✔One: "His name is Jay"

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Five years ago


It was the day of my first day of work at a local bakery to help pay bills and keep living. It was a raining too and just getting up was a struggle. I hated wet weather because it depressed me.

After getting dressed in my uniform, a pastel pink apron over a white shirt and white pants, I had my breakfast then quickly went to finish getting ready. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and slipped on my white high top Converse sneakers then I got my black leather backpack and shoved a few necessities in it.

I got an umbrella and raced out of my apartment and to my car then I drove off to Brown's Bakery for my first day of work.

"Good, you're on time." I was greeted by a petite dark skinned girl about my age and she handed me a dish cloth. "Take your place behind the counter and I'll be with you in a sec."

I smiled nervously and did as I was told.

Luckily, it was still early so there wasn't much I had to do yet so I kept myself busy by wiping down a part of the counter.

"Hi, I'm Jocelyn Brown." The girl joined me behind the counter and gave me a smile. "Sorry I was rude a moment ago. Needed to have everything ready before we open officially. You're Olivia Sampson, right?"

"Just Liv. I... like to be called Liv." I corrected.

"Right." Jocelyn shook my hand briefly. "I read your resumé. Pretty impressive."

I simply smiled, not knowing what to say.

"We're kinda short staffed so... expect to do lots of work. It's been hectic since my mom passed."

"Oh. I'm sorry." I said.

"It's fine. Just ask if you need help with anything. I'll give you a quick run through of what you need to do, okay?"

I nodded and Jocelyn got to it.

"Jocelyn, is Amanda coming in today?" A tall dark man came out from the back of the bakery with a pen in his hand.

"I doubt it. We haven't paid her in a month." Jocelyn said.

The man shook his head.

"At this rate, we might have to end up closing up for good." He said.

"Things will come together, dad. We're still adjusting."

The man sighed then he looked at me.

"You must be Olivia. I'm Terrance Brown. The owner." He gave me a sad smile.

"Nice to meet you, sir. Please, call me Liv."

He nodded.

"Would you mind waitressing too if necessary?" He asked.

"No, I wouldn't mind, sir."

"Thank you so much. I'll make it up to you." He said.

I hoped so. Day one at work and I was already hearing that they had financial problems.

Our very first customer for the day came in and then they kept coming. It was just me, Jocelyn and another girl, Amy, working in the bakery. From time to time, Mr Brown would come out to check on us and assist.

It really wasn't much work because of how small and cosy the place was and, considering it was during the week, not that many people sat down to eat so Amy and I didn't have our hands full with waitressing.

"Oh Lord. He's here again, Mr Stinky." Amy got behind the counter as a homeless man walked in.

I looked at him sadly.

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