✔ Twenty Two: "I think we have a unique story."

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After a busy Friday at the bakery, Jocelyn finally had me to herself in her apartment as we sat down to mix together some ingredients for her savoury treats which had become even more of a hit since she first started selling them.

I'd been avoiding her the whole day, mainly because I didn't want to have to answer her questions about my time away from work. I knew she was just burning to know and I'd been thinking really hard about what I'd say to her about Canada.

She'd poured us each a glass of wine and was playing Rihanna's album from her iPod as she filled me in on what I'd missed out on while I was away, it mainly had to do with Tony the bartender and how much of a douche bag he was.

"Anyway," Jocelyn concluded her rant, "I've decided that I wanna try speed dating and you're coming with me."

"What?" I laughed at her silly idea.

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun."

"Sitting at a table and chatting up random guys for a couple of seconds is not fun, Jocelyn." I said.

"It is. We could meet our dream guys."

"At a speed dating place? Statistically, how many of those relationships ended up with marriage, Jocelyn?"

"Who said I wanted to get married? Do you?"

"Well..." I thought for a second, "Maybe in the near future?"

"And it won't happen unless you find a man. What better place to start than at this speed dating place?"

"Uhm, actually, Jocelyn, I need to fill you in on something." I bit my lip.

"You met someone while you were away?" She looked me in the eyes.

"Not exactly. I uhm..." I cleared my throat, "Jay and I are seeing each other."

"Of course you are. You live in the same apartment."

"No," I chuckled lightly, "we're seeing each other."

Jocelyn took a moment to process what I'd just said then her jaw dropped.

"I saw this one coming!" She clapped her hands once, "Is that why you went to track his family down for him?"

"Sorta. Wait, how do you know about that?"

"He and I talked when I went to check on him. Awww this is so cute!"

"Don't start, please, Lyn."

She giggled.

"So, how long has it been? Have you been on your first date yet? Have you kissed? Have you done it yet?"

"Glory." I rolled my eyes and placed my forehead on the table.

Jocelyn laughed. She was loving this.

"It's only been a short while." I answered her, smiling.

"Does that mean you know enough about him now?" She smiled broadly.

"I know a lot." My eyes went big.

"Well?" Jocelyn looked at me.

"I'm not telling you. He doesn't want me to tell." I picked at my nails.

She rolled her eyes.

"Your loyalty is too much. He could kill someone and tell you not to snitch and you wouldn't." She said.

"I probably wouldn't because I wouldn't want him to kill me too." I joked.

Jocelyn smacked her lips.

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