her sweet little daughter

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Connie awoke the next day to find the covers thrown back and Jacob no where in sight. It was a little colderr then usualnin her room as jacob had obviously put on the air conditioning as it did get very hot during the day.

She jumped out of bed feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. She walked out of her bedroom to find everyone upo but grace.

"Connie!" Said Zoe smiling and giving her a fresh glass of orange juice.

"Morning, you seem very happy" said Connie returning the grin.

"Well we are on holiday so aren't we supposed to be"

"Yep good point!" Said Connie laughing. "By the way wheres grace?"

"In her room. Once I came and got you last night I went into her room to keep her company as of what she saw yesterday" said Zoe rubbing Connie's arm.

"Thanks you so much zoe. It really does mean a lot" said Connie giving her a hug

"Hey that's what friends are for!"

Connie said a quick hello to max Charlie and Jacob as they were all making breakfast then went off to graces room to say good morning. She knock on the door and heard a faint mumble come from the opposite side so she went in.

Connie found grace sat on the window ledge looking out over the beach. She walked up and stood beside her. Niether of them said a word for at least 5 minutes but then grace spoke up....

"I love you mum to the stars" she said still looking out her window

"I love you to the stars... And back!" Said connie. She slipped her hand in graces and squeezed it gently.

Grace suddenly swung her arms round Connie's neck so hard that Connie nearly stumbled back. Connie retuned the hug and kissed her daughters head.

They stayed there for another few minutes when Connie said

"Hey why don't we do a shipping trip with aunty Zoe today and we can go where ever you want?!"

"But what about.." Grace never got to finish her sentence because Connie interrupted

"No don't! Grace what happened yesterday was a one off! Cal isn't going to hurt me again I will stand up to him OK? I am so sorry that you saw me in that state yesterday grace... I really am sorry" said Connie. Both the girls had tears in their eyes but were both managing to keep ahold of them. They both look each other in the eye so grace knew that Connie was serious.

Grace hiugged her mum once more before jumping out off the ledge and dragged her mum to get some breakfast. The boys had cook sausages so they all had a sausage sandwich for breakfast. After they had finished the girls got all their gear and money to take shopping while the boys tied up the kitchen then headed out to the dock yard to see how much it wass to hire out a boat for the day.

Meanwhile the girls headed straight to town and did 4 hours of shopping.

They went to:
New look
The new jewellery shop that had just opened
And loads of different shoe shops

Because they were in the Caribbean they didn't know what shop wass what so they just went into every shop that took their interest.

By the time they had finished it was three o'clock so they decide to go back to he hotel and dump the bag and see how the boys got on with the boat hires.

They got back tot the hotel 20 minutes later to find the boys sat on the sofa trying to think up ideas.

"What are you boys up to now?" Said Zoe with ampuzzeled look on her face.

"The boat hire was £500 a day... Way to expensive! So we are trying to think up ideas of what we could do.," said max

"Well I've got one... Why don't we walked along the beach towards town get a late lunch early dinner the walk back only the beach and watch the sunset?!" Said Connie

"You are a flipping geninus connie!" Said Jacob standing up and kissing her on the cheek

They all them agreed that that would be what they would do them all went off to get changed.

Half an hour later they were sat in a restaurant with the adulats drinking wine and grace on diet coke.

They ordered their food which was mainly fish as there was a special up with was battered sardines with ta ta sauce and chips.

They finished up their meal paid the bill then headed back to the beach. Connie looped her arm round Jacob as she was a bit unsteady in her heals and Zoe did the same to max while grace got on Charlie's back.

They sat down on the beach half way back to the hotel and watch the sun go down on the horizon. Red pink and a little bit of yellow filled the sky. None of them wanted to go back to holby any time soon!! Everything was just the way it was ment to be!!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter o think the next one will be them waking up on Christmas day and presents! Xxx

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