✔ Fifteen: "Don't rob yourself of happiness."

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"Hey guys." I walked into the bakery, happy and ready to get another day out of the way.

"Hey, Liv." Jocelyn smiled at me.

"Morning." Amanda said.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Amanda and Jocelyn were seated at a table with cups of coffee in front of them.

"My dad wants to talk to us." Jocelyn said.

"Oh. Are we in trouble or something?" I walked over to them nervously.

"Nah. I think he just wants to notify us of something."

I nodded and took a seat.

Soon after that, Amy walked in and she was just as surprised as I was to see us sitting at the table.

After Jocelyn told her what was going on, she too sat with us and I helped myself to one of the cookies that were on a plate.

"Good, you're all here." Mr Brown joined us in the dining area and stood where we could see him.

"Is everything okay, Mr Brown?" Amanda asked.

"Everything is okay, Amanda. Don't you worry about a thing. I have some good news."

"I was hoping so." Jocelyn smiled.

"I've been looking at our finances over the last month. And it's starting to look good." Mr Brown smiled, "Jocelyn's cancer cookies and savoury Sundays are really helping pay off some of our debt, a bit at a time."

"Go Jocelyn!" I smiled and high-fived her.

"Well done, baby." Mr Brown said to his daughter.

"Does that mean we'll be getting raises some time soon?" Amy asked.

"If we keep going at this pace, yes, Amy. Maybe I might be able to give you raises."

"I'd like a birthday bonus." Jocelyn grinned.

Mr Brown shook his head.

"Don't push it, Lyn." He said.

We laughed.

"Okay, let's get to work, people. Our customers will be showing up any minute now." He smiled.

"Wait." Amanda said.

We all looked at her.

"Let's all go out this Saturday night to celebrate our progress. We can go to a club." She smiled. "Except for you, Mr Brown. Sorry."

"I have better things to do anyway." He said with a smile then he walked back to his office.

"What do you girls say?" Amanda looked at us.

"I'm down." Jocelyn said.

"Same." Amy said.

"Okay." I said softly.

I wasn't exactly the social type so I wasn't looking forward to it at all. I just thought that hanging out with the girls, outside of work, would be a nice way to get to know them.

"It'll be fun." Jocelyn rubbed my back. "You'll see."

I nodded my head and then we went to get the place ready for the customers. Amy flipped the sign at the door and we were open for business.


Saturday night came faster than I'd expected. I paced back and forth in my room, trying to decide what to wear. I'd ask Jay for his opinion but I figured he'd just say yes to everything I showed him.

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