Back in holby

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I making grace about 13 now as it would make this go a bit smoother if she were older, but she will obviously still be home schooled and the story will carry on from coming home from Hawii for the wedding! I hop you all understand xx

The ED staff had just arrived back to the ED to do their first shift. Connie Grace and jacob all went to connies office to put everything down and so connie could make a phone call to Mr Hanssen to see what had happened When they were away in hawii.

"Grace could you go with jacob to the staff room and do some revision with maths as you do need to work on that, while I quickly phone Mr Hanssen?"

"Yeah sure" said grace a smile and with that they left.

Connie sat down and sighed before picking up the phone and dialing upstairs.

"Hello Mr Hanssen it's Mrs Masters"

"Ah yes connie did you have a good wedding and holiday?" Asked Hanssen politely.

"Yes I did thank you very much... I was just calling to ask how things have gone while I was away with some of the ED staff?"

"it wasn't running very smoothly. I will pop down in about 5 minutes to talk to you and some of the senior staff so you can pick things back up again"

Connie sighed knowing this really couldn't be good "Ok I'll see you in 5" Connie put the phone down before getting up and heading for the staff room.

"Jacob charlie and zoe... Hanssen is coming down to talk to us about how the ED has gone downhill while we have been away so could you come to my office with me and wait for him and also robyn?"

"Yes mrs masters?" She asked while turning round to face her

"Could you just keep an eye on grace and make sure she is doing her maths?"

"Mum I don't need babysitting"

Connie smiled before saying "ypu when it comes to maths as you hate the subject and will try wriggle out of it!"

Grace smirked before carrying on what she was doing while connie jacob zoe and charlie went to her office

"So connie what's this about?"

Connie was about to awnser when she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in" she said "Ah Mr Hanssen take a seat"

"Thank you, now I will just get straight to the point... I was called down to the ED 5 times in the 4 weeks you were gone.. I find that unacceptable. . Now I totally understand that we have a consultant down and I am not blaming you for any of this as you were all away, but connie do need to pick it back up" He said.

"Don't worry Mr Hanssen I will have the ED back in shape withing a week!"

"Good now the reason I asked for a couple of senior members of staff to be in this brief meeting is because you will be haveing a new consultant"

"Hang on a minute so you have already chose one? Without consulting me?!" Said connie getting a bit annoyed.

"Yes I did but you will like him.. trust me" at that point his phone started ringing "Ah that's the new consultant bear with... hello? Yes we are in mrs masters office.. ok see you in a minute"

"Henrik what the hell do you think you are doing?"

Hanssen just smiled and at that point there was knock at the door "Come in" He said.

"Hanssen you do release this is my office!" Mumbled connie

The door opened a rend there stood a male.

"Hello connie" He said in an American accent.

"Mr micheal scence!" She said with a smirk

"That would be me your new consultant!"

"Oh Henrik fair play"

"Right well i will leave to discus arrangements" said Henrik.

"Oh hello charlie, zoe good see you both!"

"Luke wise" they both ska din unison which cause every one to smile.

They micheal turned his attention to Jacob "I don't belive we have met"

"No we haven't. . Jacob masters" He said holding out for micheal to shake which he did.

"Nice to.. wait did you say masters"

"Yes is there a problem"

"No not at all.. But erm"

"Oh for the love of god Michel yes me and jacob are bloody married" said connie with a laugh.

"Yes yes I get that but the connie Masters with a nurse?!?!"

"Like jacob said is there a probelm"

"No never mind now can I please go to work?"

"Yes please do... I don't need to introduce you to people do I?" Asked connie

"No I will just go an use my charm on them all.. se you all later"

And with that he left.

"Well this could be interesting " said charlie with a smirk.

"Hmm won't it just" said connie.

They others went back to work while Connie did some paper work.

Amn hour later Connie was bored out of her brains she was just about to get up and go check on grace when she walked through the door.

"Hey mum"

"Hey Gracie I was just coming to see you"

"Well I have done all my maths" she said jumping into the sofa.

"Good good" Connie sighed and raked her hand through her hair to poush it back a little.


"Yes darling?"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing what do you mean what's wrong I'm fine" she. Said with a smile.


"Excuse me?"

"Your pupils dialte when you lie... It's the same with aunty Clary!"

"Fair enough"

"So what's wrong" grace asked again

"Nothing I'm just...thinking"

"Well we both know that's not good for either of us cos we always over think! What are you thinking?

"M...may.. Mabe it would be good for you to see your father again now that your older and..." Connie was interrupted by grace

"Mum I don't want to see him... When you told what he did to is I got over him... He will never scare me...but Jacob has always been more of a dad to me then anyokne ever has.. When Sam came to ttheED asking to see me and you shouted at him and said no he won't and Jacob backed you up?!.... Jacob has always protectednus no matter what... Nothing will change... I don't want to see Sam not now not ever... Because I don't want anything to happen to us.. Because I love you guys"

Connie got uip at the same time and hugged grace.

"You know when I daughter ypou that load aim and fire quote?" Asked Connie still hugging grace

"Yeah why?"

"I thought you would use it as you just have" said Connie smiling

"What no I didn't" said grace pulling away. Connie wasn't wearing her heels so they were both roughly the same height.

"Grace you did you just didn't even know it" connie said laughing." Come one let me get my shoes and we will see what micheal has destroyed in the last hour and a bit I have let him in the ED... Most of the time he is like a dog with a bone" bothe the females laughed both leaving Connie's office and headed to resus.

Sorry if this is really crap I'm not sure where I was bgoing with the particular chapter but anyway ibnhope to update again soon I dewas would be useful xx

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