sun, sea, sand!!

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Jacob was back in a few minutes from collecting grace. Grace ran upo to her mum and Connie picked her up and grace wrapped her legs round Connie's waist and her arms round her neck.

"Right lets get home I can't stand another minute here" said jacob.

They all went to reception and Connie told Zoe she was going home early. They jumped into the car and headed home.

"Grace why don't you go up and get into the shower and get into your onzie" said grace smiling at her daughter.

"Ok" Grace ran up the stairs to get ready.

Connie went to the kitchen and dumped her back on the sofa as she went past and then sat at the breakfast bar.

Jacob went over to connie and rubbed her back. "Seeing as it is 2 o'clock shall I make up as late lunch early dinner?" Suggested jacob.

"You know what that would be brilliant" said connie smiled.

"What do you want" He said walking over the fridge

"Surprise me" and with that jacob started taking out random ingredient that Connie honestly didn't know she had.

A little while later grace came bound into the kitchen in her onzie her hair wet and sitting just below her shoulders pencil and her pad in her hand. She went over and next to Connie on the breakfast bar.

"Mummy can you do my hair in a plait please?"

"Of course I can darling" Connie got of her stool and stood behind grace and did her hair while grace was busy drawing cartoons! She was a amazing drawer for a 10 year old.

Jacob came over to them with to plates filled with pasta with bacon and mushrooms.

The two females tucked in with Jacob standing opposite them eating

"So ladies when was the last time you two went on a holiday?" Said Jacob both eyebrows raised and curiosity in his vioce

"Erm... I don't know about 4 years ago we went to Paris.. Why?" Said Connie

"Well next week I have booked a flight to go and see my family in hawii I booked it ages ago... Would you like to come I mean graces is on half term"

"I can't I'm working next week" said Connie with disappointment then she looked at Jacob, he had a massive grin on his face "Jacob what have you done?" A smile creeping on Connie's face

"Well I might have booked you off for the whole week as well" he said looking at his girlfriend

Connie jumped up and ran round to Jacob and gave him a hug and a kiss then pulled away when grace started to speak

"Wait so dose this mean we are going hawii?"

Connie looked at Jacob both with massive grins on their faces then at grace and said

"Yes Gracie we are" grace started bouncing off the walls she was so excited

"So I have booked the hotel and the filght tickets and we leave on Saturday" said Jacob looking proud

"You are amazing" said Connie kissing him again

"I know" said Jacob in-between kisses.

Sorry for such a short chapter! The next chapter will be about them haveing been in hawii for 2 days! Hope you have enjoyed this chapter I will update asap xxxxx

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