✔ Five: "I'm not your charity case"

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I'd made gotten up a little earlier than usual to make Jay one of my favourite things to have for breakfast. In a muffin pan, I'd baked some bacon and eggs (sunny side up) in some slices of bread that I'd cut to fit in the tray holes. It really smelled great and I was guilty of having stolen one but I thought I had to taste so Jay wouldn't think I was a bad cook. I put the food in a container, put it in my bag and headed off to work.

"Morning." I smiled when I walked through the doors.

Jocelyn was putting the cakes and cookies on display, Mr Brown and Amy were unpacking chairs and cleaning tables and an unfamiliar face, a young lady in her early 20s with short curly brown hair, was humming as she wrote something on a little portable chalk board about a special. She was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed.

"Hi, Liv." Mr Brown said to me.

I got a wave from the girl on the floor and one from Jocelyn. Amy just glanced at me for a split second and gave me a small smile.

"This is Amanda." Mr Brown introduced me. "Amanda, this is Liv. It's only her second week with us."

"Oh nice. Welcome." She smiled.

I noticed she had a sling on her right arm. That was why she hadn't been to work.

"Thank you." I smiled at her then went to put my bag down and put my apron on.

"What happened to you on Saturday? Are you okay?" Jocelyn asked me when I joined her behind the counter.

"I uh..." I cleared my throat. "I got robbed."


"When?" Mr Brown asked me.

"Saturday." I told him. "I was on my way to get some pizza for Jocelyn and I and pick up a few stuff from a store and.. out of nowhere these two guys popped up."

"Are you okay?" Amanda asked from the floor.

"I'm alright." I managed a smile.

Just thinking about the incident would be enough to trigger another attack on me by my body and my pills were all the way at the back.

"Did they hurt you?" Mr Brown asked.

"They just scratched my chest with a knife. Nothing too serious. I also had slight bruises on my arm from being handled roughly."

"How did you get out?" Jocelyn asked.

I smiled a little.

"Jay. He showed up and scared the guys off."

Amy snorted then started laughing.

We all looked at her.

"Amy, what Liv went through is nothing to laugh about!" Jocelyn looked at her in disbelief.

"Oh, I'm not laughing at the robbery thing. I just find it ironic that Liv gives cakes and coffee to Mr Stinky and the one time she's in trouble, he shows up." Amy said.

"You think he followed her?" Amanda asked.

"It's possible. I mean, since Mrs Brown left us, Liv is the only person who can even look him in the eyes. He probably finds it sexy." Amy giggled.

"You're seriously going to make jokes about what happened to me?" I couldn't believe it.

"Just putting two and two together."

"You're so shallow, I hope you know that."

"What? I'm shallow because I think a homeless guy has the hots for you? Please." Amy scoffed.

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