over thinking

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Connie was sat in here office doing some paperwork. But instead of using the desk like your suppose to when doing paperwork she wass sat on the floor cross legged almost drowning in paperwork. The floor was covered in paperwork.

Connie heard a knock cvome from the other side of her door. She looked up and raised her voice to sat "come in" but then instantly regretted it as she coughed whiched caused her throat to burn up.

"Connie, oh sorry, erm care to explain what your doing" asked Zoe

"Urm well Henrik is being an arse and he decided to file loads of case notes in the wrong section and had loads of different notes jumbled up with each other so instead of going uip their myself and telling him to get off his backside and re do it i thought I would do it as I can't exactly treat patients in my condition" Connie awnsered in a hoarse and crocky voice as she was slowing losing it.

"Connie I really think you should go home! Your sinuses are all blocked up so you can hardly breathe you cough sounds chesty and you really need some rest as you look shattered" suggested Zoe with a sympathetic face.

"Look zo I'm not one of the men who think they are dieing of man flu when its just a common cold. I have dosed up and I am now just getting on with my day of admin. But I will go home if absolutely necessary" said Connie placing a patients notes in the filing cabinet next to her. "So what was it then you came to see me for"

"Oh just that a patient had a sudden heart attack in cubicles and that we need to write up a report on it but can see that your busy so I will do it as I am due a break now anyway"

"Oh cheers Zoe. My computers free. I won't be using it" said Connie motioning to her desk.

Zoe stepped carefully around the sheets of paper trying not to muck it up. She sat down on the chair and went to more her self closers when she notice something bhlack and shiny under the desk.

"Oh my god I think I have just died! Has the Connie Masters taken her famous Christian loubutins off in the Emergency Department?!"

"Ha ha Zoe very funny. Well they are not very comfortable in the position I am sat in" said Connie motion at how her legs were positoned.

A few hours later Connie was done with the paperwork and she had sorted out her emails, so she decided to lay down on her couch for a little while but fell asleep instead.

Grace had crept into her office and wass using her mums computer to look somethings up.

A little while later Jacob walked in with a mug in his hand. Grace out her finger to her to say be quite then pointed down at her mum sleeping. Jacob understood and went over to Connie to shake her awake gently.

"Babe. Connie wake up sweet cheeks?!" Connie stirred and woke up.

"Jacob? Wheres grace?" She asked.

"I'm here mum" giving her a wave but not taking nher neyes off the screen

Jacob pasted Connie the mug that he had been carrying.

"Drink it. It's just hot blackcurrant juice. My mum usemto give it to me when I had a cold. It usually helped" he explained

Connie took the mug and took the first sip and her whole body just seemed to relax from the Temperature of the liquid the was soothing her throat.

"This stuff is amazing" she said whilst taking another sip.

"Don't you think you should go home mum? Only because you have filed your arse off and you were just sleeping on the sofa?" Asked grace still looking at the screen.

"Oh grace you forgot the bit where I had a fight with the filing cabniet"

"What? " said Jacob and grace simultaneously with confused looks on their faces.

Connie chuckled before explaining. "Basically once I had finished with the filing I went to pout it away but the cabniet would open so I shoved it a few times so it would open and it did. It came off worse then I did."

Jacob smiled while grace just rolled her eyes.

"Come on I need a movie night with some popcorn and a hot chocolate. Who's in?"

"I am!" Said grace logging off the computer "ypou had me at the word movie" she smiled and went over to the couch and reached out a hand for her mum to take it and she did then both of them hugged while swaying on the spot while Jacob admired the both of them

"I love you Gracie"

"I love you to mum"

Connie kissed the top of graces head before dragging her daughter and husband out the doors of the ED and to the car. They all jumped in strapped up then headed home.

Grace got out all the movies she wanted to watch:
Maze runner
City of bones
No angles series 1 on box set.

Jacob got the popcorn while grace set up the first DVD and Connie did 3 hot chocolate's with marshmallows and cream.

Then they all sat in front of the TV snuggled up together and started to watch maze runner. They were in for a good evening

Hey sorry this is a bit shorter then other chapters but as they say short and sweet. Hiope everyone enjoyed I should update again at the weekend after casualty asmit normally gives me some inspiration. Xxx

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