chapter 24: lets go

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Nadias Pov.

after breakfast was done i ran back down into the basement to get dressed, today was much warmer than last night so i got some shorts,top and a sweater. i was crouched down near my bag when someone sat on my back causing me to lose my balance and bang my forehead on the corner of the side table.

"Ow" i mumbled before i looked back to see Wills shocked face.

"im so sorry, i thought you wouldnt fall" he got off and sat on the floor behind me, i turned back around and wills eyes widened.

"Im so sorry" i felt my forehead and instantly felt pain, i got up and walked to the mirror to see this massive purple bruise on my forehead.

"WILL!" i called out, i walked back over to him. he looked scared for his life. 

"if people ask me what this is, ima say you beat me" i joked with him, he opened his mouth. but before he could protest i laughed.

"joking" i held my hands up. i walked back over and grabbed my clothes. 

"hey will, can you stand at the bottom of the stair so the boys dont come in while im getting changed" i gripped my clothes and pouted will.

"you own me" he said before i pointed at the massive bruise.

"were even" i spoke, he laughed before standing at the base of the stairs.

Wills Pov.

i stood at the bottom just waiting, until i heard the first piece of clothing hit the floor, i found myself swallowing the saliva that was produced in my mouth. i glanced at the mirror to see Nadia stripping out of her pants. it was wrong but i couldnt look away.

soon she was left in her bra and underwear...which left me with a read face. i coughed which caught her attention and i knew in that moment i was well and truely fucked.

Nadias pov

i turned and looked at will, he was red in the face and starring at me through the mirror. i smirked a bit before i walked behind him. i placed my head onto his shoulder as i snaked my hands to wrap around his torso.

"you ok" i whispered in his ear. i felt his body shiver under my touch.

"Nadia...cant you put something on?" he struggled to make out. i grabbed his hand.

"but i saw you staring will. dont you want to touch?" i whispered seductivly this time. i pressed my chest onto his back. his blush had made its way onto his ears. i laughed a bit before walking off, i slid into my shorts when will walked up behind me kissing my shoulder. i smiled and turned around to face him. i leaned up to kiss him which he instantly responded to. he moved us onto the couch, him hovering over me. 

we broke the kiss as will moved his hands up my body. Will looked at me before his hands found my chest. he rested them there unsure of what to do. i smirked, grabbing his hand making them squeeze my chest. i tilted my head back and looked back up at will. i could feel him getting turned on against my thigh.

"Jesus! fuck man i sleep there!" Isaac walked in and insantly me and will flipped off the couch, i walked over to put my shirt on and will pulled a pillow onto his lap to conceal his hard.

"fuck isaac. make noise when your coming down the stairs or something" i called out. pulling my sweater on over my shoulders. isaac was laughing now, i turned to see will full on red. this boy is to innocent for his own good.

"Man thats classic. wait dont tell me he got a boner just by touching you" Isaac was practically crying with laughter now. i threw a empty plastic bottle at him.

"Get out isaac!" i yelled as he ran up the stairs. i huffed before crouching down, i glanced over to will who was kind of in shock.

i walked over and patted his shoulder. leaning down next to his ear.

"maybe next time, we'll do more than just that" i whispered. Will swore under his breath as he got up and locked himself in the basements bathroom. i just smirked to myself before walking upstairs to see Bee, Dul and stacy waiting in the lounge.

"oh we all going around together??" i questioned as i sat down in a seat. Bee looked up from her phone and smiled at me before seeing the bruise.

"Jesus! what happened?" which of course caught the attention of the other two.

"will sat on my back and i head butted a table" i laughed, scratching my neck. they all nodded and bee lifted up her chin.

"dont worry i fell in the bath" she showed me her little cut. i smiled thinking about what will said, me and bee werent that much different. i nodded and stuffed my phone in the pocket of my shorts.

"so we going or what. lets leave their asses behind and get a head start" i smiled at them all, Bee stood before the rest of them and we headed out. we stood outside for a moment looking up at the sky.

"should we walk?" stacy asked, i shrugged and looked to dul.

"why not"

guys i dunno if you want this book to continue. i think my writing is getting worse.
or my motovation for the book is dwindling.

comment what you think. if i should continue or not.

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