✔ Fourteen: "Free yourself"

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A Saturday when I was off work. Surprisingly, I was bored as hell, blankly staring at the tv screen as Jay worked another day.

I had my phone in my hand, scrolling through the website of the local movie theater for movies that were out. Maybe Jay and I could go watch one later on.

I'd done the laundry, made lunch, cleaned up... I even tried to write but, as usual, nothing solid and worth writing about came to mind.

Maybe my mom was right. This was stupid and I needed to find a different career path to follow. But what? All I knew was writing. Maybe I could look in the Classifieds for a job. They had some pretty good stuff there and I had some experience in different fields of work.

"Hi, Liv." Jay walked in.

"Hey." I smiled at him. "How was work?"

"Not exciting." He sighed and took off his jacket.

"I've got an idea." I propped up on my knees, facing him with my arms on the backrest of the couch.

"Why are you smiling like that?" He asked.

I giggled.

"It's nothing scary, relax. I just wanted us to go and catch a movie. Last time you said no to going out. No one will look at you on a movie theater. It'll be pitch black with the movie playing." I said.

"Liv..." Jay looked worried.

"You can wear a cap or something. Look, they have really nice movies out and I'm dying to go out. We're always indoors." I pulled a puppy face.

Jay looked away from me and I knew that the look on my face was working.

"Fine." He gave in. "Just let me shower first."

"Of course." I smiled. "I'm going to get changed too. See you in a bit."


The snack cue at the movie theater was moving rather slow. An elderly couple was at the counter, deciding what to have, so I was patient with them.

I felt overdressed, compared to Jay. He wore a camouflage jacket with black jeans and a black top and I wore white jeans with a fluffy turquoise body-hugging crop top which had sleeves which ended halfway along my arms. I'd also decided to go hard with my hair, makeup and accessories because I didn't get to go out much and I made an occasion out of it.

Jay seemed uncomfortable as we moved one step forward in the line. He kept his head down and the hood of his jacket up. If he didn't relax, we'd probably get mistaken for a pair of thieves out to snatch some snacks.

I wrapped both my arms around his one arm, just to remind him that I was here and he had no need to worry. He untucked his hands from his pockets and gave me a small smile.

"Have you decided what you wanna have?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He said. "You can get me whatever you're having."

"Cool." I patted his arm rhythmically ands I began to softly sing.

When we got to the front, I got us a whole bunch of snacks which I liked to have: popcorn (which is a definite must when watching a movie), a raspberry slush for me and a soda for Jay, some sour candy and a couple of chocolate bars.

"I don't think we're going to finish all of this in two hours." Jay said as we walked to a little table where the different flavourings for popcorn were.

"I just like to get a whole bunch of stuff to eat," I smiled, "I usually have my popcorn finished by the time the movie trailers are over."

Jay smiled.

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