dresses or beaches

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Dresses or shorts?! That was the question that was ratteling around in Connie's head for the past week!

Dresses or shorts?

She had always dreamed about haveing a fabulous and amazing white wedding with micheal. But that didn't end well.

She heard a knock at the door that brought her out of her trance.

She cleared her throat. "Come in" she looked up to see Jacob and she smiled.

"Here you go sweet cheeks" h esaid handing her a coffee them walked round to her side of the desk and planted at kiss on her lips.

"Dresses or shorts?" Said Connie looking down at her coffee.

"What?" Said Jacob clearly confused as he was sitting down on Connie's couch in her office.

"Dresses or shorts?! Do you want a white faboulos wedding or a wedding in hawii on a nice white sandy beach with me in shorts and a bikini top?"

"Oh that's such a hard question" he said in reply sarcastically " what do you want con?"

"Definitely a wedding in a beach! I mean when I married micheal it was kind of a fabulous white wedding but that ended ina divorce so I'm thinking a white sandy beach in hawii. Then your parents dont have to come far either and we can invite all of the ED and treat them to a holiday?!"

"You have it all planned out dont you?!" Said Jacob with a laugh. Connie smiled then grace and Charlie burst through the doors.

"Mummy!" Said grace

"Hello darling! Did you have a good time at uncle Charlie's last night?!"

"Yeah it was so much fun" said grace. She was so hyper it was surprising she wasn't jumping off the walls.

"Charlie what did you feed her?!" Said Connie with a laugh.

"Well she might have spiked her own breakfast with vodka or something" he said with a grin "so discussing wedding plans are we?"

"Yes infact we were Charlie! We are getting married on a beach in hawii as I don't want another white wedding after micheal!" Said Connie happily "with grace and Zoe as my bridesmaid and you giving me away... If that's still ok with you?!"

"Connie of coarse its OK for me to give you away. I wouldn't miss that moment for the world!!"

Connie blew him a kiss before the phone started ringing. She pout her finger to her lips and grace stopped bouncing around.

"Hello, Mrs beauchump speaking!.... Sam?... Well that's because I was in a meeting this morning and turned my phone off and I haven't turned it back on yet!... Get to the bloody point Sam!... And why the hell would I come to your bloody wedding uh? You have done nothing but try and get grace and she dosent want to see you... Oh you have got some nerve... You blithering idiot" she shouted done the phone. She slammed it down and put her head in her hands resting her elbows on her desk.

Jacob got up to rub her back but she slammed her hands on the table making grace jump then she got up and stormed out of the room.

Grace started to cry then ran out of the room with Charlie following her. He called zoe over to help her calm down. Jacob was left to go after Connie. He just caught the sound of her heels hoping out side.

Connie ran straight to her car and lent on the boot as she relised once she got there she didn't have her keys. Jacob walked over to her and lent on the boot of her car next to her.

They stood there in silence for a few moments before Jacob started to speak.

"Grace started crying and she ran out of her office after you did" he said

"Shit is she OK?" Said Connie turning to face him.

"Yeah yeah she's fine Charlie and Zoe are sorting her out. I think she just got a bit scared that you shpouted down the phone and you did slam you hands into your desk"

"Ugh I have now buggered up the relationship with my daughter because she is now gonna think I'm the bad guy because cal used to shout alot" she said putting her head in her hands.

"No you haven't! She'll be OK just give her some time... What happened anyway?"

"Sam called to ask in me and grace wanted to go to his wedding in March but he only wants us breacuse he wants to see grace but the last time he s ager he nearly took her aeway from me and I'm not letting that happen again!" She cried.

Jacob pulled her intpo a hug and kissed the top of her head. She pulled away and wiped her eyes.

"Are you ok now?" Asked Jacob looking into her eyes. They were a bit blood shot and were puffy from all the crying.

"Yeah I'm fine... Come in lets got and fine grace"

They walked back into the ED hand in hand and went to connies office to fine grace crying her eyes out still and Zoe giving her a tight hug.

"Grace?" Said Connie tears growing in her own eyes

Grace turned round slowly but still held on to zoes waist while crying.

"I'm not going to do anything to hurt you baby. I was just really angry at Sam I didn't mean to shout or slam my hands on the desk... I really am sorry gracie!" Said Connie tears spilling down her own face.

Grace let go of Zoe and ran towards Connie. She picked her up and grace buried her head into Connie's neck and carried on crying. Connie was attempting to hold back the rest of her tears but it wasn't working.

"I'm so so sorry grace! I really am" she said

"I'm sorry to... For running off... I didn't know what else to do as you had gone and i didn't think you would come back for a long time" said grace as she looked at her mother's face and wiped her mums tears away.

"Baby I would never leave you... Ever! Ok?" Connie smiled then thanked Zoe and Charlie as the went back to their jobs. Connie sat on the sofa with grace on her lap as she had cried her self to sleep accidentlly. Jacob sat down with them.

"No one is going to tear this family apart no matter who it is. I will protect you both!" Said Jacob as he kissed Connie's forehead.

"Thank you! For everything" she said with a smile.

"I love you sweet cheeks"

"I love you too Jacob!"

Hey guys sorry for the extremely late update I have had a lot on my mind recently and I know that isn't really an excuse. Sorry for mistakes but I hope you enjoyed it! Then next chapter miught be the wedding but I'm not sure when that update will be xxx

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