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It had been just over a week and grace hadn't been herself. She was waking up later then usual, no speaking much,curling up on a sofa when ever she could.

Connie and Jacob had both seen the signs but didn't want to say anything just yet.

It was about 10pm and the three had been home for a couple of hours. Jacob was watching TV, Connie was catching up on paperwork and grace had gone too bed.

Connie got bored of doing paperwork so got up kissed Jacob before going up the stairs to get changed into something more comfy the her work clothes.

She got up the stairs and crept too her room so she didn't wake grace up. But it wass while she was getting change that she heard sniffling for the room next door.

Once Connie had got her leggings and a vest top on she crept to graces door and stood there for a couple of minutes which was just long enough to hear her crying.

Connie popped her head round the door to find grace faced away laying in her side. Connie went and sat on the bed and stroked graces hair.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong after a week off waiting for you to tell me?" Asked Connie softly.

Grace sat up and faced her mum "I don't know anymore"

"what do you mean you don't know" said Connie a little confused

"I seriously don't know. I have just been really emotional" grace shrugged her shoulders." And the nightmares haven't helped" she said the last statement quietly hoping her mother didn't hear her.

"Grace you should have told us about the nightmares. We could have helped you" said Connie giving her a hug. "Come on scooch over I have a bigger arse then you do"

Grace moved over so her mum could luie down with her. Connie stroked her hair until she went to sleep then Connie fell asleep to with out meaning to.

Jacob cam!e up a little while later as he was getting tired as her already suspected Connie had gone to bed as she hadn't come down.

He went to check on grace to make sure she was OK but to his amazment he found the to ladies fast asleep so he left them to it and went to go and sleep in the master bedroom where he normally does.

At about 3am grace started too get restless which caused Connie to wake.

"Grace darling wake up" she shook grace gently as she new she was having a nightmare.


Grace suddenly gasped and sat up straight and looked to see where she was before she let out a breath she didn't even realise she was holding.

Connie rubbed her back "you alright"

"Yeah im fine. I can't believe I still get nightmares. It's been almost 4 years because you have been with Jacob gfor nearly a year"

"But you went through a traumatic experience." Said Connie trying to explain to Grace that this was normal.

"But you don't get them" said grace frowning

"I do. Not as often any more but is till get them. Look we have been through everything together. And we are going to go through so much more. And Jacob is here to support is and we are here to support him. He's our big rock" Connie smirked.

"Love you mum" said grace falling back into her pillow

"Love you to sweetheart" Connie kissed graces for head and was about to leave when grace spoke


"Yes darling"

"Stay, please. I know I'm 13 but as you said we gpo through everything togther so we go through nightmare together right"

"Ok then. Come on we better get back to sleep as Rita wants me in early tomorrow. I thought I was the boss" said Connie frowning. Both the girls giggled before falling back to sleep.

Jacob woke up around 6 am to an empty bed. He walked into graces room to find connie and grace still asleep. He decided to leave them for a while and went to have a shower and get changed.

20 minutes later he was ready for work but the girls still weren't up so he went into graces room amd shook connie awake gently.

"Hey babe. We have work!"

"Oh shit what time is it?" Said connie starting to get frantic

"It's fine you still have an hour and a half."

"Ok I will wake up grace later" she whispered.

Both the adults went Into the master bedroom so connie could get changed.

"I got it out of her" said connie walking into her walk in wardrobe to pick an outfit.

"And what did she say?" Said Jacob sitting on the bed.

Connie came out of her wardrobe and threw her outfit on the bed then put her hands on her hips.

"Nightmares" she threw her hands up in the air "how could I have been so stupid not to flipping realise"

"Con it's not your fault" Jacob held her arms out" Come here"

Connie walked over to him as he stood up and wrapped her arms round his neck as her put his arms round her waist as they embraced each other in a hug.

They stood there for a few minutes before connie got dressed and jacob went to go and make breakfast.

Once connie had done her makeup and she was dressed she went in to graces room and sat on the edge of the bed and gently shook her shoulder as she was laying on her side.

"Grace darling, you need to get up" said connie softly.

Grace groaned amd woke up but instead of getting up she pulled the covers up and over her head.

Connie laughed then started tickling grace.

"Come on misses you've got to get up" said connie laughing.

"Noooooooooooo please Noooooooooooo" said grace laughing

Once the two of them had finished their tickling session grace got dressed, then they both went down the stairs with happy faces on.

"Well someone's happy this morning" said jacob

"Morning jacob, oh and mum thank you for last night"

Connie smiled then went and gave her daughter a hug then the both sat down at the breakfast bar waiting for jacob to finish making the sausage sandwiches.

Once they had finished the got ready for the day ahead and drove to the ED.

"Morning Mrs B, didn't expect to see you in so early"

"Morning noel and I was called in early unfortunately" she smiled. Then she walked to her office to dump her stuff an left grace in the staff room with robyn before heading off to resus to start her day!

Hello all!!! So 2015 is coming to an end and I am grateful to be honest as it hasn't been my best year but my writing has kept me sane and I am glad that people enjoy my story! I wish you all a happy and healthy new year and enjoy yourselves ~beth xxx

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