat there looking at her taking in all this information, Will didnt show that anything was effecting him.

"so treat him right, or you might lose him" i nodded before she stood up and leaned into my ear.

"also, dont be scared to ask me anything...or tell me anything" she leaned back smiling at me, i unconsiously had held my breath so i quickly breathed out. i sighed before running my hand through my hair.

"so, Nadia besides from what i call the 'sisters law' i hear your a little badass" she spoke smirking. i looked down losing all dominance at that moment.

"i wouldnt quite say that" i mumbled before i looked at her, she smiled at me before leaning back in her chair.

"i would, you started a fire on the front sneek in to Wills room and if i saw correctly last night you stand on Roofs" she smiled. i opened my mouth before shutting it on my nail.

"im not a badass...its reckless...i suppose its not caring" i spoke out to her, i looked around before i settled my gaze on her.

"if i end up dead, its something im ok with... its more of revenge" i spoke before i stood up, Maddie stood up so we were face to face.

"sit, we have some more talking to do" i sat down and looked up at her before she sat down again.

"another thing i want to know about like Will dont you?" she asked a smile grew on her face, cheek to cheek... my eyes Widened at her.

", will is just...just a friend" i mumbled to her, i flicked my eyes to the door before i looked at my hands that were messing with the hem of my shorts.

"i can tell your lying. why do you like him, he isnt romantic or anything...if anything you could probably get some smoking badass boyfriend" she spoke and smiled at me, i looked at her.

"badass boys arent all what gossip makes you believe..." i spoke sitting back growing more comfortable.

"oh she's had a boyfriend before" she leaned forward as if she was interested.

"not really, more like sexual relationships?" i spoke awkwardly, i leaned down and scratched my ankle.

"again that was just for...the sake of frightening my mum" i spoke to her sitting up straight. i must seem like such a loser or a spoilt little brat.

"i get it, i totally do. interogation done for now, im taking you out shopping some time though" she smiled and patted my back before standing up and walking to the door, holding it open for me. i got up and stepped out quietly before walking back to wills room.

i entered and shut the door behind me, i looked at will before sliding down the door.

"your sister is hard core" i mumbled rubbing my face, Will laughed before he pulled me up and spun me around. i smiled and laughed intertwining our fingers, looking at them. they fit perfectly together, wills hands covering majority of mine.

"shes a little intense when it comes to girls" he spoke laughing, we rocked back and forth before will spun me under his arm.

"she must've practised that speech on many girls then" i said once i was facing him again, i secretly hoped he'd say something like 'only you' or something but he isnt cheesy.

"only a couple" he said quietly, i spun him under my arm. i had to go on my tippy toes before he pulled me forward.

"what happened to them?" i asked getting curious, as he moved his hands to my hips.

"they found out about what i do" he spoke, and looked around the room before i moved away from him fast, i was confused.

"im sorry i cant." i said mad at myself, i didnt understand what was happening between us. we makeout one minute then treats me like a child the next. i looked at him before i moved to the Window. i moved my body out as i sat on the ledge, i heard Will move closer to me before wrapping his arms around my body.

"please, dont go." he spoke in a whisper, i looked down before moved his hands from around me.

"its better if i dont stay right now, i need to set my thoughts straight." i didnt know what i was doing, i yearned for his touch and his voice but i was rejecting all of it.

"why're you confused." i turned around to him this time.

"cause one moment your kissing me, the next you make me feel like a child... your confusing me" i spoke harshly, gripping the edge hard. i looked down before i turned back to my window and climbed across.

"im sorry will, ill come over tomorrow so we can work on the video" i mumbled knowing he could hear. i climbed into my window and just shut my blinds not my window. i sighed and sat on my bed before i yelled at the top of my lungs, i stood up and kicked my chair over before i just collapsed onto the floor.

"why...why am i like this" i mumbled to myself, i denied myself what i needed. he supports me through this and makes me happy something i havent felt in ages. i hope he understands...please understand that im new to being loved. i havent felt that in ages.

A/N i have a ww1 assignment due and i need to write 7 pages for it but here i am doing this!!! love me like i love you.

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