✔ Eleven: "How do I look?"

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Jay had been awfully quiet since I'd gotten back from work. He was sitting on the couch just staring into space and that worried me just a little.

I walked up to him to give him a cup of coffee.

He looked up at me briefly and managed a small smile before taking the coffee and thanking me.

"What's up?" I sat next to him with my hands placed on my lap.

"Just nervous," He said softly, looking at his cup.

"The job interview?"

He nodded.

"What are you nervous about? Do you want to go over the questions again?" I offered.

"No, I'm fine with those. I just... I'm a little scared. I haven't been able to depend on myself in a while and... I don't even know what to wear for the interview."

"I'm sure we can find a suit to rent. And we can go see a barber to clean up your look a little. Just a little. You don't have to go all out and go bald and stuff." I smiled.

"I could get a haircut?"

"A haircut, colour your hair... whatever you're down for. As long as you feel comfortable enough for your interview this week."

"Any suggestions?" Jay smiled a little.

I tried to have a good look at his face but he kept looking down at his cup and I knew that was because he was uncomfortable with me staring.

"How about a beard trim and a wash for your hair along with a little trim there too? Just to even it out if you wanna keep the length."

"Sounds good."

"Good." I smiled, quite excited to see how he was gonna look after he got his look cleaned up.

I'd been curious about Jay for a while but I was careful not to ask anything that would make him run off. He had a good nature, that's all I knew so far because I could sense it, as crazy as it sounded. He was funny too, sometimes, when he wasn't worried that I was staring at him. What I wanted to know the most was who he was and why he was homeless. He never opened up about anything personal. Actually, all I knew was that... He was Jay!

Jay cleared his throat and shifted in his seat and I realised that I'd been staring at him.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"It's... okay." He sipped his coffee.

"Jay, can I ask you something? A favour, actually." I looked right at him.

"There isn't much I can help you with but, sure."

"As often as you can-- as often as you feel comfortable to-- could you... uhm..."

He looked at me, waiting for me to go on.

"I don't know anything about you. I was wondering if you could tell me one thing about yourself every once in a while. If you don't mind." I said.

He didn't respond.

"You don't have to go deep into your life. I'm talking about little things like what your favourite colour is, how you like your coffee... stuff like that. I could tell you a little about me if that'll help you? You already know that I love to write and that I love my tv shows." I smiled.

Jay smiled slightly.

"Okay," I clasped my hands together and began, hoping that this would loosen him up a bit and get him to trust me. "I love tea. It's gotta have lots of milk though and two sugars. Brown sugar. That's the only type of sugar I've ever liked to have since I was little. I don't know why. My mom was big on it so I guess it grew on me. Actually, I like to add the milk first into my cup when I make tea. It's better that way."

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