Biggest Mistake

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People say you can't relate to other people... When actually you can... You just don't know it... You related more to fictional characters then to an actual human being... For example I relate to Mrs Connie Beauchump and Dr Zoe Hanna......

"Jacob will you listen to your self! I went out with micheal for 2 flipping hours, 2 hours, and that wass it, we were both fed up of each other" said Connie trying to get Jacob to see sense.

They were currently in the car on their way to work with Connie driving and grace in the back with her head phones in. Jacob however wass staring oiut the passenger window.

Connie took her hand off the wheel and put it on Jacobs thigh before rubbing it a couple of times then out it on the gear stivck to change gear.

The rest of the car journey was silence.

Once at the ED they all got out of the car and walked in but Jacob stopped in his tracks when he saw to people he really didn't want to see. Connie nearly walked into him but grace walked into her mum as she still had her head phones in.

"Jacob what's wrong?" Asked Connie putting a hand on his back.

Jacob whipped round " look babe I'm really sorry for accusing you earlier.. I didn't mean I loved reacted"

"Woah! Ok hold on apology accepted but you didn't need to say it in such a rush and when you say things in such a rush something is always up... So what's going on?"

"Kiss me" he said

"What why the ED know we are together as we are married and did invite them to our wedding" said Connie frowning.

"Ok this is going to make no sense at all but here's my proiblem.. The two girls talking to noel at reception is my daughter and ex wife.. You know Gemma and Jo."

Connie looked over and the two females turned round and locked eye contact with connie. She turned back to face Jacob.

"Jacob" she said

"Yeah babe?"

"Kiss me so they know you mine" she said with a smirk.

"Happily" he said then cupped her cheek before attaching his lips to hers then letting his younger roam around her mouth before unlocking for air and he put his forehead against hers.

"Ugh mum I'm going to your office" said grace obviously oblivious to what Jacob had just told Connie.

"Come on we better go with her" said Jacob with a chuckle.

"But what about Jo and Gemma?" She asked

"They now know your mine and I'm yours there's nothing else to it Connie. If they really wanted me they would have abandoned me all those years ago.. It's just not how it works"

"Ok fair enough" she said before linking her hand with his then walking to her office.

Just out side grace was talking to alicia at the nurses station as she was doing some paper work.

Connie entered the pin to her office then opened it to find micheal spence sat at her desk.

"Care to tell me what you are doing in my office micheal?" She ask him with her famous death glare.

"Waiting for you so I could tell you that Mr Hanssen operating today on one of the first ever procedures to be done in holby and he wants you to be there with the board" he said cockily

"Well thank you for passing that message on to me and I will be up there to see it happen so.. If you could go back to work now?!" Said Connie still with her death stare.

"Alright see you around today then." Said micheal ass he left

Jacob snaked his arms round Connie's waist once she hasd shut the door.

"Ok yeah now I definitely believe that you 2 arent having an affair" said Jacob kissing her cheek.

"Hmm he is a cock, but he is a bloody good surgen and consultant" she said with a laugh.

Jacob went back to work after saying sorry to Connie once again and Connie went on to do some paper work as the ED was fairly quiet.

About 2 hours later there was a knock at Connie's door.

"Come in" she said while flicking through a patients notes.

Micheal opened the door and slammed it ashut then walked over to Connie pulled her up out of her seat and slammed her into the wall, making her smash her head against it.

"So if Sam had complete control over you and grace.. Why can't I?" He smiled wickiedly

He pulled her off the wall then slammed her into it again but this time she fainted at the force.

He kicked as he actually had the chance then ran off out of the ED.

Grace walked in about 5 minutes later to find her mum not moving and slumped on the floor. Grace couldn't do anything but scream which caused Zoe and Charlie to come running.

"I need a trolley in her now please" Zoe yelled "Connie? Connie? Can you hear me?" No response

"Zoe, she has been kicked in the head we need a CT scan now!" Said Charlie

Meanwhile jacob had just come out of the staff room to see what all the screaming was about when he saw grace curled up on the floor crying her eyes out and Alicia trying to sooth her.

"Grace what happened are you hurt? Wheres Connie?"

"Somethings happened and she's unconscious" said Alicia poojnting at Zoe Dylan and Charlie treating Connie in her office.

Jacob ran straight into her office but just stood their. He couldn't say anything...........

3 hours later Connie was awake and was kept under 15 minutes obs as she had suffered quite a beating but was recovering well being the strong lady she is.

She was sat up in cubicles with grace on a chair asleep and Jacob had gone to get a coffee.

"Hey thought you might like a chocolate bar?" He said as he pasted her the bar.

"Thank you" Connie looked down and fiddled with her finger nails" I remeber who did this"

"Are you going to tell me who"said Jacob holding her hand so she knew he was always their to listen.

" Michel Spence... I want him found so I can beat the living crap out of him just like he did to me" she said in an angry tone which caused grace to wake.

"Wait what's going on?... Mum? Your OK?"

Connie turned to her daughter and held out her arms for a hug "of course I'm OK" grace hugged her mum before resumeing back to her position so she could sleep.

"I'm so so siclk of just being beaten up all the bloody time every bloody man" she said getting angry again.

"Connie calm down we will find him OK and no one is going to hurt you anymore" stated Jacob as he got up and sat on Connie's bed so she could just let out all her frustration through tears on his shoulder.

Zoe walked in about 15 minutes later just to check her obs.

"The police have been contacted and should be he about 11 tomorrow as we will have to keep you in but if ypou are that bored I'm sure I can find you some paperwork to do!" Said Zoe while smiling.

"Cheers Zoe" said Connie as she laughed quietly trying not to wake grace.

"Right i will leave you 2 to it and see you tomorrow" and then Zoe left

"We will find him Connie I promise" he said as he kissed his girlfriend head lightly before going back to his seat and letting Connie sleep.

Ok sorry again for another really crap chapter but ij d dj need ideas that have no abuse in it but I am struggling with ideas so suggestions would be helpful!!! Xxx

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