✔ Nine: "Do you believe in love?"

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I made it to work feeling really good. I anticipated a good day. I'd made breakfast for Jay and encouraged him to keep looking in this morning's paper for more jobs in case he came across something else that he liked. Later on, over dinner, we'd work on his interview skills once we'd gotten an interview booked for whichever job he wanted to do.

It felt really good to know that I was changing someone's life-- someone who really needed it-- and I needed a friend since socialising wasn't exactly my strongest point. So far, I only had Jocelyn as a friend. At least I knew that on my birthday, two people were guaranteed to show up at my party. Nice.

"What put you in a good mood?" Amanda asked me when I walked into the bakery.

She was helping Jocelyn put out some cupcakes.

"I just had a nice weekend. That's all." I said.

"You got a new man?" Jocelyn grinned.

"I wish." I snorted. "No, I just... it was just nice."

I wasn't exactly ready to tell everyone that I'd taken Jay in. 1) I wasn't one to toot my own horn about my Good Samaritan ways and 2) I didn't think Jay would like it if I went around telling people that I was helping him. I mean, he did have a bit of an ego, regardless of his situation. I guess it was a guy thing.

"Morning." Amy sang as she walked through the door.

"Another happy one. How is everyone happy on a Monday morning?" Jocelyn placed her hands on her hips.

"What's your story?" Amanda asked Amy, "Got laid?"

"I've been working all weekend and... I must say, the air in here has been fresh all weekend." Amy said.

I knew where this was going so I went to put on my apron.

I didn't know how one could be so shallow. A part of me just wanted to tell Amy to go jump but I figured that her ignorance was from her up-bringing... although, she worked in a bakery and probably wasn't some rich man's daughter so it made me curious why she was so bitchy.

"Where do you think he is?" I heard Amanda ask Amy when I walked back to the main area of the bakery.

"Dunno. Don't currr!" Amy flipped her hair dramatically. "I'm just glad the cops did the sweep like I requested."

"You really hate him, don't you?" I looked at her, shaking my head slightly.

"I just can't feel sorry for someone who doesn't even try to better their life."

"And you'd know he isn't trying because...?"

"Because he's been coming here for, what? Five years straight as a dirty homeless man? What does that tell you?"

I chuckled.

"Are you trying to better your life, Amy?" I smiled.

"Uh, duh."

"You went to college, right?"


"But you're here making cakes and cookies every day. Did you study for this line of work?"

She looked at me blankly.

"Olivia, where are you going with this?" She crossed her arms.

"I could assume that you're not bettering your life either. You went to college, could be working on doing your dream job but here you are, in an apron, kissing customers ass all day long, just like the rest of us who didn't get to go to college."

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