✔Thirty Nine: "I wasn't trying to upset you."

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The situation at work hadn't gotten any better but I think that people had gotten used to the idea of me being a normal person, working at a bakery. At first, it seemed to shock people like, 'ooh! Immortal Justin Bieber's girlfriend bakes bread for a living omg!', but now people who liked Justin came over just to see that being normal was actually okay.

It was Friday night and Friday nights were reserved for me and Jocelyn. As she prepared the ingredients for her Sunday Savouries, I got a call from a number I'd never seen before so I went to take it in the living room.

"Olivia Sampson?" A woman said my name.

"Speaking." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Hi, I'm Naomi Fisher, Pattie's book publisher."

"Hi?" I bit my lip.

"I'm visiting a relative in Chicago soon and I was thinking of stopping by to speak with you about your book? Pattie says you're writing."

"I am." I began to get excited.

"Great, so, if I text you my email address, would you email me a bit of what you've written so far? I'd like a bio, the prologue and maybe a chapter or two for me to review, and then when I'm in your area, we can have something to talk about."

"A-Absolutely. Uh, thank you so much." I looked over at Jocelyn who was walking towards me with curiosity.

"I'll send you my email address then. I can't wait to have a read, Olivia. Enjoy the rest of your evening."

"You too. Bye."

Naomi hung up and I began to squeal and jump up and down.

"What the hell is going on?" Jocelyn was watching me.

"She wants to have a look at my book!" I giggled and clapped my hands.

"You have a book?"

"I'm working on one."

"Stop spazzing and tell me what's going on, Olivia."

I placed my hands on my cheeks, still in shock and I explained to Jocelyn that I was writing a book about my relationship with Justin.

"She wants to publish it?" Jocelyn was smiling broadly.

"I don't know yet."

"But she wants to read it so it must be."

I began to cry and Jocelyn hugged me.

"Aw, Liv," she said as she rubbed my back.

"Things are finally looking good for me, you know?" I stepped back to wipe my tears away, "My own mom didn't believe in me. I'm crossing fingers for this. It could be huge, Jocelyn."

"I'm hoping it works out for you too. You deserve it, especially after all the good you've done for Justin."

"You think it has something to do with that? Apart from the fact that his mom talked to Naomi for me-- that's her name, by the way, the publisher."

"It's God's blessings." Jocelyn smiled warmly. "You know, I've never told you this before but you're quite an inspiration to me, Olivia. I thought my mom was crazy for caring for Justin so much, I even linked it to the fact that she'd always wanted a son but, you went and did the same thing... For no reason at all. Do you know how few people have a heart like yours? It's inspirational!"


"No, for real. Look, they may write about you in magazines, saying all sorts of stuff about you, but I'll always stand up for you because everything that you're getting in your life now, you truly deserve."

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