just a bumped head?

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"Hey con?" Called Jacob from the kitchen

"Yeah?" Said Connie excuseing herself from the living room to see what he wanted.

As she walked into the kitchen he handed her her phone, "i just missed it but Charlie's caller ID"

"Oh ok" Connie dialed Charlie back as he was working so she wasn't sure what he wanted.

Connie and Jacob had taken the day off the have a relaxing day with Clary grace and paige. Just a lazy day. Or that's what they thought.

"Hey Connie I'm so sorry to bother you"

"It's fine Charlie, what do you need?"

"I know your not working and its really bad iof me to ask but you couldn't possibly go on a shout for me as we need all the doctors here at the ED"

"Yeah OK as I haven't been out in one in ages, oh and you owe me drink for doing this!"

"Deal now I will get Iain to pick you up on his way round so be ready"

"Ok thanks Charlie, bye"

Connie walked back into the living room "hey guys I'm really sorry but there has been a massive accident in a collapsed building and they need a doctor but everyone is tied up at the ED, so I am haveing to go in. I shouldonlgbe a couple of hours. Is that alright with you lot?"

"Connie ho they need you we will be fine" Clary said as she hot up to hug her sister.

"Yeah honestly it's fine I'll help Clary find a decent hotel" said paige.

"Aww you guys are the best!" Said connie as she walked passed grace and kissed the top of her head before going over to jacob to kiss his lips beofre heading up the stairs.

About 15 mins later Connie was a walking out to the ambbepfre jacob and grace came running out.

"Mum! Please be careful!" Grace said with a look of worry.

"I will I promise"

The doors of the ambulance shut and off she went.

They go to the collapsed building and asked the firefighter for an update.

"2 people are trapped in side, one just walking wounded but can't get out and the other has his arm trapped up a metal railing, but at the !penny it is safe for you to enter but if you could do your jobs quickly that would be great as we don't know how long this is going to stand for"

"Ok cheers" said Iain.

Connie Iain and Jeff all made their way to the entrance of the building. Every dollar board creak unsettlingly but there were distant cries for help which motivated the team to move forwards.

They got to the 2 casualties.

"Hello my name's Mrs beauchump and this is Iain and Jeff can you tell me your names?"

The walking wounded said "Im joe and hes Dan."

"Ok Joe are you ok"

"Yeah yeah I'm fine but please just help him"

Iain took Joe of to one side to give him a quick check while connie and Jeff went about looking at Dan's arm.

"Ok Dan, your arm is in pretty bad shape so we are going to have to amputate it to get you out" said Connie with concern

"Ok do it!" He said in a lot of pain.

Once the amputation was done, they strapped him to a spinal board and began to make their way out of the building with Connie following last.

They were nearly out when all of a sudden the floor above them creaked extremely loudly where Connie was stood d and couple of paces behind them,and then we everything fell onto of her knocking her out cold.

Jeff and Iain knew they had to get the 2 casualties out so they ran out then ran back in again against the firemans orders.

Connie could here faint callings if her name and tried to shout back. Her head was throbbing and her leg was trapped under a piece of concrete. She decided to bang a metal pole against anything she could find and that did the trick as a couple of F minutes later Jeff and Iain were carrying her out.

They laid her down on the floor outside and did a check over her and gave her some oxygen beofre putting her in the back of the ambo and getting her the the hospital giving the ED a heads up.

Once they were there they were greeted with Charlie and Zoe. She was taking straight through to resus when she started to get agitated asking for grace and Jacob and telling everyone that she was fine when clearly she wasn't.

"Will someone please call jacob and tell him what it happening. Connie connie listen to me, you have broken you ankle and had a bump to you head you need to lay down and let us do our jobs ok"

"Ok" said Connie in defeat

"Right ok can I get a head CT and a x-ray for her leg please and be quick about it."

"Charlie wheres jacob?" Connie asked as he was sat with her waiting for her slot in CT and x-ray.

"There on their way"

Suddenly connie heard screams and lifted her head to see grace screaming at Elle for her mum. Grace came through the doors of resus but stopped when she saw her mum.

"You promised you would be careful" said grace with tears running down her face.

"I know, I know I did. I was just a few paces behind when it all came tumbling down. I'm so sorry baby." said Connie tears evident in her eyes

Grace ran over to her as jacob walked in. Charlie got up to leave them to it.

"Oh hun what have you done to yourself hmm?" Sakd jacob sympathetically.

"It's just a broken ankle and a bump to the head. Just waiting for my CT and x-ray slot to see what's going on."

Grace got up onto her mums need and held her tight not wanting to let go.

"Wheres Clary and paige?" She asked.

"In your office, I was going leave grace in there with them but as you probably heard she didn't want to" he said with a chuckle

"That's my girl. Could you bring them in?"

Jacob got up to go and get them and was only gone for a few moments.

Clary came rushing in " don't you bloody dare do that to me ever again Constance Beauchamp! We could have bloody lost you" She said.

"But you didn't ok I'm still here." Said connie with a little smile " and I am extremely sorry, I was only a few paces behind them but it just came tumbling down. I'm gonna be stuck in here for a few days so I'm sorry you'll have to live with me in a cast for the two weeks you are down here"

"Con I really couldn't care as long as you are here.!" Clary and paige both gave her a hug then took a seat.

After an hour connie had been to CT and x-ray and the results were clear on the CT and on the x-ray it was just a non complicated break, so she would be fighting fit in about 8-10 weeks with the physo.

"Oh con! Your not gonna be able to were you heels for at least two months." Said paige with laugh.

"Oh for gods sakes!!" Said connie with groan as Clary grace paige and Jacob began to laugh!

Hey guys this is just a update for Twilight3 but I still haven't got the writing knack again yet so I did apologize if this is awful. Hope you guys are all ok and I F you could vote and comment that would be great!! Xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2016 ⏰

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