chapter 8: broken friends

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Nadias POV.

i'd known will for less than 2 days, he has already managed to hurt me. i sighed and sat on my bed looking through photos of when my family was...well just that a family. i smiled before i laid on my bed realizing i had to get up for school today.

i had  3 periods with will today, i didnt want to deal with the humilliation so i just sat on my bed hoping to miss the first 2 periods since i shared them with Will.

i stood up slowly from my bed and got dressed into my uniform. i sat down at my desk and applied my make-up before i just looked at myself in the mirror. i didnt like what i saw so i crouched down and grabbed a shoe from the floor before pelting it at the mirror watching it shatter to the floor.

i sat on the floor just looking at the mess id created...i didnt create any more i destroyed. my door burst open and showed my mum looking worried, she looked to the mirror then to me before sighing and smiling. 

she walked over to where i crouched and got down on her Knees pulling me into a hug, i rested my face on her shoulder. i might of despised her but she was my mum and i dont know what i would do without her.

"whats wrong" she whispered to me, pulling back to look me in the eye. i thought for a moment, everything...i thought everything was wrong.

"i messed up again, i trusted to easy now look" i gestured to my room and smiled a bit before scoffing. i finished getting dressed and grabbed some things before running downstairs and out the front door. if everything was wrong i was just going to have to make it right.

i was walking down the pathway when i reached the school gate and saw will waiting out front. i internally groaned before i continued with my head down into the school. i felt a hand grab my arm so i stopped and looked up at him.

"Nadia i'm sorry" i looked at him before shrugging my arm away and continued walking only to hear my name being called out.

"Nadia wait!" will yelled weaving through people.

"Will leave me alone. its my fault i trusted some idiot like you in under a day, i thought you were different then others" i turned to look at him causing him to stop in his tracks as i continued to walk into the school building. i grabbed my books before wondering the halls to find my classroom.

as i walked in i found a empty seat down the back, i organised my books and just started writing down the information that was on the board. the class started to fill up but i hadnt seen will yet, i wondered where he was but he walked through the door looking directly at me. i stared before i dropped my gaze, i realized the last seat empty was the seat infront of me.

Will took the seat looking back at me as he settled into the seat, luckily we had english so we only had to read and write, i was writing down my argument on Animal rights when i knocked my eraser off. i looked down to where it landed and sighed quietly before i shifted trying to scoot it towards me.

Will saw and leaned down and picked it up, i watched his hand pick it up between his thumb and index finger. he turned around, i saw the hurt in his eyes as i held out my hand for him to place it on.

we locked gazes again before the Bell went, the teacher was the first to leave. i blinked realizing that we both hadnt moved. i took the eraser from his hand, i packed up my papers shoving them into my folder. i stood up and moved straight into will, he moved me to sit down. i avoided eye contact with him.

"Nadia im sorry, i didnt want to tell you 'cause i thought you'd think i was more of a loser than you already do" he kneeled down and placed his hands on my knees. i looked up at him seeing he was really hurt by my actions.

"i was stupid, your allowed your secrets Will... im learning at this whole friends thing" i smiled a bit, will looked at me and laughed before he picked me up and spun me around.

i laughed and held onto him tight before he put me down. he rested our foreheads on each other, our breaths colided. i shut my eyes and just smiled, i moved my hand down wills arm and to his hand before i gripped it.

i opened my eyes before moving back away from Will as i grabbed my books and folders, i walked backwards and smirked at will before walking out the door.

I opened my locker and just leaned there, sliding my books in before smiling like a idiot. i shut my locker before walking out to a picnic outside where i found isaac, i smiled to him before Will soon slid into the seat next to me smiling.

"Okay what happened cause your both smiling like idiots" Isaac said waving his food around as he spoke. i just looked down.

"lets just say, its official we're friends now" i laughed a bit, i placed a hand down on the bench as i spoke to isaac only to be suprised when Will placed his on top of mine. i smiled at isaac as i looked down.

i froze for a moment, did i enjoy Will being more friendly than meant. i enjoyed it so much... it was slowly already becoming a addiction. i felt a blush crawl onto my face as i realized i was crushing on Will.

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