loading aiming and firing??

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Live love laugh, if all else fails, load aim and fire.... This was the one rule in life that Mrs Connie Masters had stuck to ever since she was little... And it had worked... But her only job now... Was to teach grace that exact same thing.

"Grace darling? Can I come in?" Said Connie knocking on her daughters bedroom door in their hotel suit.

"Yeah" she heard from the other side.

She walked in to find grace sat up in bed with tear stained cheeks and bloody shot eyes.. Although she wasn't crying any more.

"Gracie whats the matter?"

"Nothing mum I'm fine"

"Well that's a lie because you have tear stained cheeks and your eyes are blood shot!" Connie just sighed "Ok if your not going to tell me what's wrong that's fine... But the rest of the ED are doing their own thing to day as we only have 2 days left in Hawii. .. Jacobs gone with the boys and clary has gone out with zoe and tess.. so its just me and you"

Grace smiled. "Ok so what are me and you going to do today then?"

"Like what ever you want " Connie replied smileing at her daughter.

"Can we spend the day down the beach then mabe go shopping?"

"Of coarse we can darling.. right come on then get some shorts and t-shirt on and we will head down there" Connie got up and kissed grace on the head then headed to the kitchen while grace got changed.

Once they were both ready grace took connies hand and they made their way to the beach in their sandals.

They took of their sandals and headed onto the beach swinging their arms.

Connie put her sandals down and sat down while grace went down to the water line for a puddle.

After a while grace came bounding up the beach and sat next to her mum and put her head on her shoulder.

Connie put her arm round her. "Are you going to yell me what you upset about this morning when I came to talk to you?"

Grace just sat their for about 20 seconds before speaking. "Erm.. school has been a bit difficult recently... obviously not this past month but before we came out here... I was being pick on by some of the boys in my year and the girls at school gave them my number and this morning they sent some horrible messages that I don't want to talk about... that's why I was crying"

Connie was processing this new information when she had an idea. "Ok so you have had a lot of problems with schooling so how about being home schooled but us at the ED... how does that sound?"

"Really mum? So I would have to go to school again?" Asked grace looking up at connie. Connie could see the teats slowly disappearing in her daughters eyes.

"Yeah I'm sure me jacob charlie zoe robyn rita and whoever else wants to help would be happy to help!" Connie smiled then grace hugged her mum.

That sat their hugging each other for a while before connie got up and held out one hand for grace to take whilst retrieving her sandals of the sand with the other.

Grace took connies hand and stood up then connie ran down to the water with grace following. They paddled in the water for a bit the connie grabbed graces hand and pulled her in deeper.

What either of them hadn't noticed was that jacob was stood watching them and smileing at the beautiful sight in front of him.

Jacob suddenly ran down to the water and picked up the two squealing girls in his arms before setting them back down in the water again.

"The others are just comeing we all met back up at the hotel then I remembered you texted me to say you to were down here... you do realise it's 3 pm don't you?"

"Oh how time files when you are haveing fun!" Said connie laughing.

Grace ran up the the beach to met clary and zoe.

"Urm jacob there's something I need to tell you"

"What is it sweet cheeks?"

"Grace had been bullied at school and she has had some problems with schooling anyway so I suggested home schooling? Is that ok with you?"

"Connie that's perfect with me because then I can spend more time with the most gorgeous ladies ever!" He smiled before kissing her.

"You are amazing you know that right" said connie smiling back at him.

"Come one we going to the pub for something to eat" said jacob taking connies hand.

They walked back up the beach to everyone else then they all made their way to the town centre to the pub.

Connie and grace sat next to each other with clary one side of connie and zoe the other side of grace and jacob and charlie sat opposite and everyone one else sat down the long table.

"Grace did you say it was boys doing all the bulling?"

"Yeah" said grace saddening

"Hmm I suppose it works with boys to"

"What works with boys?" Said grace with a frown.

"Live love laugh, if all else fails , load aim and fire" Connie smiled


"So you do all the happy things like living loving and laughing but as soon as some one bursts that bubble you load aim and fire"

"Mum that is the best thing I have heard all day!!" Said grace laughing.

"Well I need you to remember it... my mum taught me that and if it wasn't for that one quote I would be who I today so all I want you to do for the rest of your life is remember it and if you want to mabe one day teach it to your kids" said connie.

Grace.smiled and hugged her mum then they both joined into the convocation jacob clary zoe and charlie were haveing.

Hey guys sorry this is a later update and sorry if it's not very good... hope you enjoyed should be update a bit more as this is my last week at school before the Xmas holidays xxx

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