✔ Thirty One: "Hi, I'm looking for Justin."

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When the weekend finally came around, I was still in good spirits. For one, I had Saturday off which meant that I'd be able to get some cleaning and laundry done, and secondly, I was still all smiles since my love-making with Justin (no, we did not go for round two, as much as I would've liked to. I didn't want to get to work high off of good sex but cranky from a lack of sleep).

"Is this all your stuff, baby?" I called for Justin who was in the shower.

As I'd asked, he'd left his laundry on our bedroom floor.

Unfortunately, he had to go to work today, so I'd be home alone, keeping busy with the house work that needed to be done.

"I think so." Justin called back, this time turning the water off.

I nodded and carried everything with me to the kitchen where the washer was.

I sorted our dirty clothes, putting like colours together then tossing all the white ones in first, linen included.

I looked up at the door when I heard a knock, wondering who it was that would be at our door so early in the day.

"I'm coming," I announced to whoever was on the other side of the door, then I shut the washer's door and turned a few knobs so it could start doing its thing.

I walked to the door and used the peep hole to see who it was, but the man with the head of brown hair was looking down.

I opened the door anyway.

"Hi, I'm looking for Justin,"

Scooter Braun was standing right in front of me. I had to hold onto the door for balance because he was the last person I expected to see, ever.

"H-Hi?" I cleared my throat and held my hand out for him to shake.

He smiled.

"You must be Olivia Sampson." He said.

I simply nodded.

"Sweetheart, who are you talking t--" Justin had walked over with nothing but a towel around his waist.

I blushed on his behalf, mentally slapping him for answering the door half naked when anyone could've been at the door.

He's getting real comfortable now, I thought.

"Scooter?" He said.

Scooter's face lit up instantly. He couldn't believe his eyes and his fist immediately went to cover his open mouth.

"Come inside," I said, making way for him him.

He walked past me to go embrace Justin in a tight hug.

It soon got emotional as they stood there talking about a whole bunch of random stuff while hugging. I couldn't help but shed a tear or two, so I went to distract myself by going to boil the kettle.

"You're really here, man." Scooter was wiping a few tears of his own, now standing at a good distance from Justin to be able to take the sight of him in. "Your mom said I'd find you here. I couldn't believe it when she told me. I took the first plane here from LA."

"She said she'd be calling you," Justin smiled, also slightly emotional, "I didn't expect you to see you so soon."

"Are you okay?" Scooter checked on him.

"I'm good, thanks."

"Would anybody like some tea or coffee?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to ruin their moment. I was feeling like the third wheel, so I wanted to stay in the background as long as I could.

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