chapter 11: what're we

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Nadias POV.

i woke up remembering last night, i couldnt help smile about it. i rolled over and saw a jelly bean on my bed side table. i sat up and opened my blinds to Wills Window, i saw his were still shut so i walked to my closet and pulled out a pair of blue shorts with little daisys on them with a white crop top before i jogged downstairs to the bathroom. i locked the door and hopped into the shower running the water through my hair. i looked down to my knuckles and saw the bruises were barely there anymore.

i heard a knock at the door minutes later and shut the water off standing there quietly listening to the silence before another one appeared. i wrapped my towel around my body before walking carefully to the door.

i opened it a bit before seeing my mum standing outside the door. i shut it before locking it again, i walked to the mirror and saw my jaw was bruised from her hitting me yesterday. i sighed before getting dressed. i leaned against the wall listening to see if she was still outside.

i didnt hear anything so i ran upstairs and locked my bedroom door. i looked at my jaw again in my mirror, i put some foundation and concealer over it but it slightly showed through. i put the rest of my make up on before i opened my Window and climbed out and over to Wills.

i peered through his blinds as i climbed through, he was fast asleep on his bed. i decided to be nice and Leave him asleep, i crawled into bed next to him and moved his hair to one side. i smiled at how innocent he seemed while asleep.

i heard him take a deep breath in before he opened his eyes. he peered at me before Pulling me into a hug, i was laughing and confused. i realised Will must've been half asleep, i layed there still not to wake him. he kissed my forehead before he mumbled out something that would change everything.

"i like you, Nadia" i moved my head up to look at him, before i went back into his chest. i laid there thinking about if he was meaning as friends or as more. i decided i should wake Will up, i moved back a bit and slid out of his grip. 

i touched his face before i touched his shoulder and shook it a bit, he woke up and looked a bit shocked before he brought the blanket higher up his chest.

"i need to get a lock dont i" he spoke groggily, i sat down on his bed before i laid next to him again. i looked at him as he kept his eyes open and looking at me.

"did you hear yourself before?" i asked quietly as i moved his hair again, he propped himself up on his elbow looking at me confused.

"No? what did i say?" i looked at his face before shrugging, i couldnt ask look like a complete dick.

"i dunno it wasnt clear" i smiled at him before i held his cheek. he looked at me before biting his lip.

"fuck it" he spoke quietly before he dipped down and kissed me, i was shocked before i moved closer to his face. we pulled appart before i moved off his bed and brushed my pants down to smooth them. i wasnt used to situations like this, i mean i'd snuck out after having sex with someone but the guy who i liked...liked me back and wasnt some fling.

"ah" i opened my mouth and held my hands together before i smiled, looking down at the ground. Will stood up out of his bed, his sheets dropping to the floor to show his bare chest. i moved his hips closer to me before i pressed him up against the wall. 

our breaths colliding, lips brushing and eyes connecting. my hands were gripped on his hip before he moved my head to the side. his fingers brushed over my bruise i winced a bit.

"you serious, she left a bruise on you" he spoke softly to me, i looked down and moved his hand away from my face. he moved me to his chair before kneeling in front of me.

"it doesnt matter" i spoke as Will looked up at me worried. i moved his hands away from me, i was confused about what just happened.

"Will...what're we?" i mumbled and looked down to him. he looked up, he rubbed his face.

"i dont know." he spoke before sitting back on his bed, we both sat in silence until his sister came in and laughed.

"this isnt how a relationship is" she spoke before we both stood up.

"were not-" Will started before i cut him off.

"dating, were arent dating" i spoke trying to clear up the misunderstanding, i smiled a bit awkwardly before motioning to the window.

"im your new neighbour...Im Noahs girlfriends child" i scratched at my arm while i spoke.

"im doing a assignment with Will, so i was just over" i spoke like will didnt know me that well. i walked backwards towards the window.

"it was nice meeting you, im Nadia by the way." i sat on the ledge before Will grabbed my arm.

"shes also my friend" he spoke before leaning down to me. looking at me, i moved back into a standing position next to will.

"Well Nadia, im wills older sister. maddie" she held her hand out to me, i reached out and she grabbed it before pulling me in. 

"Will im borrowing her for a couple of minutes, get dressed." she laughed as she dragged me out the door, i looked at Will who raised his hand slightly before i was out of his view.

A/N what are they now, i have no clue....neither do they

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